3rd June 2011

Dear Members,

It is my privilege to communicate with you as secretary of the FITBAR Association. I take this opportunity to assure you that I shall try my best to do work towards the Welfare of the members of Association. Since, this is my first and foremost assignment which the worthy President and Executive Members have deputedtome; I expect a full cooperation from all the members of our esteemed FITBAR Association.

All the members are requested to please contact our new concerned Office Bearer for their valuable suggestions and innovative ideas for smooth functioning of FITBAR.

For this year, President CA S.K. Wadhwa has created various managing committeeto serve the members with full zeal by organizing Seminars, Meetings, Cultural Programmes, Festivals Celebrations,Games & Annual Conference. The Office Bearers will initiate some new steps for the benefit of the members in large.


I hope that all the members will cooperate and support us for achieving the objectives of Association.

The next General Meeting of the FITBAR will be held as per the following program and schedule:-

Date and Day:Friday, 10th June, 2011

Venue:Hotel Delite, Neelam Bata Road

N.I.T. Faridabad.

Timings:6.00 p.m. onwards


:Introduction of New Team and Various committees.

New ITR Forms and Practical aspect of TDS and TCS Provisions.

Speaker :CA Y.K.Joneja and CA Sanjay Chandak

Dinner:After the Meeting.

You are requested to attend the meeting in time.

With best regards,

(CA Sudhir Chaudhary)



I myself and on behalf of President and all the members of this Association wish a very Happy Birthday and Marriage Anniversary of the following members whose birthday / marriage anniversary falls in the month of June, 2011



Mr. L.M. Adlakha 1-june Mr.S.K.Sharma 2-june

Mr. Deepak Garg 3-june Mr. Rajeev Jain 10-june

Mr.Akash Deepak 15-june Mr. M.K.Dudeja 15-june

Mr.Vijay Kr. Gupta 15-june Mr.Anil Sharma 15-june

Mr.Naresh Kr.Aggarwal 20-june Mr. Gautam Goyal 21-june

Mr.M.C.Sharma 22-june Mr.M.L.Narula 24-june

Mr. Raj Kumar Batra 28-june Mr. K.K. Mishra 30-june



Ms. Vandana Bansal1-June

Mr. Davinder Arora 7-june Mr.Rakesh Sidwani 7-june

Mr.S.K. Sharma 8-june Mr.Narinder Arora 15-june

Mr. R.P.Gupta 17-june Mr.Dinesh Aggarwal 18-june

Mr.Harish Mangla 18-june Mr.Rakesh Kr. Ahuja 18-june

Mr. Y.K.Juneja 24-june Mr.Tajender Bhardwaj 26-june

Mr.U.P. Sharma 27-june Mr. M.S. Ladha 28-june

Mr.M.L.Bhansali 30-june Mr. S.N.Tyagi 30-june

Mr.Sanjay K.Mangla 30-juneMr. Sanjay K. Lakhani 20-June

Mr. Prahlad Sharma 21- June

(CA Sudhir Chaudhary)