Attendees: AJ Million, Andy Everett, Dale Steele, Daniel Yeh, John Cherney, Dawn V, Laura Wilt, Jane Minotti, Mary Moulton, Ron Curb, Bob Cullen, Lynn Matis, Betty Ambler, Louise Rosenzweig, Leni Oman, Chair.

Notes: Kathy Szolomayer

Review Minutes

Attached are the final meeting notes from November’s meeting.

Report Management

· Report repositories: Dale

o Update on the task – Dale Steele

§ Looking for organizations that consider themselves repositories of transpo information

§ Survey in development – draft reviewed in the meeting. Suggests that we also find out what happens with partner organizations.

§ Seeking to ensure that organizations identified as repositories have the mandate and funding to be able to serve as a repository (anything we need to say in MAP-21?)

o News from a Library of Congress (LC) workshop on repositories ( Mary Moulton

o Very good and timely workshop yesterday. Amanda also attended. CENDI [ ] was one of the sponsors of the workshop: it’s an interagency working group of senior scientific and technical information (STI) managers from 14 US federal agencies including LC, GPO, NSF and others.

§ A lot of the issues that we’re discussing are being discussed on a national level.

§ One of the issues – depositing your content to multiple repositories is confusing. Opportunity to streamline this. TKNs very interested in this.

§ Need to develop and support repositories that are interoperable

§ Need for persistent IDs,

§ Also an initiative called ORCID that is developing unique author IDs

§ Need to be able to honor commitments to repositories

§ LC discussed how they have created their repository. Have developed a suite of tools around delivery management – being able to assess the repository. They’re archiving in two formats to avoid having to go back and redo later.

§ Science and Technology Standards are a focus of the White House Office of Science and Technology: interoperability, sustainability, security… also formats, metadata, controlled vocabularies, how to aggregate with search engines so information is findable . . .

One of the workshop presenters, Dr. Greer, has been involved with developing national policy for “smart grid” including standards, and would like to do the same for information management in science & technology. NTL will be involved and same issues of sustainability and interoperability, etc., are critical issues for this effort. Mary will send out links to presentations from workshop and additional information as they become available. NLM and NASA are also involved in this endeavor.

Mary provided this link after our meeting:

The Request for Information: Public Access to Digital Data Resulting from Federally Funded Scientific Research is here:

o Still looking for a UTC rep

· Repository definition

Discussed definition of bibliographic databases and repositories, written by Laura and Lynn – incorporated comments from members of this group. Laura re-worked info into outline form to append to narrative for a more visual presentation, for those more inclined to appreciate that. Additional feedback is welcomed. Leni will send to group. Will also get feedback from Dale’s group; could send out with survey that is going to RAC.

Comment from Andy sparked discussion of datasets and data repositories as similar and different to bibliographic information and repositories. Laura asked if using “library repository” in the document would help clarify things. May want to add a section about data and where we want to go in future, depending on the audience for the document. It may have multiple audiences so might be good to be broaden the scope a bit and add mentions of data.

Original focus of document was for research departments, regarding where they send their reports, to illustrate the difference between TRID and NTL, and why it’s important to send to both places. However, covering data along with bibliographic information might allow us to “get ahead of the curve” and it seems to be a natural fit. Consensus is to broaden the scope and Laura & Lynn will do that.

Next steps: rework document, check in with distribution group, send out document for review and we’ll discuss again in January

Comments to Laura and Lynn by 12/9

· Report distribution

o Brainstorm next steps – Will get feedback from survey that will be useful. Anyone want to step up to lead this discussion?

No takers.

· Report Survey need – see above

Portal document – AJ/John/Bob

Bob gave an overview of the Information Portals document. Originally done last spring and has been revised a bit in the last day or two. Current draft was sent to group this morning.

Paper divided into sections: Perspectives, Planning and Practices. Comment that information architect is needed to design a portal – include mention, with competencies, in Planning section? Other comments today: need to include evaluation and testing, especially on mobile platforms. In order to be a trusted resource, need to keep quality of information in mind – especially links to other sources. Standard practices are needed to maintain consistency. Also – how would this resource be publicized and promoted? Where would it be hosted? How maintained (content and links)? Copyright issues to be aware of? Leni will send to Jeremy Bertrand (web team at WSDOT) for his review, as well. Perhaps Lloyd Brown can help get the word out (communications director at AASHTO).

Please send feedback to Bob and/or A.J. and/or John by Friday 12/9.

TKN Video Report – Ron Curb:

· In final draft, closed caption version is done

· Should we, can we have a tag line?

· Can we create a 30 second version for inclusion in other forums?

· Once done, could we get this on AASHTO TV?

· Not lots of emphasis on NTKN or Regional TKNs

· URL… Creating one to help push the video to the top of the list in searches

· Seeking orgs with funding for perhaps putting this on inexpensive thumb drives, seeking places to share and play this at the Annual Meeting (Mary…., KM session…, TRB Twitter…FB, LinkedIn)

MAP-21 – brief discussion on the EPW (Environment & Public Works committee) draft of the new transportation act – any comments on the information/knowledge aspects?

Has “legs” and seems to be worth commenting on, even though this may not end up being the final bill. NTL sections are in title II. This is an opportunity to influence this act. NTL mandate has broadened from previous act, in this draft. Let’s be aware and keep communication flowing on this within this group, and in our organizations.


SCOR Strategic Plan – SCOR meeting is Dec. 12th and 13th

Our comments have been sent to committee and Leni doesn’t know the fate of them, as yet.

Report quality – Final version still pending final review

Report format – Any news from PM&Q?

No news from them yet.

Climate Change Clearinghouse – Mary – any update needed to the document? Aileen Marshall is now the contact at NTL, so Mary will send info to Leni. Can site usage reports be revived? Mary will check on that, too, and reported back after the meeting that they will pull reports when we let them know what we’re looking for, in terms of frequency, etc..

International Information Sharing – Lisa Loyo – any news on status?

Still working on this and this group is standing by to help when needed.

News and Needs and Opportunities from:

Regional TKNs

WTKN --seminar last month very successful, election for chair-elect in progress

MTKN – doing a new brochure and doing some marketing, also revamping website and will coordinate with Kendra, who’s working on WTKN website

ETKN – also participating in the Pooled Fund website and listserv hosting project. Brainstorming topics for possible webinars

Library TPF – Trial period for Knovel database, with demo on 12/7, trial starting 12/5. Other projects are ongoing.

LIST – new website being developed, could be ready by TRB annual meeting; using a Drupal platform.

Other? – Transportation Librarians Roundtable will be next Thursday. Maggie Sacco will be talking about Library Connectivity and Development Transportation Pooled Fund activities.

Webinar today on TRID, sponsored by TRB; Leni will send info.

Webinars this group could sponsor: volunteer to coordinate/initiate?

Still hoping to do something soon, on data issues.

News from NCHRP projects?

20-90 – Transportation Information Management

Recent teleconference – no report from call, but survey going out 12/5.

NTKN – Discussed earlier?

RAC TKN TF Survey – Leni needs to send this out.

Next Meeting January 5th, 2012

8:00 am to 10 am PST

Conference Call: (360) 709-8060 , access code 1072626 or VoIP