My Reflections

Amarachi Uzosike


Before this workshop began, I expected that our time would be mostly spent conducting labs, and that there would be lectures perhaps a couple of times per week. I expected there to be about one field trip per week, and that there would be only one teacher/professor (Dr. Ullah) with whom we would be working. However, over the course of this program thus far, there has been an almost equal amount of classroom learning/ lectures and labs. I can confidently say that I have learned much, and have been able to delve deeper into subjects with which I was already familiar. We did have one trip this week, which was what I had expected.

I am so glad that there are other TA’s with whom we can work, ask questions, and receive advice from. Mr. Bashar, Mr. Herman, Angel, and Deanna are all wonderful people. Angel and Deanna especially have gone above and beyond being teacher’s assistants by not only helping, but giving advice, hanging out with us, and introducing us to new people! Dr. Herman also gives us advice about surviving college and about different classes that we will have to take. Dr. Ullah is truly the nicest professor I have ever met. Before college, I expected that most professors would have a more stoic personality. But Dr. Ullah is very engaging and it is obvious how much her truly understands and enjoys the subject of plant biotechnology.

I strongly believe that this workshop will be very useful during the school year, as I will have a firm grasp on many concepts that may arise in Biology class or even Chemistry. My interest in plant biotechnology has greatly increased, especially concerning the study/production of genetically modified foods. However, I am yet to determine how I will use this new interest in college, or how it might affect my career decisions at this time.

The field trip was very interesting. I truly enjoyed watching some of the things we discussed in class being used and applied on a larger scale. I enjoyed listening to the young man in the lab, because he was so energetic about what he does. It was fascinating to watch first-hand how technology can be used so efficiently to understand so much about plants, their capacity for use, and about our planet.

If I were to give any suggestion, it would be that we move a bit slower on some of the more complicated material. This way, we can have an easier time truly understanding and digesting the information. Other than that, I have thoroughly enjoyed the program thus far and I am definitely looking forward to week two!