Personnel & Programs


Dr. Alan Grant Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Dr. Saied Mostaghimi Associate Dean and Director, Virginia Agric. Experiment Station

Dr. Jody Jellison Associate Director, Virginia Agricultutral Experiment Station

Dr. Edwin Jones Associate Dean and Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension

Weed Science Program

Dr. Henry Wilson Professor

Tommy Hines Research Specialist Sr.

Kurt Vollmer Ph.D. Student

Jon Killmon Research Assistant

Entomology Program

Dr. Tom Kuhar Associate Professor

Hélène Doughty Res. Specialist Sr./MALS Student

Christopher Phillips Ph.D. Student

Anna Wallingford Ph.D. Student

Adam Wimer Ph.D. Student

James Jenrette Research Assistant

Logan Lilliston Summer Research Assistant

Jordan Miles Summer Research Assistant

Jill Rajevich Summer Research Assistant

Horticulture Program

Dr. Josh Freeman Assistant Professor

Ursula Deitch Research Specialist Sr./

MALS Student

Joe Aigner Research Assistant

Dave Marshall Research Assistant

Milton Sturgis Research Assistant

Will Hines Summer Research Assistant

Ashtyn Mckenzie Summer Research Assistant

Plant Pathology Program

Dr. Steve Rideout Associate Professor/Director

Christine Waldenmaier Research Specialist Sr.

Kate Fiedler Ph.D. Student

Jessica Cooper M.S. Student

Stephanie Pollard M.S. Student

Mary Blodgett Research Assistant

Annette Kellam Research Assistant

Kristen Fread Summer Research Assistant

Jonathan McClaskey Summer Research Assistant

Emily Mills Summer Research Assistant

Soils/Nutrient Management Program

Dr. Mark Reiter Assistant Professor

John Mason Research Specialist

Cathy Fleming Ph.D. Student

Jane Corson-Lassiter MALS Student

Cheryl Harte Research Assistant

Kim Mills Research Assistant

Renee Tatum Research Assistant

Hannah Mills Summer Research Assistant

Brandon White Summer Research Assistant

Water Quality Program

Dr. Zach Easton Assistant Professor

Mark Rogers Ph.D. Student

Emily Lassiter M.S. Student

Nick Smith M.S. Student

ESAREC Support Staff

Tommy Custis Agricultural Farm Manager

Lauren Seltzer Executive Secretary Sr.

Carrie Potts Bookkeeper

James Warren Agricultural Supervisor

Kyle Crutchley Farm Assistant

Winter Cullen Farm Assistant

Linwood Sturgis Farm Assistant

James Burrus Custodial

Local County VCE Agriculture &

Natural Resources Agents

Theresa Long ANR Extension Agent, Accomack County

Bill Shockley Unit Coordinator, ANR Extension Agent, Northampton County

Lunch and Refreshments

Sponsored By:

Virginia Soybean Association

Bayer CropSciences

Marrone Bio Innovations

Syngenta Crop Protection

Certified Crop Advisor and Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification

In order to receive CCA or private pesticide applicator recertification credits, attendees must attend the entire field day and complete the sign-in sheets.


8:00 am Registration and Coffee – ESAREC Staff

9:00 am Welcome and Introductory Remarks – Saied Mostaghimi, Ed Jones & Steve Rideout

STOP 1 – Update on new reduce risk insecticides for vegetable crops - Tom Kuhar, Helene Doughty, Jim Jenrette, & Adam Wimer.

STOP 2 – Grafted tomatoes for disease management – Teddy McAvoy & Josh Freeman

STOP 3 – Methyl bromide alternatives and TIF mulch – Josh Freeman & Teddy McAvoy

STOP 4 – Dicamba resistant soybeans and marestail – Henry Wilson, Tommy Hines & Kurt Vollmer

STOP 5 – Denitrifying bioreactor performance update – Zach Easton & Emily Lassiter

STOP 6 – Update on Colorado potato beetle management in Virginia. - Adam Wimer, Tom Kuhar, Helene Doughty & Jim Jenrette

STOP 7 – Potato and cucurbit disease update – Steve Rideout, Christine Waldenmaier & Jessica Cooper

STOP 8 – Irrigation and nitrogen management in tomatoes – Cathy Fleming, Mark Reiter & Josh Freeman

STOP 9 – Soil fertility and management update in vegetable and agronomic crops – Mark Reiter & John Mason

STOP 10 – Transforming and recycling poultry litter as a NEW fertilizer source – Jane Corson-Lassiter & Mark Reiter

STOP 11 – Tomato disease and food safety update – Steve Rideout, Christine Waldenmaier, Kate Fiedler & Stephanie Pollard

Return to Head house.

STOP 12 – Field crop disease update – Steve Rideout & Christine Waldenmaier

STOP 13 – Management of glyphosate resistant Palmer Amaranth – Kurt Vollmer, Henry Wilson & Tommy Hines

STOP 14 – Virginia Soybean Association – Matt Hickman, Dick Atkinson & Tommy Hines

11:55 am Closing comments and acknowledgements – Steve Rideout

12:00 pm Sponsored lunch; Catered by August Boys

If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact Lauren or Carrie at 757-414-0724* during business hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to discuss accommodations.
*TDD number is (800) 828-1120.

2012 Annual

Eastern Shore AREC Research Field Day




33446 Research Drive

Painter, VA 23420


July 18, 2012