Cole Dean
June 19, 2017
My Pledge
I pledge to everyone at Knox academy is that if elected, I will do everything in my power to represent the pupils and staff of the school in the best possible way in and outwith the school community. I will try to create a positive change within the school whilst retaining the school's core values.
Who is Cole Dean?
Many of you reading this manifesto may not know me very well. This is probably because I only joined the school at the start of last year. However since joining, Knox has given me many opportunities and experiences, I feel I have learnt and grown as a person both academically and in confidence. I am now ready and able to give something back to the Knox community through running for a leadership position, I would be filled with pride to represent the school in the role of head pupil.
What Could I Bring to the Role?
I believe any good leader should be a capable speaker, however I believe strongly the more important skill involved in leadership is to be a good listener. I hope my ability to listen and represent the people in the school has been reflected in this manifesto as I choose to listen to teachers, pupils and cleaning staff. I was also able to demonstrate my ability to speak and present at the YPI final in the school last year.
I am also committed to helping other people and would be determined in the role as head pupil to make an impact and finish the tasks which I start. I hope this can be demonstrated through my volunteering work with young cub scouts and through being a paddle sports coach, both of which I have learnt from and gained confidence in organising and leading large groups of people.
I understand how to work as an effective member of a team. Now more than ever the head pupil’s will need to be able to communicate and work with their deputies as part of a team. I am able to do this well as I have played a variety of team sports throughout my life including hockey and rugby which require good teamwork and communication skills.
Why Did I Choose To Run For Head Pupil?
At George Watson's (my previous school), I would never have had the confidence or drive to consider running for the role of Head boy however I owe Knox a great debt for everything the school has given me this last year, one which I hope to repay by being elected as head pupil.
As well as this being head pupil would allow me to make real change on issues which affect me personally as well as issues I feel passionately about such as the drive to improve awareness and support for pupils with learning difficulties being dyslexic myself.
The Making Of this Manifesto
Prior to putting together this manifesto I was daunted by the idea of having to alone come up with policies which both pupils and staff in the school could relate to. To help make sure my manifesto can truly be a manifesto which represents everyone in the school fully I choose to consult with pupils, teachers and cleaning staff. I hope everyone welcomed the idea that their voices could be heard and that we can all be represented more fully than ever in this manifesto, I hope you all agree.
Manifesto Policies
● Campaign for more understanding and help for those with learning difficulties
● Introduce a Mental health and wellbeing awareness week
● Reduce litter in classrooms and corridors.
● Reform the role and responsibilities of Prefects in the school
● Reform the merit/demerit system so that it is more balanced and fair
● Improve involvement from local council in the school
● Introduce new social spaces around the school
What Will This Actually Mean?
● Campaign for more understanding and help for those with learning difficulties
This means I will be communicating closely with the Knox academy learning support department and making sure they have all the support from pupils they need, this could include offering the services of available prefects who would be willing and able to provide short term one-to-one or peer support for individuals struggling with some subjects or topics. I care deeply about Learning difficulties, and I pledge to support Knox’s drive to provide the best possible support for pupils with learning difficulties.
● Introduce a Mental health and wellbeing awareness week
Mental health is a major issue at the moment in schools across the UK In a 2016 survey for Parent Zone, 93% of teachers reported seeing increased rates of mental issues among children and teenagers. An awareness week would help pupils in the school understand the issues surrounding mental wellbeing and find methods for dealing with their health.
I have already consulted with Mr Illingworth on the idea of having a wellbeing week in school as well as trying to get pupils more engaged in setting school policies and making sure everyone has a voice.
I pledge that regardless as to the result of the leadership campaign I intend to continue to press for greater pupil support for mental health, including the running of wellbeing week.
● Reform the merit/demerit system so that it is more balanced and fair
At the moment demerits are a form of negative reinforcement, this should change so that pupils can be rewarded through merits. Just as poor behaviour is punished so too should good behaviour be rewarded.
● Reduce litter in classrooms and corridors.
The most hard hitting consultation I had before publishing this manifesto was with the cleaning staff who described the mess they often must clean up after we go home. This is not right and is unfair to the cleaning staff as well as an eyesore, unhygienic mess and bad for the environment. Senior pupils would be encouraged and empowered to prevent younger pupils from littering the school and teachers would also be encouraged to make sure pupils in classes use the bins provided.
● Reform the role and responsibilities of Prefects in the school
Currently in the school ‘prefect’ can be an empty title, this should change. To be a prefect will become something pupils will be proud of.
I would increase the powers and training of prefects to help teachers enforce rules around the school. I would also like to involve Prefects in becoming more involved with younger pupils and helping set a good example.
Finally I would like to create S5 prefects, these would be responsible fifth year pupils who wanted to help make a difference in the school, they would act under the supervision of Sixth year prefects.
● Improve involvement from local council in the school
I want pupils and teachers in the school to have closer ties to the local council, this would involve contacting local police and fire service officials and councillors to explain local issues directly to the pupils so that the council can be held accountable and pupils understand local political issues better.
● Introduce new social spaces around the school
Too many younger pupils are too often forced to wander round the school corridors at lunch and sit in corridors and staircases, this should change I would encourage trying to make some of the existing outdoor spaces usable such as the court yard and try to open up more classrooms to pupils during lunchtimes.