Meadow Valley Wash /Clover Creek Documents
Meadow Valley/Clover Creek Watershed Management Plan (Phase I). June 2000. Prepared by Meadow Valley/Clover Creek Technical Review Team. 33 pages plus appendices.
Meadow Valley Wash – Final Baseline Ecological Assessment and Imagery. March 2005. Prepared by Bio-West, Inc. for Lincoln County. 105 pages plus appendices. Appendices include: A. Vegetation/Land Types, B. Meadow Valley Wash Riparian Investigation Data Sheet, C. Meadow Valley Oral History Report, and D. Meadow Valley Wash Riparian Evaluation Hydrologic Conditions Report. This report presents high resolution aerial photography from October 2003. Vegetation is classified and southwestern willow flycatcher habitat is defined and mapped. Locations of species and their habitat covered under Clark County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan are discussed.
Antelope and North Spring Valleys , Steptoe Valley and Uplands, Newark Valley Extended Watershed, and Meadow s Valley Wash and Uplands Conservation Area Assessment Executive Summary. Prepared by Louis Provencher, Jan Nachlinger, & Tara Forbis - The Nature Conservancy and William Morrill – Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition. p. 4-7, 15-36, 51-69.
Meadow Valley Wash Site Assessment for Flood Risk Improvement. January 2, 2000. Prepared by Otis Bay Riverine Consultants for the Las Vegas Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 3 pages plus figures.
Meadow Valley Wash Post-flood vegetation Assessment. September 2005. Prepared by Bio-West for the Ely Field Office of the BLM. 32 pages plus aerial photos. Bio-West flew Meadow Valley Wash in June 2005 (post-flood). They compared this imagery to their October 2003 imagery (pre-flood). They calculated how much of each vegetation type was removed by the flood and how much flycatcher habitat was removed by the flood. The imagery and shapefiles can be used in GIS.
Meadow Valley Wash Post-Flood Damage Assessment and Recommendations. May 2006. Prepared by Resource Concepts, Inc. for the Ely Field Office of the BLM. 26 pages plus appendices. Builds upon the Bio-West report and documents the sites where flood damage occur on BLM administered land. Gives recommendations on how to restore these areas and prioritizes the restoration order. Contains some basic hydrological recommendations and discusses long-term versus short-term solutions.
Flooding Sets Records in Places in Southern Nevada, Southern Utah, and Northwestern Arizona . January 20, 2005. USGS News Release. 3 pages.
Sediment Transport Study of the Meadow Valley Wash watershed. Ely BLM has contracted PBS&J to do a sediment transport study of the Meadow Valley Wash watershed with money from the Burned Area Emergency Response Plan for the Southern Nevada Fire Complex. The study should be completed in March, 2007.
Meadow Valley Wash Range Survey Report. 1941. 63 pp.
FEMA . Hazard Mitigation Study for Lincoln County. Includes an assessment of the flood risks to the town of Caliente, will be finished in December, 2006. The study will be presented to the Lincoln County government.
Rhoades, Trudy. 1992. Erosion Sites Baseline Data Monitoring Summary Report. Caliente Resource Area NV-055. Baseline data for 8 erosion sites including OHV areas, gullies, and erosion near bridges.
Rush, Eugene. 1964. Ground Water Appraisal of the Meadow Valley Area, Lincoln and Clark Counties , Nevada . Ground water resources reconnaissance series report 27. Prepared by the USGS and State of Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Carson City, Nevada. 43 pp.
USGS. 2006. Flooding in Clark and Lincoln Counties , Nevada , December 2004 and January 2005. USGS Fact Sheet 2006-3124, October 2006.
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