8th Grade Pre-ap Math Syllabus

Ms. Moore /841-8709/

Number One Rule:

RESPECT from you and me!

  • Use appropriate language and behavior
  • Be prepared – bring all required materials to class. Note: You may bring your device to class daily, but it should be either on your table screen down or in your pocket and on silence unless I have told you that it is time to use it. If it makes a sound or you are using it at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate way, it will be sent to the office. NO warnings will be given!
  • Be on time
  • Be on task

Grade Break Up

60% Quizzes and Tests – tests are worth two grades

30% Graded in class assignments

10% Homework


Your homework will be graded upon effort and NOT correctness

To receive full credit you must show work for every question assigned. If work cannot be shown then a sentence must be written to tell me what you did to solve the problem. If you do not know how to do a problem, you must try to complete it. Tell me 2 ways you tried to do the problem on your homework page for credit. If no work is shown, but all the questions are answered, you will receive a 50% for the assignment. All homework assignments will be collected and returned the next day with a grade. ONE random homework assignment is chosen each week to be entered into the gradebook.

If not all of the problems on an assignment are required and you complete the nonrequired problems with work, you will receive bonus points on the unit test.

Late Work Policy

•For each of the first 10 school days that an assignment is late, the teacher may take off 5 points per day.

•After 10 days, the highest grade a student may receive is a 50 unless otherwise specified by the teacher.

•Failing grades may be brought up to a 70 with appropriate interventions (tutoring, retakes, corrections, etc.) after a conversation with the teacher regarding the assignment.

I reserve the right to suspend the late work policy on certain projects and activities when completion is critical by a certain time.I will inform students of this at the time the assignment is made.

Absent Work Policy

You have 3 days/absence to complete make-up work. After 3 days, then the late work policy applies. It is your responsibility to get your absent work before the tardy bell rings or after class! If you are absent for an extended period of time, you need to have a conference with me about a make-up plan.

What to do if you fail a test

Come to tutoring and figure out why you did not do well! There will be a 6 weeks test at the end of each six weeks which will count as its’ own test grade, but if you get better than a 70 on it, the test will also replace each failing test grade with a 70.

If you fail a quiz or assignment

Students will be given the opportunity to improve/re-do failing grades on quizzes and assignments when they receive a score lower than 70. The maximum score on this redone work is a 70. Students may be required to attend tutoring or complete additional review activities before being allowed to retake a test.

Students who fail a six weeks will be assigned tutoring / intervention the following six weeks.


Cheating can include copying answers, allowing someone to copy your answers, plagiarism, using unauthorized sources on a test/quiz, or having someone else complete an assignment for you.

1st offense: You will be given an alternate assignment, your parents will be notified and you will be assigned a detention. The alternate assignment will have a maximum value of a 70.

2nd offense: You will be given an alternate assignment, your parents will be notified and you will receive an office referral. The alternate assignment will have a maximum value of 70.


If you are not in your seat when the tardy bell rings, you are considered tardy!


All notes will be taken either in a notebook or on paper in the student’s binder. Students are required to keep a binder with their notebook and graded papers (old assignments are very good studying tools!) for this class.



1” BinderPencils with erasersGraph Paper

4 AAA batteriesLined paper for taking notes (spiral or loose leaf)