Pupil Premium Grant
Actions & Development
Please view in conjunction with:
Target tracking documents 2017/18
Academy Improvement Plan 2017/2018
Performance Management 2017/2018
Total PPG for Phoenix Academy 2017/2018: £95,700
Impact 2016/2017: Based on FFT aspire analysisAlthough still significantly below National average:
- KS2 EXS Re/Wr/Ma in 2016 shows an increase of 23% when compared to 2015
- Pupil progress for disadvantaged in Reading has improved by 13%
- Pupil progress for disadvantaged in Writing has decreased by 20%
- Pupil progress for disadvantaged in Maths has improved by 20% and the scale score is 99.8 an improvement of 2.4 when compared to 2015.
Pupil Premium (2017 –2018)
Levels of FSM Eligibility Across the Academy, includingEver6:
Number on Roll (January 2017 census) / % PPG 2017-2018Reception / 19 / 0
Year 1 / 21 / 29%
Year 2 / 26 / 31%
Year 3 / 29 / 34%
Year 4 / 26 / 65%17
Year 5 / 19 / 63%
Year 6 / 21 / 62%
/ Context / PPG
Number of Pupils on roll (2015.16- including Ever6 –as of 2015 Census) / 58%
Number of Pupils on roll (2016.17- including Ever6 –as of 2016 Census) / 26%
Number of Pupils on roll (2017.18- including Ever6 –as of 2017 Census) / 37.5%
Number of pupils who are looked after(CLA) / 2
NumberofPupilswhoseparentscurrentlyemployedinthearmedservices / 0
Total Amount of Pupil Premium2015-2016 / N/A
Total Amount of Pupil Premium2016-2017 / £117,429
Total Amount of Pupil Premium2017-2018 / £95,700
Primary focus areas 2017/2018:
Outcomes: Linked to Key Priority 1 within the Academy Improvement Plan
- To raise attainment in reading, writing & maths for PPG children to at least national averages.
- To ensure that children who are deemed PPG make accelerated progress within each year group.
Teaching & Learning: Linked to Key Priority 1 within the Academy Improvement Plan
- To ensure that teaching, curriculum and approaches meet the needs of all children so that they make accelerated progress from starting points.
- To ensure that the curriculum is adapted for children who are deemed PPG, based on data trends and analysis throughout the year.
Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare: Linked to Key Priority 1, 24 within the Academy Improvement Plan
- To ensure that further development of social, emotional provision is developed for our PPG children, where there are barriers to learning.
- To ensure that all PPG have equal opportunities to access residential trips.
- To ensure that behaviour for learning in all classrooms and at all times further develops.
Rationale for actions: Based on learning walks, End of Key Stage data, internal data analysisTerm 1 2017/18, observations, planning scrutiny, evidence demonstrates that the below needs to take place.
What have we Identified: / Action – what, how / Milestones of Success - Desired / Actual ImpactYear 1
Current information:
30% of children eligible for PPG funding.
When in Rec this cohort PPG children attendance 86.1% (6.8% below academy) Including a persistent absentee at 6%.
PPG (57%) 35% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (86%) 14% below Non-PPG EXP
PPG (57%) 28%below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (71%) 29% below Non-PPG EXP
PPG (57%) 35% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (86%) 14% below Non-PPG EXP / •THRIVE Training (1x Staff member for Year 1)£1500
Including all resources and training
To train staff members on Thrive so that it can be embedded into the curriculum. This will support us prepare children and young people appropriately to ensure they can access the learning.
•Behaviour mentor£7200
THRIVE support for a child in Y1 on a daily basis. This child has experienced multiple fixed term exclusions and requires support from external agencies.
•Educational Welfare Service and Attendance Officer£1500
To tackle the number of PA children and to work with families in addressing lateness and poor attendance. To work closely alongside the EWO and developing relationships with hard to reach families.
•Maths training £2000
Two Staff members trained on Maths Mastery approaches across STEP
•Easimaths £700
Online maths support for school and to extend the curriculum to home.
•Lexia £700
Online English support for school and to extend the curriculum to home.
Total for Year 1 =£13600 / End of Autumn Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y1 Reading 57%, Writing 43%, Maths 43%
Attendance for Y1 is above 90%. Formal attendance procedures have begun if necessary.
THRIVE assessments show an improvement in emotional development measures. FTE are reduced from previous year attendance is above 90%.
End of Spring Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y1 Reading 57%, Writing 57%, Maths 57%
Attendance for Y1 is above 93%. Formal attendance procedures have begun if necessary.
THRIVE assessments show an improvement in emotional development for child and they are accessing education in the classroom 50% of the week.
End of Summer Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y1 Reading 57%, Writing 57%, Maths 71%
Y1 PPG achieve Phonics – 80%
Attendance for Y1 is above 95%. Formal attendance procedures have begun if necessary.
THRIVE assessments show an improvement in emotional development for child and they are accessing education in the classroom 75% of the week. / End of Autumn Term:
End of Spring Term:
End of Summer Term:
Year 2
Current information:
28% of children eligible for PPG funding.
When in Y1 this cohort PPG children attendance 90.6% (2.3% below academy)
PPG (40%) 27% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (90%) 10% below Non-PPG EXP
PPG (40%) 27% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (90%) 10% below Non-PPG EXP
PPG (30%) 37% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (90%) 10% below Non-PPG EXP / •THRIVE Training (1x Staff member for Year 1)£1500
Including all resources and training
To train staff members on Thrive so that it can be embedded into the curriculum. This will support us prepare children and young people appropriately to ensure they can access the learning.
•Behaviour mentor£7000
THRIVE support for a child in Y2 on a daily basis. This child has experienced multiple fixed term exclusions and requires support from external agencies.
•Educational Welfare Service and Attendance Officer£1500
To tackle the number of PA children and to work with families in addressing lateness and poor attendance. To work closely alongside the EWO and developing relationships with hard to reach families.
•DHT leadership support £16200
Focus on PPG children across Year 2.
Support Year 2 teacher address the significant gap between PPG and non-PPG. Rigorous tracking of PPG children and identifying where intervention is necessary to accelerate progress.
•Easimaths £700
Online maths support for school and to extend the curriculum to home.
•Lexia £700
Online English support for school and to extend the curriculum to home.
Total for Year 2 =£27600 / End of Autumn Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y2 Reading 30%, Writing 30%, Maths 30%
Attendance for Y2 is above 92%. Formal attendance procedures have begun if necessary.
TRIVE assessments show an improvement in emotional development measures. FTE are reduced from previous year and child is accessing full time education
End of Spring Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y2 Reading 60%, Writing 30%, Maths 60%
Gap between PPG and non-PPG narrowed to:
Re: 19%, Ma 23%
Attendance for Y2 is above 94%. Formal attendance procedures have begun if necessary.
THRIVE assessments show an improvement in emotional development for child and they are accessing education in the classroom 50% of the week
End of Summer Term:
EXS: Reading 60%, Writing 60%, Maths 60%
GDS: Reading 0%, Writing 0%, Maths 0%
Gap between PPG and non-PPG narrowed to:
Re: 19%, Wr 19%, Ma 23%
Attendance for Y2 is above 96%. Formal attendance procedures have begun if necessary.
THRIVE assessments show an improvement in emotional development for child and they are accessing education in the classroom 75% of the week / End of Autumn Term:
End of Spring Term:
End of Summer Term:
Year 3:
Current information:
43% of children eligible for PPG funding.
When in Y2 this cohort PPG children attendance 94.0% (1.1% above academy)
PPG (45%) 22% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (100%) 6% above Non-PPG EXP
PPG (36%) 25% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (100%) 6% above Non-PPG EXP
PPG (73%) 12% above Non-PPG EXS
PPG (100%) 6% above Non-PPG EXP
- Currently, the majority of PPG children in Yr3 are not on track to meet their end of year target for Reading.
- PPG Attainment in Writing for Yr3 is a particular concern
Early learning observations and learning walks identified that children were passive in their learning and lacked the stamina to work independently. / •Teaching and learning support to develop behaviour for learning£500
Cover provided to allow for peer observations and team teaching with SLT.
•Recruit Midday Meal Supervisor£5000
Supervisor employed to lead games during lunch. PPG children identified to play collaborative games.
•Playground equipment£420
PPG Ensure the playground is fully equipped with a range of resources to reduce conflict and encourage positive social interaction.
•Easimaths £700
Online maths support for school and to extend the curriculum to home.
•Lexia £700
Online English support for school and to extend the curriculum to home.
•Additional support staff£6000
Support staff with identified expertise in delivering effective interventions in reading and writing.
Total for Year 3 =£13320 / End of Autumn Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y3 Reading 70%, Writing 60%, Maths 80%
Learning walks show PPG children consistently performing 50% of STEP Way expectations for Behaviour for learning.
Pupil voice report there is enough playground equipment available.
End of Spring Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y3 Reading 70%, Writing 80%, Maths 80%
No attainment gap between PPG and non-PPG
Learning walks show PPG children consistently performing 75% of STEP Way expectations for Behaviour for learning.
Midday meal supervisor recruited.
End of Summer Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y3 Reading 100%, Writing 80%, Maths 90%
Learning walks show PPG children consistently performing 100% of STEP Way expectations for Behaviour for learning.
Pupil voice rep[orts adults interact positively with children in the playground. / End of Autumn Term:
End of Spring Term:
End of Summer Term:
Year 4: 69% of children eligible for PPG funding.
When in Y3 this cohort PPG children attendance 92.2% (0.7% below academy)
PPG (15%) 42% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (85%) 15% below Non-PPG EXP
PPG (5%) 9% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (85%) 15% below Non-PPG EXP
PPG (15%) 28% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (85%) 15% below Non-PPG EXP
Currently - Yr 4 SEN – SEN children are attaining below the expected standard at this point. However, accelerated progress has taken place.
There are some key children in Year 4 have been identified with social and emotional needs. These can at times be barriers to learning. / •Educational Welfare Service and Attendance Officer£1500To tackle the number of PA children and to work with families in addressing lateness and poor attendance. To work closely alongside the EWO and developing relationships with hard to reach families.
•Additional support staff£14000
Support staff with identified expertise in developing early reading is deployed in Y4 every morning to accelerate reading with PPG children significantly below EXS.
•Phonics intervention
Additional staffing cost to provide phonics intervention for 4 PPG children significantly below EXS.£1500
•Behaviour mentor
THRIVE support for a child in Y1 on a daily basis. This child has experienced multiple fixed term exclusions and requires support from external agencies. £7000
•10% of Inclusion leader’s salary£4600
80% of the SEN children in this class are PPG. They are significantly behind EXS in all core subjects and require additional curriculum support to ensure their needs are met.
•Easimaths £720
Online maths support for school and to extend the curriculum to home.
•Lexia £700
Online English support for school and to extend the curriculum to home.
Total for Year 4 = £30020 / End of Autumn Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y4 Reading 41%, Writing 29%, Maths 41%
100% of SEN children are making EXP
End of Spring Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y4 Reading 59%, Writing 53%, Maths 59%
Gap between PPG and non-PPG narrowed to:
Re: 4%, Wr 5%, Ma 12%
100% of SEN children are making EXP
60% of SEN children achieve Y1 phonics test score.
End of Summer Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y4 Reading 71%, Writing 71%, Maths 76%
Gap between PPG and non-PPG narrowed to:
Re: =%, Wr 4%, Ma 7%
100% of SEN children are making EXP, 40% making GEP
100% of SEN children achieve Y1 phonics test score. / End of Autumn Term:
End of Spring Term:
End of Summer Term:
Year 5: 72% of children eligible for PPG funding.
When in Y4 this cohort PPG children attendance 93.4% (0.5% above academy)
PPG (38%) 42% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (85%)5% above Non-PPG EXP
PPG (0%) 40% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (46%) 34% below Non-PPG EXP
PPG (38%) 42% below Non-PPG EXS
PPG (69%) 31% below Non-PPG EXP
Social and emotional need has been highlight in year 5 – Further development is needed to remove barriers so that learning can progress. / •Behaviour mentor
THRIVE support for a child in Y5 on a daily basis. This child has experienced multiple fixed term exclusions and requires support from external agencies. £2300
•Teaching and learning support £500
Support for the development of an English curriculum that is designed to address the gaps in knowledge and accelerate attainment is provided by a STEP academy. Costs will come from cover to visit support academy and meeting with staff.
•Easimaths £700
Online maths support for school and to extend the curriculum to home.
•Lexia £700
Online English support for school and to extend the curriculum to home.
Total for Year 5 = £4200 / End of Autumn Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y5 Reading 62%, Writing 38%, Maths 54%
THRIVE assessments show an improvement in emotional development measures. FTE are reduced from previous year attendance is above 90%.
End of Spring Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y5 Reading 62%, Writing 54%, Maths 77%
THRIVE assessments show an improvement in emotional development for child and they are accessing education in the classroom 75% of the week.
End of Summer Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y5 Reading 69%, Writing 62%, Maths 77%
THRIVE assessments show an improvement in emotional development for child and they are accessing education in the classroom 95% of the week. / End of Autumn Term:
End of Spring Term:
End of Summer Term:
Year 6: 70% of children eligible for PPG funding.
When in Y5 this cohort PPG children attendance 87.7% (5.2% below academy). Including a persistent absentee at 4%.
PPG (50%) 21% above Non-PPG EXS
PPG (100%) equal Non-PPG EXP
PPG (36%) 22% above Non-PPG EXS
PPG (71%) equal Non-PPG EXP
PPG (64%) 21% above Non-PPG EXS
PPG (93%) 22% above Non-PPG EXP
PPG children are currently out-performing Non-PPG. This continues a trend when compared to outcomes in 16/17.
The majority of PPG children are not on track to meet National standards in Reading and Writing and is below the National expected standard in Maths. / •Educational Welfare Service and Attendance Officer£600To support the academy and the vulnerable families in the cohort who had attendance under 90% (PA) in 2016/17. To carry out the formal attendance process required if families refuse to engage with the academy and children do not attend.
•Teaching & Learning support£500
Support for the development of an English curriculum that is designed to address the gaps in knowledge and accelerate attainment is provided by a STEP academy. Costs will come from cover to visit support academy and meeting with staff.
•Behaviour mentor£2000
PPG children targeted for transition programme during the Summer term. Weekly sessions designed to support a smooth transition to Secondary.
•Breakfast Club for Y6 during SATs£120
Children offered free breakfast during the SATs week to guarantee them an excellent start to the day.
•Booster classes£1200
PPG children targeted for additional support after school in the Easter term.
•Spare PE kit£120
PPG children guaranteed the correct uniform for PE.
• Subsidized places on residential trips £1000
Support a residential trip being inclusive and affordable for all children in Y6.
•Easimaths £720
Online maths support for school and to extend the curriculum to home.
•Lexia £700
Online English support for school and to extend the curriculum to home.
Total for Year 6 = £6960 / End of Autumn Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y6 Reading 62%, Writing 62%, Maths 77%
Attendance for Y6 is above 94% - when the 1 outlier is discounted. Formal attendance procedures have begun if necessary.
Support to produce a payment plan is offered to all PPG children who register an interest in the residential.
End of Spring Term:
On-track for EXS:
Y6 Reading 69%, Writing 69%, Maths 77%
Attendance for Y6 is above 95% - when the 1 outlier is discounted.
PPG children identified for transition project.
End of Summer Term:
Y6 Reading 69%, Writing 77%, Maths 77%
Y6 Combined R/W/M 69%
EXS: Reading 69%, Writing 77%, Maths 77%, GPS 69%
Combined 69%
GDS: Reading 23%, Writing 15%, Maths 23%, GPS 23%
Combined 69%
Attendance for Y6 is above 96% - when the 1 outlier is discounted.
Weekly transition programme has been completed. Pupil Voice reports the transition programme has been successful in answering questions and easing anxiety.
12/14 of PPG children attend the Y6 residential trip.
100% PPG children attend breakfast club during SATs week. / End of Autumn Term:
End of Spring Term:
End of Summer Term: