Marauders News Letter-October 22
-CLUB MEETING, around 40 members were present, here is what was discussed:
-New members Mike & lea Goodwyn of Mulvane and their 1953
Suburban and 1969 Nova were introduced
-Upcoming events were discussed, including the Winfield Poker
Run this weekend and the Arkalalah Parade
-Club member Steve Hundley the service manager at Pfaff Chevrolet
In Mulvane is giving Marauders a 5% discount
-Treasurer’s report, we have $3594.06 in our account
-voted and passed to donate $50 to the upcoming Nov. 10 Domestic Violence show
-Discussed a donation to the Lindsey Mosher fund, more to come
-discussion on the theme for the Starbird Show, Max Ayers
Presented a 50 year theme since the Marauders will turn 50 years old in 2008, plus mix in a Marauderville theme we did several years ago
- ARKALALA PARADE - Saturday, October 27! WE NEED PEOPLE TO SIGN UP so if want to come please email Dan Martin, vice- pres. of southern chapter marauders at or call 620-442-3453 and let us know so we can make sure we tell them how many spaces we need in line-up.
- The Theme for Arkalalah is Seuss on the Loose. As in Dr. Seuss. Just thought I would pass on this info in case anyone wants to "dress" the part! I am working on a Giant Hat and Bow tie for Larry Downings Cougar so we can have the "Cat in the Hat"
We will leave the Mulvane Railroad Depot at 10:45 so we can line up at the Ark City Walmart by 11:30.
-There are only a handful of events this weekend; here is what the club recommends:
- ARKALALA PARADE, 10/27, there will not be a cook out
-ILRC Show - Carl Fry, Jim Benton & Don Heersche, congrats to all.
-Haysville Winners - Chuck Slack, class award & Best Paint; Cheryl Boyes; Bob Nelson; Don Heersche; Harold Hills; Jim Benton, class award & Best Interior; Mike Daniel, Best Engine.
-Haven Fall Festival Show winner: Bob Moorhouse, congrats.
-If you know of show winners, please let me know.
-We have been invited to participate in the Bumper to Bumper and Certified Service Centers in conjunction with The Original Charity Cars organization are sponsoring a get together, kick back, have fun car show to benefit "Battered Women". Cars will be donated to pre-selected victims of abuse, all proceeds will go directly to this cause. Entry will be $5 and the show will be 9-2:00. The GTO Club has asked if we will participate and are planning on putting around 15 cars in, there are 60 total spaces available. Due to limited spaces if you plan to attend please let Cheryl 685-6590, know, she will be keeping a tally so we can reserve the spaces. I have attached the show flyer for this event.
-If you would like different colors or style of clothing than the Marauders black & white, go by Shirts Plus in Derby, 703 N. Buckner, 788-1550 and see Kevin or one of his helpers and order what you want with the Marauders Logo on it. It will be your responsibility to pay and pick it up. Just ask Kevin for a catalog and pick out what you want.
-NOTE—please let us know when your email address has changed.
-Club gear, to order, get a hold of Steve Nichols @ 777-0480.
-Remember if any club member is ill or has had a family crisis; let Cheryl Boyes know at 685-6590, so that a card or flowers can be sent from the club.
-Don’t forget you can post “For Sale” items on the web page. If you have and comments be sure to use the guest page.
-PICTURES, if you have a picture of your car(s), go the Members page and mail them to our Web master, . It’s best if pictures are between 100 and 120 KB and cropped, but if you can’t edit them, don’t worry about it. Let's try and get everyone's car on the web page. If you have a digital camera, take a picture of a member’s car and send it to the Web master.
-Over 47,965 hits on the website!!!!!
I try to put the newsletter together Sunday & Monday to get it out by Tuesday, if you have the results of any show or I have missed something, please try and get it to me no later than Monday a.m.