PresentCllr Mrs A.M. Jones (Chair)

“ E.J. Breeze

“ Mrs E.L. Evans

“ S. Hall

“ Lady Hooson

“ G. Morgan

“ G.M. Powell

“ P. Rees

“ Mrs P. Smith

“ N. Venti

“ J Whittal Williams

Town Clerk

The meeting opened with Prayers

328/01APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Cllrs D.C. Jones (Mayor) and R.N. Hamer

328/02DECLARATION OF INTEREST Forms to record declarations of interest were circulated and filed with these minutes. Cllr Morgan declared an interest in all matters relating to Powys County Council

328/03MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed

Council Meeting held on 26.01.09

Meeting to discuss Street Lighting 12.02.09(with someadditions as discussed with Cllr Morgan and Clerk)

328/04PLANNING APPLICATIONS Cllr Whittal Williams explained to Council that he had met with the Planning Officer to discuss revised plans for the proposed Spice Club Restaurant/Take Away at 29 Great Oak St. The Planning officer explained that the concerns as brought up by Council further to the initial application had been taken into consideration and the issues addressed. Cllr Whittal Williams explained that he had received a scoping report on the Windfarm, but felt he was not qualified to comment on such a development. Clerk was asked to contact the author of the scoping report to ask for a meeting to discuss the issues.

328/05LLANGURIG ROAD LAYOUT Letter from LLWOCC in support of Town Council was read out and received. Cllr Morgan explained that the next Shire Highways meeting will be held on 11thMarch at 10 am at Welshpool. Clerk was asked to inform Mr Keith Foster and Press.

328/06YSGOL CEDEWAIN Extra information was received from Ysgol Cedewain regarding the Governing Body. Councillors were asked to inform Clerk if they were interested, or knew anyone suitable to become Governors.

328/07BUCKINGHAM PALACE GARDEN PARTY Invitation received. It was agreed that the current Mayor and Mayoress, Cllr and Mrs David Jones, be given the opportunity to put their names forward.

328/08LETTER FROM HEATH SERVICES REGARDING GROUND MAINTENANCE WORKS It was agreed to include the company onto our list of contractors.


328/10LETTER FROM CAPITA SYMONDS REGARDING PLANNING APPLICATION P2008/0406 ERECTION OF 26 DWELLINGS, LAND AT HAFREN FURNISHERS,WESTGATE STREET,LLANIDLOES Clerk was asked to inform Capita Symonds that Council agreed in principal that the proposal is acceptable.

328/11WYNFORD VAUGHAN THOMAS MEMORIAL, Letter received from CPRW asking for a letter of support from Town Council in applying for grant aid to carry out repairs and restoration to the Memorial on the Llanidloes-Machynlleth mountain Road. Council agreed to support.

328/12INFORMATION FROM WAG RE; s137 PAYMENTS Received Cllr Breeze agreed to read through


328/14LETTER FROM PCC REGARDING THE COST OF COMMUNITY COUNCIL ELECTIONS – 1ST MAY 2008. Clerk was asked to query the cost, as it was much higher than we anticipated it to be, and ask that payment be deferred until the next Financial Year.

328/15LETTER FROM MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC REGARDING EXCLUSION FROM COUNCIL MEETINGS. Letter received. It was agreed to discuss when we hear further from the Ombudsman.

328/16LOCAL GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP SCHEME ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 Cllr Pam Smith agreed to read.

328/17LATEST QUARTERLY FIGURES RELATING TO COMMUNITY CENTRE Cllr Venti declared an interest and left the room. A letter from Nick Venti, as Trustee, was read out. Cllr Morgan suggested an information board could be erected outside the Community Centre to keep the public informed of events and of ways of making bookings. Acash flow forecast was received. Clerk was asked to copy to all Councillors.


328/18CO OPTION OF COUNCILLOR (This item was taken earlier in the meeting, between items 10 and 11) Three nominations had been received. AVote was taken and Mrs Rachel Brunt was co opted onto the Council.

328/19MAYOR MAKING Clerkdistributed forms to all Councillors requesting their return by Mid March so that Election of Mayor/Deputy could be put on the agenda for the March Council Meeting

328/20ACCOUNTS The following accounts for JANUARY were confirmed

Chq No

103975McColls 6.50

103976National Milk Bars 45.00

103977Office Express 10.58

103978Wynnstay Group 46.31


103980Inland Revenue824.08

103981VOID -----

103982Quality Tools (Xmas Lights) 2,898.00

103983Llani Ltd (Public Toilets) 1,500.00

103984SLCC (Membership)149.00

103985Wages & P. Cash (15.01.09)848.25

103986Willpower (Fire Alarm System) 5,883.56

103987Wages (22.01.09)780.37

103988National Milk Bar240.00

103989LITE (Xmas Lights)757.88

103990Wages (29.01.09)866.32

103991PCC (Rospa Inspection)115.00

103992OVW (Training)125.00

TOTAL£ 15,927.59

328/21CHEQUE SIGNATORY Clerk requested that another Councillor becomes signatory on Town Council account, as Cllr Venti will be working away for the next couple of months. Council agreed that Cllr Mrs Margot Jones should be included on the Mandate.

328/22Date of next meeting 23.03.09