YouareinvitedtoparticipateintheIIInternationaltheoreticalandpracticalconferenceInformation systems and communication technologies in modern educational process(June25,2014).
Representativesofscience, engineeringandhumanitiesareinvitedtosharetheirexperienceindevelopmentof information systems and their use in higher education.
Organizing committee:
- MinistryofEducationand Science of Permskii krai;
- Center for social and psychological research, Perm State Agricultural Academy;
- Applied Informatics faculty, Perm State Agricultural Academy;
- ScienceCenterat the Krai State Library named after Gorkii;
- MuseumofModernArt;
- Media-education department of Permkino.
Issues to be discussed:
- IT systems types and their educational potential;
- evaluation of IT systems use effectiveness in educational process;
- distancelearning: prosandcontras;
- modernlanguagesofcommunication;
- communication problems in educational process of modern higher educational institutions;
- current communicative situation in educational process.
Participation forms:
- PublicationofscientificpaperintheBookofProceedingswithUDC, BBCindexedandISBNnumbers. The Book of Proceedings will be issued to the beginning of the Conference and included into RISC citation database.
2. Round table talk:
Participationinpresentia– you admit the discussion in person oronline;
Participationinabsentia – youarewelcometosubmittopicalquestionsto be discussed at the round-table talk or a video-message;
3. Workshops.
You are welcome to select one or many participation forms. Certificateswillbeawardedtoallparticipants.
Participation in presentia (including online):
RF and CIS – RUR1000
Other countries– 50 €
Participation in absentia – free of charge.
Publication in Book of Proceedings – free of charge. The Book of Proceedings will be sent to the mailing address specified in the Registration form.
Important dates
Registrationform – March 15, 2014;
Manuscriptsforpublication in the Book of Proceedings, video-messages, questions for discussion at the round-table talk – April 15, 2014.
Manuscripts(min 8 pages, A4) submitted for publication must have scientific character and contain: problem raising, research method(s), results description, conclusions and suggestions, bibliography list.mustcontainintroduction, researchmethods, resultsanddiscussions, conclusions, andreferences.
Manuscripts (210x297) must be typed in Microsoft Word Processor with the next parameters: all margins – 2.5 cm, style – common, font – Times New Roman, font size – 14 (in tables, 12 allowed), width aligned, line spacing – 1.5. Tables must be created in Microsoft Word, the tables auto fit – the window width, formulas must be typed in Microsoft Equation Processor. Black and white pictures only using hatch, without filling and halftones are allowed.
The file must be titled with the first author’s surname and two first words of the article title.
One direction files (articles) only are allowed to be stored on one diskette or CD.
Materials must be arranged as shown on the sample.
The table header must be printed with the bold font type in the center. Tables are numbered if they are more than one. The text must contain the link to the table. The table number must be specified before its header without the word “Table”. The illustration name (picture, graph) must be placed under it after the explaining inscription, it is numbered (Fig.1). The number is to write before the picture name.
In the end of the article a bibliography list is to be arranged on GOST Р 7.0.5-2008 (font – 12), in alphabetical order: first – Russian, then – foreign languages. The link to the literature in the text is given in square brackets in a plane text format [1].
Paper sample
UDC 378.147
Paper body
1. BabaianA. Block-model technology.Fundamental research. 2008, 5,p. 41-44.
Pleasesubmityourmanuscripttothee-mail: with the note For the conference.
Please allow us 5 working days to send you the statement if the article is accepted or not accepted. Ifthestatementisnotreceivedpleaseresendyourpaperorcontact+7982-457-59-88 (Anastasiia Khovanskaia)
Note: Please arrange your manuscript according to the sample, otherwise it willnotbeaccepted. Organizingcommitteehastherighttoeditmanuscripts.
IIInternationalTheoretical and Practical Internet-Conference
Name, surname ______
Name of institution ______
Position ______
Academic degree ______
Academic rank ______
Tel.: ______
E-mail: ______
Participation form (Pleaseunderline)
- Inpresentia (participationinround-tabletalks)
- Inpresentia (participationinworkshops)
- Online (participation in the round-table talks)
- Inabsentia (publication in Proceedings book)
Paper title ______
Consenttopublicationof the paper/video-message/theses/questions bythe FSBEIHPEPermSAAin electronic and printed form* ______(signature)
Mailingaddress (for Proceedings book)______
Date ______
Signature ______
Note: *I, NataliaDolmatova, consenttopublicationofmypaperTeaching foreign languages by means of block-model technologyby the FSBEI HPE Perm SAA in electronic and printed form. (Please fill in with your data).
All fields required.
Please send the Registration form to the email address:
Tel: +7-982-457-59-88 (AnastasiiaKhovanskaia)