
1. Introduction To OOPS

2. Data Types & Variables

3. Operator and control structures

4. Array and Pointer

5. Structures and Union

6. Functions

7. Classes and Objects

8. Constructor and Destructor

9. Function Overloading

10. Operator Overloading

11. Inheritance

12. Abstract and Virtual Function

13. Templates and Exception handling

14. File Input Output


Introduction To OOPS

1.1Programming Language

1.2Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm
1.3 Basic Concept of OOPS




1.2.4Data Abstraction



1.2.7Dynamic Binding

1.2.8Message Passing

1.4Benefits of OOP

1.5Application of OOPS

1.6Brief History of C++


Data Types & Variables

2.1 Structure of a C++ program


2.3 Variables

2.4 Identifiers

2.5 Data Types.

2.6 Declaration of variables

2.9 Constants


Operator and Control Structures

3.1 Types of operators

3.2 Priority of Operators.

3.3 Communication Through console.


3.3.2 Input

3.4 Control structure

3.4.1 Conditional Structure

3.4.2 Repetitive Structures or loops

3.4.3 Bifurcation of control and jumps

3.4.4The Selective Structure: Switch


Array and Pointer

4.1 Arrays

4.1.1 Initializing arrays

4.1.2 Access to the values of an Array

4.1.3 Multidimensional Arrays

4.1.4 Arrays as parameter

4.2 Strings

4.2.1 Initialization of strings

4.2.2 Assigning values to Strings

4.2.3 Converting Strings to other types

4.2.4 Function to manipulate Strings

4.3 Pointers.

4.4 Pointers and arrays

4.5 Dynamic Memory


Structures and Union

5.1 Structures

5.1.1 Pointers to Structure

5.2 User defined data types

5.2.1 Typedef

5.2.2 Union

5.2.3 Enum



6.1 Functions

6.2 Default Values in arguments

6.3 Void Functions

6.4 Call by value and reference

6.5 Passing Reference to Function

6.6 Returning References from function

6.7 inline function

6.8 Recursive function

6.9 Prototyping function

6.10 Functions


Classes and Objects

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Class Definition

7.3 Classes and objects

7.4 Access Specifiers-Private,Public and Protected.

7.5 Member functions of the class

7.6 Passing and Returning objects

7.7 Pointers to objects.

7.8 Array of Object.

7.9 The special ’this’ pointer.


Constructor and destructor

8.1 Constructors

8.1.1 Syntax rules for writing constructor function

8.1.2 Different ways of calling constructor

8.2 Overloading Constructors

8.3 Destructor


Function Overloading

9.1 Function Overloading

9.2 Precautions to be taken while overloading function

9.3 Static Class Member

9.4 Static Member function

9.5 friends Function

9.6 Friend for Overloading Operators

9.7 Granting friendship to another class

9.8 Granting friendship to a member function of another class.


Operator Overloading

10.1 Introduction to Operator Overloading.

10.2 Operator Oververloading Fundamentals.

10.3 Implementing the operators

10.4 Rules for overloading the Operators.

10.5 Pointer Oddities (assignment) and operatoroverloading

10.6 Overloading the Extraction and Insertion Operators

10.7 Conversion function

10.7.1 Conversion from basic to user-defined variable.

10.7.2 Conversion from User-define to basic data type

10.7.3 Conversion between Object of different Classes

10.7.4 Conversion Function in the Destination class

10.7.5 Table for type Conversions



11.1 Reusability

11.2 Inheritance concept-single inheritance

11.2.1 Private Derivation

11.2.2 Public Derivation

11.2.3 The Protected Access

11.2.4 Summary of derivation

11.2.5 Table of Derivation and access specifies

11.3 Using the derived class

11.4 Constructor and destructor in derived class.

11.5 Object initialization and conversion.

11.6 Nested classes (Container classes)

11.7 Multilevel Inheritance.

11.8 Multiple inheritances

11.9 Hybrids Inheritance

11.10 Virtual base class


Abstract and Virtual Function

12.1 Abstraction class

12.2 Virtual function

12.3 Pure virtual function


Templates and Exception Handling

13.1 Templates.

13.1.1 Function

13.1.2 Class Templates

13.1.3 Template Socialization

13.1.4 Parameter values for templates

13.1.5 Templates and multiple-file project

13.2 Exception handling

13.2.1 Exception not caught

13.2.2 Standard Exception

13.3 Advanced Class Type-casting.13.3.1 Reinterpret cast

13.3.4 Const_cast

13.3.5 Typeid Preprocessor directives


File Input Output

14.1 Input/output with files.

14.2 Open a file

14.3 Closing a file

14.4 Methods of input and Output Classes

14.5 Text Mode Files

14.6 State Flags

14.7 Binary files

14.8 Buffers and Synchronization