Name:___________________________________________________________________ Period:__________

Into the Wild Reading Questions: Chapters 16-18 and Epilogue

Chapter 16—The Alaska Interior:

1. Explain the meaning of the epigraph from Estiwick Evans. (You may have to finish the chapter first and then answer this one.)

2. Explain the meaning of the epigraph from Roderick Nash. (You may have to finish the chapter first and then answer this one.)

3. What did Chris tell Stuckey he wanted to prove?

4. What was the book that Chris bought at the university book store? Why do you think he would buy this particular book?

5. What was the heaviest item(s) in Chris’s backpack?

6. Why did Chris regret killing the moose?

7. Why was Chris unable to return to civilization along the same trail he had taken before?

8. Why is it logical that Chris went back to the bus after he found out he could not leave yet?

Chapter 17—The Stampede Trail:

9. How could Chris have crossed the river safely? Why didn’t he do this?

10. What belongings of Chris were in the bus? (Name at least 5 things)

11. Who was Sir John Franklin? Why does Krakauer bring him up?

12. What arguments does Krakauer make to show that McCandless is different than Franklin?

13. Why does Krakauer say that Chris took so many risks?

14. Why does Roman say that people judge Chris too harshly, that he wasn’t as incompetent as he seemed?

Chapter 18—The Stampede Trail:

15. What does Krakauer suggest really happened to Chris? What could have caused his “starvation”?

16. Why does Carine think Chris didn’t start a signal fire?

17. What were Chris’s final words?


18. Where does Billie say the area surrounding the bus reminds her of?

19. Why does the spoon hold special significance to Billie?

20. What does Walt install on the bus?

21. What does Billie leave on the bus?

After You Finish the Novel:

Answer the same question from “Before You Read”. Chris McCandless: (1) He is to be admired for his courage and noble ideas or (2) he is a wacko and a narcissist. You opinion may or may not have changed. This time use at least three specific examples from the novel to support your opinion. Give page numbers indicating where your examples are located. Write your response on the back of this page. This should be an insightful and lengthy response!