Homework Club helpers meet with students in the elementary and middle school to help students with either, their homework or their reading and math skills. This is a very important resource for the students referred to the program by their teachers. Homework Club helpers are expected to make this time with students very worthwhile for the students and to make a difference in their academic progress.
Therefore, Homework Club helpers are expected to:
1. Attend CARES, “ How to Help Students with Reading and Math “, workshop on either 0ctober 4 or 5 from 3:00-4:00 PM at the South Kingstown School Districts Administration Building at 307 Curtis Corner Road, Wakefield.
2. Make your assigned times at Homework Club a priority. If you cannot make it to an assignment for any reason please call CARES office at 360 1304 as soon as possible to report your absence, a student is counting on you!
3. Please arrive at your assignment on time which is 1:50 at the middle schools and 3:00 at the elementary schools.
Homework Club Helpers daily procedures
· Introduce yourself to the front office and tell them you are a Homework Club Helper
· Sign in to the sign in sheet or computer, note that your are a CARES Volunteer destination Homework Club, PLEASE WRITE LEGIBILY
· Go directly to the assigned Homework Club room.
· Mark you attendance on the Homework Club attendance sheet in the homework club room.
· Divide the students amongst the helpers; do not work with more than three ( 2 at Matunuck ) students.
· Refer to the Student Information sheet on the HWC Clipboard to find your student’s area of need and goal.
· At the end of the Homework Club session complete the teacher’s feedback form for your student and be sure it is placed in the teacher’s feedback folder found on the secretary’s desk in the school’s front office.
· When a parent of an elementary student picks up their child please have them initial the attendance sheet and inform the parent of the child’s progress that day at homework Club. .
· Each week an updated student information form is sent to each homework club, for helpers to refer to for student area of need.
· After each session homework club helpers will complete a teacher feedback form for each student and it will be placed in the teacher feedback folder on school’s front office secretary’s desk.
· The last session of the week for each school completed attendance sheet must be left in above folder to be faxed to CARES office and given to school principal.
Students Behavior Expectations and Consequences
All CARES Homework Clubs will follow the PBIS matrix for positive behavioral and Intervention Support matrix designed by the elementary schools.
All settings / Hallways / Homework Club / BathroomsRespect all others / Be kind
Hands and feet to self
Help and share / Walk quietly
Hands by your side
Go directly to destination with Homework Club helper / Follow directions
Good listening
Quiet inside voices
One speaker / Respect privacy.
One student at a time
Respect yourself / Be in task
Give best effort
Be honest / Walk safely / Be prepared
Take care of yourself
Raise hand / Flush.
Wash hands
Respect surrounding / Clean up after self / Pick up litter / Clean up. Use materials properly / Keep it clean
Respect property
Homework Club students are expected to demonstrate good citizenship and appropriate social behavior at all times. Behavior should never infringe upon the rights of other students or adults thereby disrupting the learning process.
1. Verbal warning
2. Time Out
3. Unsatisfactory behavior report to teacher and copy sent to CARES office (which will be sent home to parent)
4. After second report, child will be excused from Homework Club
Homework Club Guidelines
· School identify students
· Teacher completes a student referral from & send permission slip home for parent’s signature
· Student’s are invited to join homework club on a first come first serve basis determined by no more that 3:1 ratio of student to volunteer.
· After the second unexplained absence a student is asked to no longer attend Homework Club
· A student with more that one behavioral complaint by a Homework Club helper will be asked to no longer attend homework club.
Prior to the end of each semester, homework helpers are requested to complete an online evaluation.
Elementary Schools
Overall supervision of Homework: Find homework assignments in student’s daily planner
You can leave notes in the planner as well as student’s report
Math Help: play math games with student
Reading Help: West Kingston Elementary School: work with Lexia on libraries computers. Other schools read with student following Middle School reading guidelines below.
Middle Schools
Overall supervision of Homework: Find homework assignments in student’s daily planner
You can leave notes in the planner as well as student’s report.
Math: Work with Class Zone on library computers
Guideline for reading with books on tape in Middle Schools
Ask student to stop the tape if they:
1. Come to a word they do not understand: stop tape and write word down t, help student understand meaning of the word and then continue
2. If he student looses track of the story (comprehension).
Helpers stop the tape:
1. If the students seem to be loosing interest (watch body language)
2. Every few minutes to keep the student engaged (you will need to use your judgment)
Ask questions like:
“ I thought that was a particularly hard word, do you know what it means?”
“ I am picturing ______what are you seeing here/”
“ I had trouble understanding ______how about you?”
“ I have experienced ______this in my life “
“ You are looking very interested in this, what is this making you think about/ “
“ Can you retell this part of the story to me in your own words?”
Before completing your reading session for the day:
1. Review words that student did not know, quiz them until they know the word
2. Ask student to summarize the reading they had done
3. Ask if they would like to continue with this book next time, or move onto another book and why.
Homework Club Schedule
CARES Homework Clubs 2007-2008
Homework Club will follow the University of Rhode Island schedule and will observe South Kingstown public school holidays.
Note the following dates that Homework Club will not meet:
December 7-January 22
February 18-22
March 17-23
April 14-18