5th Grade Parent/Student Handbook

Grove Elementary School


Mrs. Damery –

Mrs. Fisher –

Mrs. Scott –

Mrs. Mendiola –

Fifth Grade Expectations

Assignment Notebook

An enlarged copy of a page from the Grove Assignment Notebook is posted in the classroom. Every day the students are to copy all assignments into their notebook from the assignment board. This helps develop organizational skills and informs parents of upcoming assignments. Parents should ask to see the assignment notebook every night and go over any work requirements with their child.


Efforts are made to provide time at school to begin assignments if not complete them entirely. An appropriate amount of time for a 5th grader to spend on homework each night is around 45-60 minutes. Please contact us by phone or email if you have any concerns about your child and his/her homework. We do not want any student overburdened by schoolwork.

All homework assignments are due by 8:45 A.M. An assignment is late if it is only partially completed, lost, or left at home. The teacher will write a note in the student’s assignment notebook about the late assignment(s) and/or will record it on the Gator-AIDE behavior sheet in the student’s Friday Folder. This is to help keep parents informed about their child’s work and prevent unknown surprises at progress report or grading card times. In addition the student will complete the late work during their recess time.

Friday Folder

Every Friday students will be bringing home a folder which contains all their graded tests from the week, graded homework, informational flyers, weekly Gator-AIDE behavior sheet, and a parent signature sheet. All tests and quizzes must be signed by a parent and returned in the folder by Tuesday along with the parent signature sheet.

Classroom Behavior

To help ensure a safe and effective learning environment, we expect certain behaviors from our students. Fifth grade students are expected to follow the Gator-AIDE rules:

A= Attitude (I treat others and their property with respect.)

I = Integrity (I make good choices in all school settings.)

D= Dedication (I complete my work to the best of my ability.)

E= Effort (I put forth my best effort and stay on task.)

If a child is choosing to engage in inappropriate behavior, a warning will be given. If the behavior continues, the student will not receive a daily behavior Gator Buck and will stay in during recess for 10 minutes if the behavior occurred during the first trimester, 15 minutes if the behavior occurred during the second trimester, and 20 minutes if the behavior occurred during the 3rd trimester. During this time, the student and teacher will discuss ways of improving their behavior choices. The incident will also be noted on the Gator-AIDE behavior sheet in the Friday Folder (pictured below). If a student does not demonstrate consistent efforts to change his/her behavior, a phone call home will also be made to further explain the circumstances of the week to the parents. If needed, a conference with the student, parents, and teacher(s) will be scheduled as well.

As mentioned above, students receive one Gator Buck a day for appropriate Gator-AIDE behavior. They also will receive another Gator Buck each day if all of their homework is completed on time and to the best of their ability. Gator Bucks are used for payments of rewards offered during our quarterly Gator Buck events. The Gator Buck parties include: Pumpkin Decorating, Reindeer Games, Swamp Diner, and Kite Flying.

Gator - AIDE

Week ______

Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs. / Fri.


In order to provide the best possible education for your child, we are asking that you try to schedule your child’s appointments outside of the regular school day. We realize sometimes this is unavoidable, so please communicate with your teacher about non-academic times in which to schedule appointments. Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education.


We love celebrating birthdays in fifth grade! However, due to the increasing number of students with food allergies, we request no food items be sent in to the classrooms as treats. Instead, your child is welcome to bring a drink for everyone in the class. Drinks need to be individually packaged and may include: juice boxes, water bottles, Gatorade, or caffeine-free soda pop. Please send only enough to share with their classmates and teacher. Students will not be passing out drinks to other teachers or office staff to eliminate disruption. Extra drinks will be sent home at the end of the day with the child.

Grading System - Grove Fifth Grade

Grove 5th grade / Report Card/District Skills
Tests – 100 points each
Quizzes – 50 points each
Average of Weekly Math Review & Quiz– 10 point scale
95-100% = 10 pts. 45- 54% = 5 pts.
85- 94% = 9 pts. 35- 44% = 4 pts.
75- 84% = 8 pts. 25- 34% = 3 pts.
65- 74% = 7 pts. 15- 24% = 2 pts.
55- 64% = 6 pts. 0- 23% = 1 pt.
Homework – points vary per assignment / Math
T1 / FIN
Math Achievement
Writes and interprets number models
Analyzes patterns and relationships
Add multi-digit whole numbers and decimals
Subtracts multi-digit whole numbers and decimals
Multiplies multi-digit whole numbers and decimals
Divides multi-digit whole numbers and decimals
Understands place value
Reads, writes, compares, and rounds numbers
Adds and subtracts fractions
Multiples and divides fractions
Compares and converts units of measurement
Represents and interprets data
Understands and calculates volume
Graphs ordered pairs on a coordinate grid
Classifies two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties
Reading Responses / Reading
T1 / FIN
Reading Achievement
Reads fluently and accurately to support comprehension
Reads on-level text with purpose and understanding
Applies reading strategies to comprehend text
Determines the meaning of words and phrases as they are used within the text, including figurative language
Writers in Training Tests (WIT) –
20 point scale
96-100% = 20 pts. 46- 50% = 10 pts.
91- 95% = 19 pts. 41- 45% = 9 pts.
86- 90% = 18 pts. 36- 40% = 8 pts.
81- 85% = 17 pts. 31- 35 % = 7 pts.
76- 80% = 16 pts. 26- 30% = 6 pts.
71- 75% = 15 pts. 21- 25% = 5 pts.
66- 70% = 14 pts. 16- 20% = 4 pts.
61- 65% = 13 pts. 11- 15% = 3 pts.
56- 60% = 12 pts. 6- 10% = 2 pts.
51- 55% = 11 pts. 0- 5% = 1 pt.
Writing Samples – 100 points each
Homework – points vary per assignment / Writing
T1 / FIN
Writing Achievement
Demonstrates writing skills (organization, ideas, word choice, voice)
Writes for a variety of purposes
Writers in Training Tests (WIT) –
20 point scale
96-100% = 20 pts. 46- 50% = 10 pts.
91- 95% = 19 pts. 41- 45% = 9 pts.
86- 90% = 18 pts. 36- 40% = 8 pts.
81- 85% = 17 pts. 31- 35 % = 7 pts.
76- 80% = 16 pts. 26- 30% = 6 pts.
71- 75% = 15 pts. 21- 25% = 5 pts.
66- 70% = 14 pts. 16- 20% = 4 pts.
61- 65% = 13 pts. 11- 15% = 3 pts.
56- 60% = 12 pts. 6- 10% = 2 pts.
51- 55% = 11 pts. 0- 5% = 1 pt. / Language
T1 / FIN
Language Achievement
Uses proper grammar and mechanics in writing
Uses grade level spelling patterns to spell words correctly in daily work
Tests – 100 points each
Homework – points vary per assignment / Social Studies
Tests – 100 points each
Homework – points vary per assignment

District Report Card Grade Mark Legend

A+ / Meets the Standard / 99-100% of the time
A / Meets the Standard / 92-98.99% of the time
A- / Meets the Standard / 90-91.99% of the time
B+ / Meets the Standard / 88-89.99% of the time
B / Meets the Standard / 82-87.99% of the time
B- / Meets the Standard / 80-81.99% of the time
C+ / Meets the Standard / 78-79.99% of the time
C / Meets the Standard / 72-77.99% of the time
C- / Meets the Standard / 70-71.99% of the time
D+ / Meets the Standard / 68-69.99% of the time
D / Meets the Standard / 62-67.99% of the time
D- / Meets the Standard / 60-61.99% of the time
F / Meets the Standard / Less than 60% of the time
+ / Consistently observed
/ / Sometimes observed
- / Seldom observed