Famous Scientists


Isaac Newton 1642-1727
Galileo Galilei 1564-1642
Thomas Edison 1847-1931
Nikola Tesla 1856-1943
Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790
Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922
Alfred Nobel 1833-1896
Carl Sagan 1934-1996
Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519
Nicolaus Copernicus 1473- 1543
Archimedes 287 – 212 BCE
Francis Bacon 1561 – 1626
James Watt 1736 – 1819
Edmund Halley 1656 – 1742 / Albert Einstein 1879-1955
Marie Curie 1867-1934
Charles Darwin 1809-1882
Stephen Hawking 1942-
Michael Faraday 1791-1867
Louis Pasteur 1822-1895
Niels Bohr 1885-1962
Johannes Kepler 1571-1630
Ernest Rutherford 1871-1937
Gregor Mendel 1822-1884
Pierre Curie 1859-1906
Robert Boyle 1627 – 1691

Celebrated Scientists Research Report

My Scientist:______

For this assignment you will be asked to research and report information about an important and influential scientist. Your purpose is to write a 5-paragraph essay that informs your reader who your scientist is, what they contributed to science, or what they discovered; and if possible, how his or her contribution affects the world we live in today.

You will find much of your information about your scientist on the website, www.famousscientists.org/list, but you may use other sources as well. You may use up to two additional sources if you wish, as each additional source will be worth a few extra credit points.

You will read your essay to the class, and try to teach the class about the scientist’s achievements. You must bring something to help you teach the idea to the class. Some items you can use are a picture, a model, an object, a pamphlet, or perform a demonstration. While other students are presenting you will listen quietly and take notes.


Below the Standard / Approaches the Standard / Meets the Standard / Exceeds the Standard
Notes / The notes are incomplete, and the writing is sloppy or unreadable.
(0-9 points) / The notes are filled out with most of the information, but some things are missing. The writing is messy, and rushed. (10-16 points) / The notes are filled out with the necessary information. The notes are written neatly. (17-24 points) / The notes are filled out completely and include all necessary information. The notes are written neatly. Extra information is included, that will be used in the essay. (25 points) / __/25
5 Paragraph Essay / There is no structure to the essay. The essay does not give enough information for the reader to understand who the scientist is or why he or she is important. (0-19 points) / The essay has less than 5 paragraphs. The student struggled to introduce the scientist to the reader, and has missing information. The student does not explain the field of science their scientist studied. (20-34 points) / The essay has at least 5 paragraphs; 1 introductory, 3 body, and 1 concluding paragraph. The student introduces the scientist to the reader, and tells the reader all important information about the scientist. The student explains the field of science their scientist studied. The essay explains what their scientist discovered or invented, and why it is important. The essay is typed. (35-49 points) / The student shows all the attributes for meeting the standard. The student has more information than the minimum. The essay goes above and beyond to explain the discovery, or their scientist’s importance and influence on the world today. (50 points) / __/50
Presentation / The audience cannot hear the essay. There is no eye contact. The student did not bring anything for the presentation. (0-19 points) / The student read the essay to the class in a quiet voice. The student did not make eye contact. The student brought something to demonstrate for their scientist, but it was confusing, and not planned well. (20-34 points) / The student read their essay to the class in a loud, and clear voice. The student made eye contact with the audience. The student brought something or demonstrated their scientist’s major discovery, or achievement. The student answered questions from the class. (35-49 points) / The student has all attributes from meeting the standard. The presentation of the scientists’ discovery or achievement is creative, and goes above and beyond. (50 points) / __/50
Listening / The student didn't listen, and distracted others. The note sheet was not filled out. (0-9 points) / The student was not listening during the presentations, or was being a distraction. The note sheet is not completely filled out. (10-16 points) / The student listened to the presentations, and filled out most of the note sheet. (17-24 points) / The student listened to all of the presentations quietly, and completely filled out the note sheet. (25 points) / __/25

Total ___/150


25 points

General information about your scientist. When was your scientist born? Died? Where did he or she live, or where did they travel? Where did your scientist go to school? Who was his or her parents? Wife or husband? Kids?

What field of science did this person study? Astronomy? Chemistry? Physics? Biology? Geology? Explain what this field of science is? What do these types of scientists do? Why is this type of science important?

What is your scientist famous for? What did he or she do, discover, or invent? Why is your scientist important?

How has your scientist changed or shaped the world we live in today? Why is our life better, or different because of what your scientist did? What other discoveries, inventions, or technologies do we have now because of the scientist you studied?

What else? What else makes your scientist great? What is something really interesting that you haven’t mentioned yet? Fill in as much as you can in the space below.

Did you use a source other than www.famous scientist.org? What sources did you use and what information are you going to put in your essay?

Listening Note Sheet

25 points

Scientist / Born - Died / What did he or she do that was important?
Leonardo Da Vinci
Nicolaus Copernicus
Galileo Galilei
Frances Bacon
Johannes Kepler
Robert Boyle
Isaac Newton
Edmund Halley
Benjamin Franklin
James Watt
Michael Faraday

Listening Note Sheet

25 points

Scientist / Born - Died / What did he or she do that was important?
Charles Darwin
Gregor Mendel
Louis Pasteur
Alfred Nobel
Alexander Graham Bell
Thomas Edison
Nikola Tesla
Pierre Curie
Marie Curie
Ernest Rutherford
Albert Einstein
Niels Bohr
Carl Sagan
Stephen Hawking

Aristotle: Thank you for trying

Aristotle was a renowned philosopher and scientist that lived over two millennia ago. He was an incredibly smart person, who wanted to learn and absorb as much information as he possibly could. Aristotle made many important contributions to the science of today, even if many of the things he believed were later found to be incorrect.

Aristotle was born on 384 BCE in Stagira Greece to his mother Phaestis, and his father Nicomachus. He was born to a wealthy family. In ancient Greece at this time learning and knowledge were viewed as extremely valuable, and some of the best schools were located there. Aristotle went to The School of Athens, which was led by the famous scholar, Plato. While he studied there he learned many new things in all different subjects like science, mathematics, philosophy, geology, biology, astronomy and physics.

Many scientists today only study one type of science, but Aristotle wanted to learn it all. He learned geology, which is the study of rocks and the formation of Earth. He investigated biology, which is the study of living creatures. He was fascinated by astronomy, which is the study of the universe and the stars. And he enjoyed learning about physics too, which is the study of forces and motion, and why things work the way they do.

Science was not done the same way then as it is now. Many of the great thinkers of the time would not do any actual experiments, instead they would think critically about the problem. Because he did not do actual experiments, some of the things he believed were wrong. One example of this is that Aristotle believed that heavier objects fell faster than lighter objects. He could have easily proved this wrong if he had done some simple experiments like Galileo did. Aristotle also believed that all things were made of a mixture of 5 “elements”; Quintessence, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. He also believed that if you combine these “elements” in certain ways you could create all the things in the world.

Aristotle also made many observations of outer space, or the heavens as they were called at the time. He believed that the Earth was the center of all things in the heavens. This meant that the sun and all the planets must revolve around the planet Earth, which is wrong. He also believed that everything in the heavens can only orbit the Earth and nothing else, which would mean that no other planets could have their own moons because moons orbit other planets. This is also incorrect. Although he made many incorrect discoveries, he also made many important discoveries that were correct; like the definition of life, that dolphins are not fish, he identified over 600 species, and he understood the basics of geology and erosion.

Aristotle died in Greece on 322 BCE. He was a very important philosopher and a great thinker of his time. He helped advance the idea that there is great value in knowledge and learning, and that is something that we still believe today. Aristotle tried really hard to advance the field of science, and in some ways he did. Although many of the things he believed turned out wrong, thank you for trying Aristotle.