Prairie View School

January, 2015 Newsletter

Box 340

Dalmeny, SK S0K 1E0

Phone: (306) 254-2633

Website Address:


Principal: Mrs. J. Key Vice-Principal: Mrs. L. Heath


Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Dalmeny Community Food Baskets and the silver collection at the Prairie View School Christmas Concert. The silver collection was a very impressive $460.85! The community really did open their hearts and their wallets.

We are starting to compile our list of Kindergarten children for the upcoming school year. If you have a child who will be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 2015, please contact the school and register them for the 2015-2016 school year. This is important information for planning programs, budgeting and staffing for the upcoming year. Parents will be contacted in the Spring regarding our Kindergarten Orientation Day.
If you know of friends or neighbours who have Kindergarten aged children, please share this information with them.

Did You Know?

Mrs. Morrison will continue her leave to be home with her family until the end of June. Miss Hammond will continue until the end of the school year as the teacher for this Grade 2 class.

Last Friday Prairie View students were treated to a “Magical Munsch” puppet show from the Wide Open Theatre Company. Students enjoyed a one hour show with 26 puppets presenting stories such as “Angela’s Airplane”, “Moira’s Birthday”, “More Pies” and “50 Below 0”


Our next Scholastic Book Fair is being held this week: January 27 - 29, and will be open for purchasing during school hours. Each classroom will have a chance to visit the Book Fair during the school day and make purchases if they wish.

Tuesday, January 27 Preview Day for KB2 and Grades 1-6

Wednesday, January 28 Shopping Day for KB1 and Grades 1-6

(as scheduled by classroom teachers)

Thursday, January 29 Shopping Day for KB2 and Grades 1-6

(as scheduled by classroom teachers)

Parents are very welcome to visit the Book Fair and enter their child’s name in the Family Door Prize. The ballot is on the back of the flyer your child received on Preview Day.

During the month of January, our Grade 1 - 3 students enjoyed listening to the ten books nominated by the Saskatchewan Willow Awards in the Shining Willow category. The students all voted for their favourite book, and the winner was a wonderful story called On a Snowy Night, written by Jean Little. After all the votes by student participants throughout Saskatchewan have been tabulated, the award will be presented to the winning author at a Gala.


February 9th to 13h

It is once again time for Breakfast with a Book. Students are invited to come in their pajamas for a muffin and an exciting adventure in literature. Let us whisk you away with your imagination while you enjoy a delicious muffin. The adventure begins at 8:30 a.m. each morning. Please check the chart below to find when it is your turn for us to fly you away on the wings of words.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Classes / KB1,1C,1T / KB2,2H,2I / 3Be, 3Bl / 4R,4/5Q, 5LB / 5/6B, 6T
Random Acts of Kindness Month
Prairie View School students and staff are always working hard to demonstrate positive character traits. At this particular time of year, we are focusing on friendship and kindness skills. We have chosen to extend "Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 9-15) to the whole month of February! We will kick off with an assembly on Monday, February 2 at 11:45am. We look forward to students and staff promoting kindness and helpfulness throughout the month of February by participating in various RAK challenges and classroom activities.
No Act of Kindness, No Matter How Small is Ever Wasted. ~ Aesop

COUNSELLOR’S CORNER (Darcey Rathgeber)

I Hold Your Heart

In this season of hearts and flowers, it seemed timely for parents to remember that no matter the state of our adult relationships, we are in constant relationship with our children - at any age. From the time parents hold their children close as newborns to the day they watch them walk in the Grand March at their graduation they hold their child’s heart.

As Gordon Neufeld, PhD. states the heart is a delicate thing. It is easily wounded and must be cherished and honoured in order to provide the conditions for it to become resilient and strong into adulthood. However, in the busyness of day to day life and in the numerous ways that children resist being “bossed around” or “told what to do”, we can sometimes forget how important our presence and support is for our children.

Dr. Robert Brooks, an expert in the area of fostering resiliency in children and adults reminds us in this short video about the importance of unconditional love.

How Unconditional Love Can Make a Difference in a Child’s Life

Family Activities for February:

1.  Giving hand-made cards to each family member with a message of what you appreciate about them.

2.  A homemade gift certificate for something special that you and your child will do together

3.  Sharing a Valentine’s breakfast or supper together as a family.

4.  Tuck a Valentine note or joke into your child’s lunch kit for a little surprise.

5.  Spread the love - invite a few of your child’s friends over to bake cookies to eat and take home with them. (Pillsbury has a pretty amazing recipe and simple instructions too!)


Starting on February 12th and continuing on Thursdays during the months of February and March, Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Tew will be running a “Boxcars and One-Eyed Jacks Club” to enhance our mathematical excellence. Grade Two and Three students will meet and play different math games using cards and dice. We are expecting to have a lot of fun learning some new and exciting ways to practice our math skills.


How do rockets fly? How can you make coffee filter rainbows? What are states of matter? Starting on March 26th and continuing on Thursdays until April 30th, Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Tew will be running a Science Club for Grade Two students to discover the answers to these and other questions. We will meet in the Art Room at 12:30 to conduct some experiments and have fun learning more about the world of science.

Lego Club
Prairie View School is starting a Lego Club. It will start on February 10. Grade 3 and 4 students who are interested can join Mrs. Heath in the Art Room from 12:10pm to 12:50pm to build, build, build! If you have any lego that you would be willing to donate, we would be most appreciative.


Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
12:50 - 1:50 / 1C/1T / No Skating / 2H/2I / 3Be/3Bl
2:05 – 3:00 / 4/5Q/4P / No Skating / 5LB / 5/6B/6T
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
9:30 – 10:30 / 5LB / No Curling / 5LB / 5LB / 5LB
2:05 – 3:00 / 6T / No Curling / 5/6B / 4/5Q / 4P

* Grade 5LB will curl with Mrs. Fisher on either Day 2, 4 or 6 from 9:30 – 10:30

* The Grade 5 and 6 curling bonspiel will be in March. Details to follow.

/ K- Gr. 6
Intramurals /
Our Prairie View School noon intramural program started up again this year in January. Supervised activities take place in the gym from 12:30 – 12:50 p.m. for the students to participate if they wish. This program will run until the end of April.
The goal of the program is to promote physical activity, cooperation and fun. Students can also earn participation points for their House or Team. House teams are the Blazing Sabres, Charging Rhinos, Soaring Eagles and Thundering Mustangs.
It is very important that students are dressed to be comfortable outdoors before school and at recess breaks. Students should be wearing warm jackets, ski pants,
toques, mittens and boots. Also, if items are labelled it is easier for us to locate misplaced articles.
A wind chill factor of -27 or higher is the general criteria used to determine
whether it is an indoor or outdoor recess


Please remember when dropping off and picking up your children, we would like them to be using the crosswalk. We remind our students to use the sidewalk along the side of the school and not be walking between or behind parked vehicles. This is a busy place and we want to make sure that everyone is safe.

Thanks for you cooperation.

*Those attending Friday will have their names thrown in for 25 DOOR PRIZES to be drawn after 10pm
*8:00 pm Josie Rice is catering a special spread of appetizers and a FABULOUS FONDUE FOUNTAIN!
9:00 am - midnight (doors open at 8:30am)
*One-Of-A-Kind Goodie Bags
*Raffle Prizes
*50/50 Draw
*Great table space
*Early continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, supper, & evening snack - catered by JOSIE RICE (If you haven't tasted her delights - you're in for a real treat! If you have, well I guess your check is already in the mail!)
*Country Moose Scrapbooking Store will be on site to provide all your scrapbooking needs and those unique details to give a perfect finish to any paper-crafting project!
Friday only - $35
Saturday only - $60
BOTH Days - $80
Mail Checks (payable to Karen Martens OR Brenda Stokalko) to Karen Martens, Box 161, Laird, SK S0K2H0; OR, Brenda Stokalko, Box 1473, Warman, SK, S0K4S0 (please remember this is a fundraiser = non-refundable)