First Grade Supply List 2017-18

All students will be provided with a desk box to hold their supply on the first day of school. The items listed below are needed in addition to the materials fee of $155.

(Please make checks payable to Monument Academy)

Classroom Items:


1 large backpack with name inside (no wheels!)

2 boxes CrayolaTM crayons (24-count, classic colors)

2 boxes CrayolaTM markers (10-count, classic colors, broad line/tip)

2 pkgs CrayolaTM twistable crayons (8 or 10 count only, classic colors)

36 #2 wooden pencils, sharpened. (PalominoTM or TiconderogaTM preferred)

2 large erasers

4 large glue sticks or 8 small sticks

1 pair children’s scissors, 5” (WescottTM or FiskarTM preferred)

2 spiral notebooks (solid color, no patters, wide ruled, 70 pages)

1 composition books

6 plastic/poly-vinyl two-pocket folders, 3 prongs in the center, (2 red, 1 green, 1 blue,
1 purple, 1 yellow or orange)

General Supply Items: (do not label)

2 boxes tissues

2 reams 8.5x11 white copy paper (20 lb. 92 brightness, not recycled)

2 containers disinfecting wipes

1 pkg dry erase markers, 4-count

1 box (~20-40 count) gallon size zipper bags

1 roll paper towels

Our teachers have discovered, over their years of experience, that some brands provide the best performance. If a brand is listed, please do not make substitutions when you do your shopping if possible. Thank you.

Last updated: 1/31/2017