San Diego City College – ESL


Spring 2011

Reading for Non-Native Speakers of English I

Instructor: Tony Carnerie

Class Hours: TTH 6:20 – 7:40

Classroom: L112

Office Phone: (858) 822-2445


Textbooks/Materials: Well Read 2

Wuthering heights – Oxford Bookworms
Course Description

This course prepares non-native English students to read at the high-intermediate level. Students will continue to develop reading skills needed for academic and workplace success. Students will read a variety of texts, apply appropriate reading strategies to facilitate comprehension, and engage in activities to build background knowledge as well as knowledge of text structure, grammar, and vocabulary. Furthermore, students will use information from class readings for discussion, critical thinking, and writing.

Objectives of the Course:

Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:

· Read a variety of texts of various lengths

· Apply appropriate reading strategies to comprehend, summarize and paraphrase texts

· Improve reading comprehension and reading rate through knowledge of grammatical structure

· Build vocabulary and knowledge of vocabulary building skills

· Apply critical thinking skills

Your grade at the end of the semester will reflect all of these things. The key to a successful semester will depend on your participation and willingness to help yourself and your classmates.

Attendance and Expectations:

Regular attendance is very important. As you know already, learning a second language is very difficult. If you are not here in class, you are not practicing and learning the lessons. Each class contains new information that you need to know for academic preparation. I do know, however, that sometimes you cannot help missing a class, but after too many missed hours you will miss a lot of in-class work that cannot be made-up and you will not get the necessary skills you need to pass the class. Also, if you miss a class, it is your responsibility to call a friend in the class and find out the homework or assignment. I will accept work only on the day it is due, even if you are absent. Please take a moment now to write down the names and phone numbers of two classmates.

Name Phone#:

Name Phone#:

A tardy for the class is 15 minutes and four tardies is one hour of missed class. It is important to be on time to get instructions.

My expectations in class are that you are active in the class. Remember when your classmates are speaking to respect their comments and opinions. We are all adults and should accept that not everybody believes the same thing. I will not like to hear racist or sexist comments. I will respect all of you and hope that you will do the same for your classmates. I want this class to be relaxed and fun so that everybody will feel comfortable to speak in class. You are expected to do a great deal of reading, reflecting, while mastering reading strategies.

Grading: Grades are based on:

25% Participation

25% Reading Logs

50% Quizzes

You will receive a letter grade as follows:

A: 90-100%

B: 80-89%

C: 70-79%

D: 60-69%

F: Fail below 60%

Late assignments:

Homework and other daily assignments may not be made up at any time. Tests may only be made up if the student has a reason deemed legitimate by the teacher. Lateness in passing in or producing major assignments will be lowered a full letter grade if not presented by the next class.

· Cell Phones may not be used at any time in class. Neither may students leave class to use cell phones.

· If you leave class to use the bathroom or cell phone, you will be marked absent for the time you leave.

Academic Accommodations:

Physically challenged or learning disabled students who may require special academic accommodations should come see me during the first week of class.

If you have any other questions about the syllabus, the class, or about personal issues, please see me as soon as possible. Learning a second language is not easy. However, if you try hard, you will learn. Remember that you can only learn a language if you practice using it – inside and outside of class.


· Work in the English Center with a tutor

(5 pts per hour, 2 hours maximum for extra credit)