Request for information 4501200225

PART 2A SYSTEM SPECIFICATION – low level requirements (WITHOUT live monitoring)Page 1 of 58

Annex A
Part 2A System specification - low level requirements
Land Combat Simulation System
WITHOUT Live Monitoring Capability

1 Scope: Land Combat Simulation System Without Live Monitoring Capability

2 Safety

2.1 Laser safety for personnel, existing equipment and simulation equipment

2.2 Interference/ Disturbance and Electromagnetic Radiation

3 Operational Environment

4 Shelf Life

5 User guides/ operation manuals

6 Technical Documentation

7 Education

8 Maintainability

8.1 Maintenance performed by users

8.2 Service program

9 Land Combat Simulation Equipment

9.1 Instrumentation for small arms, heavy guns and rifles

9.1.1 Requirements to functionality

9.1.2 Requirements to physical parameters

9.1.3 Requirements to power supply

9.2 Simulator for anti-tank weapons

9.2.1 Requirements to functionality

9.2.2 Requirements to physical parameters

9.2.3 Requirements to power supply

9.3 Personnel system

9.3.1 Requirements to functionality WITHOUT live monitoring capability

9.3.2 Requirements to physical parameters

9.3.3 Requirements to power supply

9.4 Independent Target System

9.4.1 Requirements to functionality

9.4.2 Requirements to physical parameters

9.4.3 Requirements to power supply

9.5 Sensor kit to be used with existing infantry pop up targets

9.5.1 Requirements to functionality

9.5.2 Requirements to physical parameters

9.5.3 Requirements to power supply

9.6 Combat Leader Weapon (OC gun)

9.6.1 Requirements to functionality

9.6.2 Requirements to physical parameters

9.6.3 Requirements to power supply

9.7 Portable PC/ unit for read-out of exercise results

9.7.1 Requirements to functionality

9.7.2 Requirements to physical parameters

9.7.3 Requirements to power supply

9.8 Storage and transportation devices for simulation systems

9.8.1 Requirements to functionality

9.9 Computer based logistic system for registering delivery of simulation equipment

9.9.1 Requirements to functionality

9.9.2 Requirements to power supply

9.10 Vulnerability

9.10.1 Requirements to functionality

9.10.2 Requirements to injury on personnel

9.11 Power supply for simulation material

9.12 Interaction with NACMTTC (located at Rena, Norway)

Appendix 1: Weapons to be simulated

Appendix 2: Training WITHOUT live monitoring capability

Appendix 3: Definition catalogue

Request for information 4501200225

PART 2A SYSTEM SPECIFICATION – low level requirements (WITHOUT live monitoring)Page 1 of 58

1Scope: Land Combat Simulation SystemWithout Live Monitoring Capability

Note to chapter:
More information later in this document: Appendix 2: Training WITHOUT live monitoring capability.


2.1Laser safety for personnel,existing equipment and simulation equipment

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 1.The simulation equipment SHALL be eye safe according to the standard IEC/EN 60825-1 (2007) and STANAG 3606.
Note:Suppliersusing ANSI Z136.1 have to notify NDLO.
RR 1.System description
SR 2.The simulation equipment SHALL be used by soldiers without use of military protective personnel equipment (PPE).
RR 2.System description
SR 3.Laser transmitters used by simulation equipmentSHALLNOTexceed Laser Class 1 during daily use, and maintenance done by users.
RR 3.System description
SR 4.Laser beams from simulation equipmentSHALLNOTconstitute a risk to users if they hit optics such as telescopic sight, binoculars or similar; either singly or by several laser beams at the same time.
RR 4.System description

2.2Interference/ Disturbance and Electromagnetic Radiation

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 5.It SHALLNOTbe any interference/ disturbance between simulation equipment and existing communications systems that will hinder normal use of all systems.
Note: The Norwegian Home Guard uses communication systems operating at frequency level 1,5-90 MHz. This includes, but notlimited to;
- Light Field Radio (LFR)
- Multi Rolle Radio (MRR)
- HF Radios such as NO/PRC 111and Harris
- Motorola GP-900
RR 5.System description
SR 6.Electromagnetic radiation, and sensitivity for electromagnetic radiation,SHALLbe according to Norwegian laws.
RR 6.System description

3Operational Environment

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 7.The simulation equipment SHALL operate in conditions A3 and C1 in accordance to AECTP 200
RR 7.System description
SR 8.The simulation equipment SHALL function in temperatures from + 45 to -25 degrees Celsius.
RR 8.System description
SR 9.The simulation equipment SHALLbe operated under any condition where a soldier can engage a target.
RR 9.System description

4Shelf Life

Note to chapter:
The simulation equipment mustbe available and possible to use all year round in the 12 different user locations (11 districts all over Norway and HVSKS at Dombås).

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 10.The simulation equipment SHALL be so solid that it can withstand rigorous use in Norwegian military field conditions all year round and in all weather conditions.
Note: Examples of military field conditions, but notlimited to; snow, rain, crawling in mud, crawling on asphalt, impact when soldiers take cover, movements in/out of the vehicles, movements in/out of houses/ pillboxes/ trenches/ bunkers.
RR 10.System description
SR 11.The simulation equipment SHALL have a build quality so that it will last minimum 10 years if being used 105 days per district/ location per year under Norwegian military field conditions.
Note: One day usage counts 15 hours in state “On”/active.
RR 11.System description
SR 12.The simulation equipment SHOULD have a build quality so that it will last minimum 15 years if being used 105 days per district/ location per year under Norwegian military field conditions.
Note: One day usage counts 15 hours in state “On”/active.
RR 12.System description

5User guides/ operation manuals

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 13.Each simulator unit (SAT, weapon, harness, etc.) SHALL have separate user guides (operation manuals) in Norwegian language.
RR 13.System description
SR 14.User guides (operation manual) SHALL be submitted in both electronic and paper format.
Note: Minimum one digital format: Latest version of Acrobat® Reader(PDF) or Microsoft Office (Word/ Excel).
RR 14.System description

6Technical Documentation

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 15.The simulatorSHALLbe delivered with technical documentation for all equipment in either English or Norwegian language.
Note: Answer must state type of language to be supported.
RR 15.System description
SR 16.Technical documentation SHALL be submitted in both electronic and paper format.
Note: Minimum one digital format: Latest version of Acrobat® Reader (PDF) or Microsoft Office (Word/ Excel).
RR 16.System description


Note to chapter:
Education will contribute in high coefficient of utilization of the Live Combat Simulation System. Education will also lower maintenance cost and time, this due to correct use and daily maintenance. Further will education prepare and make leaders/instructors/operators familiar with the equipment covered by current regulations.

Education/trainingis to be held after delivery of the first complete set for a platoon, and the education/training must be a combination of theory and practical “on the job” training. After accomplished training, the trainees will be able to operate the system, do daily maintenance, programme the system, and do simple troubleshooting.

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 17.The supplierof the simulation equipment SHALL conduct educational courses in Norway (at Dombås) for leaders/instructors/operators in the Home Guard on safety, operation and maintenance of the simulation equipment. Courses are to be held annually from year 1 and including year 5 in at least English language.
Note: Answer SHALL contain course description and type of language to be used.
RR 17. System description


8.1Maintenance performed by users

Note to chapter:

Users conduct daily maintenance of the equipment like swapping necessary batteries/charging and cleaning.

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 18.The simulation equipment SHALL be delivered with equipment for daily maintenance.
RR 18.System description
SR 19.Daily maintenance of a fully instrumented soldier SHALL be able to be carried out by the soldier within 30 minutes without any prior experience with the simulation equipment.
RR 19.System description

8.2Service program

Note to chapter:
All maintenance beyond daily maintenance will be outsourced to the supplier. Daily maintenance performed by the Norwegian Home Guard is mainlychange of batteries/charging and cleaning.

The expected number of annual operating days per location will be 105 days. One day usage counts 15 hours in state “On”/active.

Exercises last from 2 to 7 days.

In general, the simulation equipment will not be used during the months of July and December. The suppliermay provide necessary service in this period. If supplierneeds to maintain systems in other periods, this may be appointed with each user location.

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 20.The simulation equipment SHALL be available and possible to use all year round in the 12 different user locations (11 districts all over Norway and HVSKS at Dombås). The suppliermust have a service plan in according to this.
Note: Answer SHALL contain description of service plan.
RR 20.System description
SR 21.The simulation equipment SHALL be delivered with CILS with duration of 5 years and an option for an additional 2 x 5 years.
Note: Answer SHALL contain CILS description divided into years for the first 5 years.
RR 21.System description
SR 22.SupplierSHALL make minimum one visit per year at each of the 12 user locations to control functionality and do service on the simulation equipment.
RR 22.System description

9Land Combat Simulation Equipment

9.1Instrumentation for small arms, heavy guns and rifles

Note to chapter:
Instrumentation for small arms, heavy guns and rifles will be referred to as “The small arms simulator”.

9.1.1Requirements to functionality

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 23.The small arms simulator SHALL be able to engage targets at all realistic ranges of the weapons, ammunition and sights in use.
Note: See Appendix 1 in this document for weapons and ranges.
RR 23.System description
SR 24.The small arms simulator SHALL have probability of hit equal to the actual weapons simulated.
Note: This includes all operational ranges of the actual weapon. See Appendix 1 in this document for weapons and ranges.
RR 24.System description
SR 25.The small arms simulator SHALL give the same effect in target as the weapon which is simulated.
RR 25.System description
SR 26.The small arms simulator SHALL be used with the weapon's primary trigger or firing system using blanks.
RR 26.System description
SR 27.Weapons mounted with the small arms simulator SHALL be operated identically as the actual weapon.
Note: This includes standard military procedures in operation of the weapon and its accessories. Accessories are, but not limited to;
  • Laser target pointer/ illuminator/ aiming light
  • Optical sight
  • Aiming sight
  • Night sight
  • Flash light
  • Telescopic sight (scope)
  • M6X flash light
RR 27.System description
SR 28.The small arms simulator SHALL be disabled for playerswith status "killed".
RR 28.System description
SR 29.The small arms simulator belonging to a "killed" player SHALL be able to be used by another active player.
RR 29.System description
SR 30.The small arms simulator SHALL have a Built-In-Test (BIT) in order for the player to verify that the system is working properly.
RR 30.System description
SR 31.Built-In-Test in the small arms simulator SHALL have an error code form allowing usersto identify and solve problems.
RR 31.System description
SR 32.The small arms simulator SHALL, as a minimum, alert user when battery capacity is 10%.
RR 32.System description
SR 33.The small arms simulator SHOULD have a battery indicator level.
RR 33.System description

9.1.2Requirements to physical parameters

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 34.The small arms simulator SHALL be able to be mounted on the real weapon without permanent changes to the weapon.
RR 34.System description
SR 35.The small arms simulator (instrumentation) to be mounted on weapon SHALL have weight equal or less than 0,600 kilogram including necessary batteries.
RR 35.System description
SR 36.The small arms simulator (instrumentation) to be mounted on weapon SHOULDhave weight equal or less than 0,350 kilogram including necessary batteries.
RR 36.System description

9.1.3Requirements to power supply

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 37.The small arms simulator SHALL meet all requirements of power supply referred to in chapter 9.11 (“Power supply for simulation material”).
RR 37.System description

9.2Simulator for anti-tank weapons

Note to chapter:
This simulator may be delivered as a complete substitute/ “surrogate”/simulator of the real weapon.

In the following this will be referred to as a “surrogate weapon”.

9.2.1Requirements to functionality

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 38.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL be able to engage targets at all realistic ranges of the weapons, ammunition and sights in use.
Note: See Appendix 1 in this document for types of weapons and ranges.
RR 38.System description
SR 39.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL have probability of hit equal to the actual weapons simulated.
Note: This includes all operational ranges of the actual weapon. See Appendix 1 in this document for weapons and ranges.
RR 39.System description
SR 40.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL give the same effect in target as the weapon which is simulated.
RR 40.System description
SR 41.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL be able to give feedback about hits with a maximum deviation of +/-15 cm in relation to the same real weapon system.
RR 41.System description
SR 42.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL be used with the weapon's primary trigger or firing system.
RR 42.System description
SR 43.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL be operated nearly identically as the actual weapon.
RR 43.System description
SR 44.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL have possibility of signature by firing blanks or pyro so that other players can observe shots.
RR 44.System description
SR 45.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL have possibility to be fired without blanks or pyro.
RR 45.System description
SR 46.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL work with the combat leader weapon (OC gun) to set type and amount of ammunition.
RR 46.System description
SR 47.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL NOThave possibility to fire if amount of ammunition is exhausted.
RR 47.System description
SR 48.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL be disabled for players with status "killed".
RR 48.System description
SR 49.Simulator for anti-tank weapons which is disabled for use of a “killed”player SHALL be possible to be used by all other active players.
RR 49.System description
SR 50.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL have a Built-In-Test (BIT) in order for the player to verify that the system is working properly.
RR 50.System description
SR 51.Built-In-Test (BIT) in simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL have an error code form allowing user to identify and solve problems.
RR 51.System description
SR 52.Simulator for anti-tank weaponsSHALL be able to choose ammunition between HEAT and HEAB grenade.
Note: Applies only to CG84.
RR 52.System description
SR 53.Simulator for anti-tank weaponsSHALL require that correct distance is set on the sight, and the appropriate head start is selected, to be able to achieve hits.
RR 53.System description
SR 54.Ammunition to be used with weapons in simulator for ant-tank weapons SHALL be operated with the same procedures as real ammunition to the simulated weapon.
RR 54.System description
SR 55.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL as a minimum alert user when battery capacity is 10%.
RR 55.System description
SR 56.Simulator for anti-tank weaponsSHOULD have a battery indicator level.
RR 56.System description

9.2.2Requirements to physical parameters

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 57.Simulator for anti-tank weapons to be mounted on real weapons (instrumentation)SHALL, if used, be able to be mounted on the real weapon without permanent changes to the weapon.
Note: Applies only if not use of surrogate weapon.
RR 57.System description
SR 58.Surrogate weapon that completely replaces the anti-tank weapon SHALL have same appearance/looks, weight and sights as the real weapon.
Note: Weight is without any ammunition in the CG 84.With M-72 weight includes ammunition. Weight also includes necessary batteries. Operation of surrogate weapons must be as for the real weapon.
RR 58.System description
SR 59.Ammunition to be used with simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL have same weight as real ammunition.
Note: Weight includes necessary batteries.
RR 59.System description
SR 60.Simulator for anti-tank weapons using instrumentation to be mounted on real weapons SHALL have almost same weight as the real weapon.
Note:Applies only if not use of surrogate weapon. NDLO accepts a deviation of +/- 0,500 kilogram. Weight includes laser transmitter/-s, the anti-tank weapon, needed prisms, needed electronics, necessary batteries and one round of ammunition.
RR 60.System description

9.2.3Requirements to power supply

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 61.Simulator for anti-tank weapons SHALL meet all requirements of power supply referred to in chapter 9.11 (“Power supply for simulation material”).
RR 61.System description

9.3Personnel system

9.3.1Requirements to functionalityWITHOUT live monitoring capability

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 62.Personnel system SHALL detect hit and near-misseventswith360 degrees horizontal and a 180 degrees vertical detection sector.
RR 62.System description
SR 63.Personnel system SHALL have a build in unit to give player status about hit.
RR 63.System description
SR 64.Personnel system SHALL have a build in unit to give player status about injury.
RR 64.System description
SR 65.Personnel system SHALL alert user with acoustic signals of hit and near-miss event.
RR 65.System description
SR 66.Personnel system SHALL have individual adjustment of volume.
RR 66.System description
SR 67.Personnel system SHALLduring an exercise without live monitoring capability save hits, injuries, player-ID of player who made the hit as well, as weapon-ID and ammunition-ID used to make the hit.
Note: This for later retrieval to an offline unit to make å simple review of exercise summary.
RR 67.System description
SR 68.Personnel system SHALL have functionality to receive signals from the combat leader weapon (OC gun).
Note: Minimum, but notlimited to; BIT, “killed”, wounded, re- engage, extra protection (ballistic protection and dig-in).
RR 68.System description
SR 69.Personnel system SHALL have detectors with separate hit areas.
Note: This to calculate different type of wounds. Examples, but notlimited to; head, chest, arm, leg.
RR 69.System description
SR 70.Personnel system SHALL have functionality that prevents cheating.
Note: Examples of cheating, but notlimited to;
  • Remove batteries in the personnel system
  • Taking off head band
  • Taking off belt
RR 70.System description
SR 71.Personnel system SHALL deactivate player and save the event if the system detects cheating.
RR 71.System description
SR 72.Personnel system SHALL, if deactivated by cheat, only be reactivated with combat leader weapon (OC gun).
RR 72.System description
SR 73.Personnel system SHALL alert user through at least acoustic sound if the personnel system detects attempt of cheat.
RR 73.System description
SR 74.Personnel system SHALL have functionality without wires so that it’s possible after an exercise to get all events stored in the personnel system to a portable unit to be used to show summary/ results of the game.
Note:See chapter 9.7 for “Portable PC/unit for read out of exercise summary”.
RR 74.System description
SR 75.Personnel system SHALL be upgradable with data transmitter and GPS to be used with a portable control center/ Excon without need to do permanent changes on the personnel system.
Note: It must be easy for a user to fit on data transmitter and GPS.
RR 75.System description
SR 76.Personnel system SHALLstore enough events to get exercise summary/ results from system when not using live monitoring capability.
Note: Answer must contain number of events stored in the personnel system.
RR 76.System description
SR 77.Personnel system SHALL have cable free transmission of data between harness, belt, head band and weapon.
RR 77.System description
SR 78.Personnel system SHALL as a minimum alert user when battery capacity is 10%.
RR 78.System description
SR 79.Personnel system SHOULDhave a battery indicator level.
RR 79.System description
SR 80.Personnel system SHOULDregister and store number of shots fired per player per weapon.
RR 80.System description
SR 81.Personnel system SHOULD have a display to show player-ID/-name, weapon-ID/-name and ammunition-ID/-nameof shooter who made the hit or wound.
RR 81.System description

9.3.2Requirements to physical parameters

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 82.Personnel system in use SHALL NOT interfere with normal movement and functions of the soldier.
RR 82.System description
SR 83.Personnel system SHALL be compatible with all relevant vests used by soldiers out in the field.
Note: NDLO will provide samples if asked for.
RR 83.System description
SR 84.Head band in the personnel system SHALL be compatible with all relevant types of helmets.
Note: NDLO will provide samples if asked for.
RR 84.System description
SR 85.Personnel system with all needed components (harness, belt, head band and necessary batteries) SHALLtotally weigh equal or less than 2,5 kilogram.
RR 85.System description
SR 86.Weight of head band to be used in the personnel system SHALL be equal or less than 0,500 kilogram including necessary batteries.
RR 86.System description
SR 87.Head band in the personnel system SHOULD be compatible with all types of caps.
RR 87.System description
SR 88.Head band in the personnel system SHOULD be possible to use without need of helmet or caps.
RR 88.System description
SR 89.Total weight of personnel system with all needed components (harness, belt, head band and necessary batteries) SHOULD weigh equal or less than 2,0 kilogram.
RR 89.System description
SR 90.Head band SHOULD weigh equal or less than 0,250 kilogram including necessary batteries.
RR 90.System description

9.3.3Requirements to power supply

Requirement / Comply Yes/No / Supplier’s reply
SR 91.Personnel system SHALL meet all requirements of power supply referred to in chapter 9.11 (“Power supply for simulation material”).
RR 91.System description

9.4Independent Target System

9.4.1Requirements to functionality

Note to chapter:
Independent target systemwillprimarily be used for target practice with 2-way laser systems, but may be used with all weapons in Appendix 1 later in this document.