Trent Institute Guidance Notes for Purchasers

00/06 / Nasal Continuous Positive Airways Pressure in the Management of Sleep Apnoea
ISBN 1900752 15 8 / £15.00
/ Long Term use of oral antiplatelet therapy for the prevention of
stroke and other serious vascular events
ISBN: 1900 733 349 / £15.00
00/04 / Transmyacardial Laser Revasularisation for Angina
ISBN 1900 733 420 / £15.00
00/03 / Hyperbaric Oxygen Management Oral Cancer ISBN 1 900 733 41 2 / £15.00
/ Summary of Evidence of Effectiveness for Selective Serotonin Re - Uptake Inhibitors and Tricyclic Antidepressants
ISBN 19007 3404 / £15.00
00/01 / The Effectiveness of Intrathecal Baclofen in the Management of Patients with Severe Spasticity
ISBN 19 007 33 358 / £15.00
99/08 / The Use of Endovascular Stents for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
1999 ISBN 19 007 33 358 / £15.00
99/07 / Tacrolimus and Mycophenolate Mofetil as Maintenance Immunosuppressants following Renal Transplantation
ISBN 1 900 733 25 0 / £15.00
99/06 / The Effectiveness of Surgery in the Management of Epilepsy 1999
ISBN 1 900 733 33 1 / £15.00
99/05 / Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in the Management of Knee Disorders
ISBN 1 900 733 32 3 / £15.00
99/04 / The Use of Routine Antenatal Anti-D Prophylaxis for Rhesus Negative Women.
M Allaby, K forman, S Touch and J Chilcott 1999
ISBN 1 900 733 30 7 / £15.00
99/03 / A Review of the Use of Propentofylline in the Treatment of Dementia.
J Chilcott, K Perrett, P Golightly, J Sykes and M Whittingham 1999
ISBN 1 900 733 29 3 / £15.00
99/02 / Hepatic Resection as a Treatment for Liver Metastases in Colorectal Cancer.
SM Beard, M Holmes, A Majeed and C Price 1999
ISBN 1 900 733 34 X / £15.00
99/01 / The Role of Antileukotrienes in the treatment of Chronic Asthma
MD Stevenson, RG Richards, SM Beard
ISBN 1 900 733 31 5 / £15.00
98/11 / The Use of Fluoridated School Milk in the Prevention of Dental Caries.
NW Calvert and N Thomas 1998
ISBN 1 900 733 28 5 / £10.00
98/10 / Supplementary Document: The Use of Paclitaxel in the First Line Treatment of Ovarian Cancer
SM Beard, RE Coleman, J Radford and JA Tidy 1998
ISBN 1 900 733 26 9 / £10.00
98/08 / The Effectiveness of High Dose Chemotherapy and Bone Marrow/Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma.
SM Beard, FC Sampson, F Scott and E Vandenberghe 1998
ISBN 1 900 733 23 6 / £10.00
98/06 / The Use of Ultrasound (Viability) Scans in Early Pregnancy Bleeding
NW Calvert, CD Singleton and PM Tromans 1998
ISBN 1 900 733 24 2 / £10.00
98/05 / Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors in Heart Failure:
Reducing Mortality and Costs to the NHS
Cornell S J, Calvert N W< Hayes A, Channer KS, Singleton CD
1998 ISBN 1 900 733 226 / £10.00
98/04 / The Effectiveness of High Dose Chemotherapy and Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in the Treatment of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Hodgkin’s Disease.
SM Beard, P Lorigan, F Sampson and A Sims 1998
ISBN 1 900 733 23 4 / £10.00
98/02 / Internal fixation of fractures of the shaft of the tibia and of the distal radius in adults.
N Calvert, P Triffitt, S Johnstone, RG Richards and M Evans 1998
ISBN 1 900 733 20X / £10.00
98/01 / A Review of the Use of Current ‘Atypical’ Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Schizophrenia.
SM Beard, J Brewin, C Packham and P Rowlands 1998
ISBN 1 900 733 19 6 / £10.00
97/10 / The use of bone anchored hearing aids.
NJ Cooper, J Tomlinson and J Sutton 1997
ISBN 1 900733 08 0 / £10.00
97/09 / The use of Donepezil in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
FA Pitt, J Chilcott, P Golightly, J Sykes and M Whittingham 1997
ISBN 1 900733 17 X / £10.00
97/08 / The use of growth hormone in adults.
JN Payne and RG Richards 1997
ISBN 1 900733 18 8 / £ 5.00
97/07 / Spinal cord stimulation in the management of chronic pain.
J Tomlinson, CJ McCabe and B Collett 1997
ISBN 1 900733 14 5 / £10.00
97/06 / The use of Alpha Interferon in the management of chronic myeloid leukaemia.
RG Richards and CJ McCabe 1997
ISBN 1 900733 13 7 / £10.00
97/05 / The use of Cisplatin and Paclitaxel as a first line treatment in ovarian cancer.
SM Beard, R Coleman, J Radford and J Tidy 1997
ISBN 1 900733 12 9 / £10.00
97/04 / Recombinant Factor VIII Versus plasma derived Factor VIII in the management of haemophilia A : an examination of the costs and consequences.
C Green and RL Akehurst 1997
ISBN 1 900733 11 0 / £10.00
97/03 / The use of Riluzole in the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (motor neurone disease).
J Chilcott, P Golightly, D Jefferson, CJ McCabe and S Walters 1997
ISBN 1 900733 09 9 / £10.00
97/02 / Prostacyclin and Iloprost in the treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension.
T Higenbottam, SE Ward, A Brennan, CJ McCabe, RG Richards and
MD Stevenson 1997
ISBN 1 900733 10 2 / £10.00
97/01 / The clinical and cost-effectiveness of computed tomography in the management of transient ischaemic attack and stroke.
A Ferguson and CJ McCabe 1997
ISBN 1 900733 07 2 / £10.00
96/04 / HMG CO-A Reductase Inhibitor (Statins) treatment in the prevention of coronary heart disease.
DM Pickin, JN Payne, IU Haq, CJ McCabe, SE Ward, PR Jackson, WW Yeo and LE Ramsay 1996.
ISBN 1 900733 06 4 / £ 6.00
96/03 / The use of cochlear implantation.
1996 Q Summerfield and J Tomlinson
ISBN 1 900733 04 8 / £ 6.00
96/02 / Tertiary cardiology.
J Tomlinson, J Sutton and CJ McCabe 1996
ISBN 1 900733 05 6 / £ 6.00
96/01 / The use of DNase in cystic fibrosis.
JN Payne, S Dixon, NJ Cooper and CJ McCabe 1996
ISBN 1 900733 02 1 / £ 6.00