JANUARY 18, 2014
8 AM – 6 PM (or so)
The skills you need to lead, live and energize your life…
Does your District or Club have difficulty filling leadership positions? Would any member in your District or Club benefit from improving their leadership skills? If so, then Exchange has a program specifically designed to address these issues, Exchange Leadership Excellence (ELE) . ELE is a cutting-edge, core training program for leaders at all levels of Exchange. The ELE Program was developed to improve the quality of leaders in Exchange and to encourage Exchangites to step-up to leadership positions. The exceptional quality and educational value of the ELE training is a major leap forward for Exchange. The ELE Program is designed to be on par with professional leadership training that typically costs hundreds of dollars to attend. ELE training challenges the participants in activities such as developing mission statements, identifying and breaking through obstacles to leadership, building stronger teams, defining personal leadership styles, improving communication skills and much more.
The Exchange Leadership Excellence Program was first rolled out in the fall of 2005. ELE training is presented in module format. The training can take place at a special Regional, District, or Club ELE training event. Or, it can be combined with other training. The modules are fast-paced, fun and interactive. Each participant is given a guide laden with practical tools that can be implemented immediately. There are both 2-hour and 4-hour modules. The 4-hour modules are to be taken in sequence. However, to provide flexibility in presenting the ELE training the program has been modified to include shorter two-hour modules consisting of information from the original four-hour modules as well as additional new modules such as Public Speaking. The two-hour modules can be taken individually, i.e. not in sequence. The four-hour modules require two trainers to present the material but the two-hour modules only require one trainer. ELE training is free for Exchangites. The program is also available for a fee to individuals who are not members of Exchange. More 2-hour modules will be added in the future as well. The 2-hour modules currently available are listed below along with the learning objectives of each module.
The Definition of Leadership
-Learn the definition of Leadership -Learn the characteristics of effective leaders -Learn the difference between leadership and management
Discovering Your Leadership Style
-Learn the different styles of Leadership -Learn how to apply the BE, KNOW, DO model of leadership -Learn how leadership styles differ from leader to leader & group to group -Discover your own leadership style & the tools of that discovery -Understand the link between effectiveness leadership and flexibility
Overcoming the Obstacles to Leadership
-Create a personal mission statement
-Learn how personal vision, values and mission statements can make you a more effective leader
-Create vision, values and mission statements for you personally
-Learn about the dynamics of leadership
-Learn the blocks to effective leadership
-Learn how to overcoming leadership blocks through self-empowerment
Faciliated Q & A
-Question and answer period generated by participants.
Biography: Russ Finney
West Chester, Ohio
Regional Vice President, Region 8
The National Exchange Club
Russ Finney was elected to a second two-year term as regional vice president for Region 8 at organization’s 2012 National Convention in Chandler, Ariz. Russ is a member of the Exchange Club of West Chester, Ohio, and was the club’s charter president. He joined Exchange in 1995 and has served many roles at the club level. He received the Distinguished Club President Award in 2004.
Active on the Ohio-West Virginia District, Finney was a member of its board of directors and served as district secretary and in 2001-02 as district president. He also chaired a number of district committees. For The National Exchange Club, Finney chairs the Exchange Leadership Excellence Committee and serves on the Investment and Budget and Finance Committees and the Strategic Planning Task Force. He is an active volunteer field representative and is one of the certified Leadership Excellence trainers. Finney received Exchange’s Volunteer Field Representative of the Year Award in 2004. He is a club builder and has led training sessions for Exchange’s National Leadership Conference.
Finney is the co-owner of Capital Advisory Services, an investment advisory and financial planning firm. An avid aviator, Finney was an F-16, RF-4 and T-38 pilot for the U.S. Air Force. He now volunteers as a pilot for the Civil Air Patrol. Finney attended college at the United States Air Force Academy and holds a Master’s degree from the University of Southern California.
Finney and his wife, Kathie, have two married children and two grandchildren.