Week of: 8/25-8/29/2014 Theme/Getting to know you. Teacher: ___Brenda Knowles______

Dramatic Play
EQ –Where do we put toys when we are finished? / Art
EQ – Can you name the colors? / Sand and Water
EQ – What do we need to do before we play in sand? After?
EQ –How many blocks can you stack? / Manipulatives
EQ – What shapes do you see? / Library & Writing
EQ – Can you draw a circle? Show me.(dry erase boards)
How do we take care of our books?
What book do you like ?
Science & Math
EQ- Can you find your name on the height chart? Which friend is tallest? Shortest? / Music & Movement
EQ – What do we do when the music stops? / Computers (Classroom)
EQ –How do you know when your turn is over?
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Morning Meeting
9:30-9:45 / Introduce Bell
Morning Greeting Song
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of silence
Freeze dance
Linear Calendar
Add to caterpillar
Introduce rules / Introduce Bell
Morning Greeting Song
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of silence
Freeze dance
Linear Calendar
Add to caterpillar
Introduce rules / Introduce Bell
Morning Greeting Song
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of silence
Freeze dance
Linear Calendar
Add to caterpillar
Introduce rules / Introduce Bell
Morning Greeting Song
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of silence
Freeze dance
Linear Calendar
Add to caterpillar
Introduce rules / Introduce Bell
Morning Greeting Song
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of silence
Freeze dance
Linear Calendar
Add to caterpillar
Introduce rules
Whole Group Activities
Time(s): / Circle (9:30-9:45)
Story (12:00-12:15)
Afternoon meeting 2:30-2:45
Story (2:45:3:00)) / Circle (9:30-9:45)
Story (12:00-12:15)
Afternoon meeting 2:30-2:45
Story (2:45-3:00) / Circle (9:30-9:45)
Story (12:00-12:15)
Afternoon meeting 2:30-2:45
Story (2:45-3:00) / Circle (9:30-9:45)
Story (12:00-12:15)
Afternoon meeting 2:30-2:45
Story (2:45-3:00) / Circle (9:30-9:45)
Story (12:00-12:15)
Afternoon meeting 2:30-2:45
Story (2:45-3:00)
Small Group Activities
2:30 3:15
departure / AM Groups:
Activity-Play plans
Students in Group-Sarah, Savannah, Mason, Jacob
Teacher will flow through center activities interacting with individual children during play.
Assistant 1:PIA
Activity- science/math center
Sand and texture play. Go over rules and sanitation.
Ask essential questions
Students in Group-Jacob, Mason
Assistants 2:Linda
Activity-Housekeeping- Ask essential questions.
Students in Group-Sarah, Savannah
Children will rotate through center activities this week
PM Groups:2:45-3:00 whole group)
Activity Story(Ain’t Gonna Paint no More)
Students in Group-Jacob, Mason, Sarah, Savannah
2:30-@2:45 afternoon small group
Assistant 1:Pia
Activity-Afternoon Meeting
Freeze dance/Ask: What did you do at school today? Expand on responses offer visuals to children who may not have vocabulary or spoken language.
Students in Group-Jacob, Mason, Savannah, Sarah
Assistants 2:Linda
Activity-draw what you did today on white boards
Students in Group-Jacob, Mason, Sarah, Savannah
Students in Group- Jacob, Mason, Savannah, Sarah
3:15-3:30 prepare for departure
Potty check
Book bags packed / AM Groups:
Activity-Play plans
Students in Group-Sarah, Savannah, Mason, Jacob
Teacher will flow through center activities interacting with individual children during play.
Teacher will flow through center activities interacting with individual children during play
Assistant 1:Pia
Activity-measuring and comparing on growth chart
Students in Group-Jacob, Sarah
Assistants 2:Linda
Activity-painting a page for the weekly book
Students in Group-Savannah, Mason
PM Groups:2:45-3:00 whole group
Students in Group-all
Assistant 1:Pia 2:30-2:45
Activity-Afternoon Meeting
Freeze dance/Ask: What did you do at school today? Expand on responses offer visuals to children who may not have vocabulary or spoken language.
Students in Group-Jacob, Mason, Savannah, Sarah
Assistants 2:Linda 3:00-3:15
Activity-shape puzzles/centers
Students in Group- all
3:15-3:30 prepare for departure
Potty check
Boo kbags packed / AM Groups:
Activity-Play plans
Students in Group-Sarah, Mason, Savannah, Jacob
Teacher will flow through center activities interacting with individual children during play
Assistant 1:Pia
Activity-complete picture for classroom book (Pia takes photos of children)
Students in Group-Jacob, Mason
Assistants 2:
Activity-play dough with shape cutters
Students in Group-Savannah, Sarah
PM Groups:
Students in Group-all
Assistant 1:Pia
Activity-Afternoon Meeting
Freeze dance/Ask: What did you do at school today? Expand on responses offer visuals to children who may not have vocabulary or spoken language.
Students in Group-Jacob, Mason, Savannah, Sarah
Assistants 2:
Activity-white boards drawing lines and circles, identifying color/centers
Students in Group-all
3:15-3:30 prepare for departure
Potty check
Book bags packed / AM Groups:
Activity-Play Plans
Students in Group-all
Teacher will flow through center activities interacting with individual children during play
Assistant 1:Pia
Activity-create another page for our classroom book using markers and watercolors
Students in Group-Sarah, Savannah
Assistants 2:Linda
Activity-play dough with shape cutters.
Students in Group- Jacob, Mason
PM Groups:
Students in Group-all
Assistant 1:Pia
Activity-Afternoon Meeting
Freeze dance/Ask: What did you do at school today? Expand on responses offer visuals to children who may not have vocabulary or spoken language.
Students in Group-Jacob, Mason, Savannah, Sarah
Assistants 2:
Activity-stacking blocks/centers
Students in Group-all
3:15-3:30 prepare for departure
Potty check
Book bags packed / AM Groups:
Activity-Play Plans
Students in Group-all
Teacher will flow through center activities interacting with individual children during play
Assistant 1:
Activity-sand and texture table
Students in Group-Jacob, Mason
Assistants 2:
Activity-help put book together for classroom
Students in Group-Sarah, Savanna
PM Groups:
Students in Group-all
Assistant 1:Pia
Activity- Afternoon Meeting
Freeze dance/Ask: What did you do at school today? Expand on responses offer visuals to children who may not have vocabulary or spoken language.
Students in Group-Jacob, Mason, Savannah, Sarah
Students in Group-
Assistants 2:Linda
Students in Group-Sarah, Savannah
3:15-3:30 prepare for departure
Potty check
Book bags packed
9:45-11:00 / Centers will be available for children to play . Small group activities in some centers will also occur during this time. / Centers will be available for children to play . Small group activities in some centers will also occur during this time. / Centers will be available for children to play . Small group activities in some centers will also occur during this time. / Centers will be available for children to play . Small group activities in some centers will also occur during this time. / Centers will be available for children to play . Small group activities in some centers will also occur during this time.
Gross Motor/ Outdoor
11:00-11:30 / Introduce equipment and monitor for safety and skills children need to work on.
Bubble play / Introduce equipment and monitor for safety and skills children need to work on.
Bubble play / Introduce equipment and monitor for safety and skills children need to work on.
chalk / Introduce equipment and monitor for safety and skills children need to work on.
chalk / Introduce equipment and monitor for safety and skills children need to work on.
Read Aloud
12:15 and 2:30 / Ain’t Gonna Paint No More
Making Friends / Who Cares About the Weather
Please and Thank You / The Name Jar
My Name is Johari / Be Friends
Ain’t Gonna Paint No More / Who Cares About the Weather
Making Friends
Promethean Board
IEP Goals
Time(s): / 1.JB: Given visual and verbal cues JB will participate in structured as well as unstructured activities, follow classroom routines and directions with minimal prompting (in all classroom activities being offered) 9:45-11:00, 2:00-3:30
2.SF: Will follow simple directions and stay on task for increasing amounts of time up to 10 minutes. During small/whole group activities.(9:45-11:00 2:30-3:30)
3.MR: With minimal prompting and modeling, M will participate in preschool routines (circle, center time) and complete preschool activities, both preferred and non-preferred. (9:45-11:00, 2:30-3:30)
Special Activities/
New Vocabulary Words for the
week: / Rules, calendar, weather, number words, color words, tallest, shortest and shape words
Things needed to complete the Theme/ Study for the Week
Parent/Family Involvement Activities
Reminders for the Week:

Adapted from Teaching Strategies