EDT 442

I. Test Presentation - Due Oct 13 & 14 – 50 Points

  1. Each student within a group will be required to critique an assessment tool appropriate for use with a student with M/M disabilities.
  2. Prepare a Handout to be distributed the day prior to your class presentation.
  1. Name of tool, type of instrument (standardized, criterion-referenced, etc.), publisher, form, age range for whom it is appropriate. Explain training and/or experience necessary for giving test.
  2. Name subtests or parts of instrument and give a brief description of the format (student responds orally to an oral cue, student respond orally to a visual cue, etc.)
  3. Describe scores that can be obtained. Explain what the various scores tell a teacher.
  4. Summarize the strengths and weakness of the instrument from your perspective.
  1. Presentation (10 minutes) – 20 Points
  2. Assume the role of “Teacher.”
  3. Show instrument and give a brief description of the test’s purpose and its use.
  4. With peers, demonstrate how to give one portion of the test.

II.Multi-Day Sp. Ed. Field Assessment Report –Due Dec 8 – 100 Points

1. Assess ONE STUDENT in the following areas and use at least one formal instrument:

a.Language Arts (Reading, Spelling, Written)


  1. Social Skills/Functional skills (ELSA)
  2. Interest Inventory
  3. Classroom samples of student work
  4. Behavioral information collected by observation &/or anecdotally

Score the assessment tools (Markings should be clear. Correct responses should be indicated. For example, if the student wrote the word consert for concert, you need to mark consert wrong and write concert next to it.)

Submit all directions given the student and all of the student’s responses.

2. Provide a summary report of:

  1. Student (age, grade, label, sex, placement, any remarkable information)
  2. When (Multiple days and times) and where you did assessments
  3. What informal observations you made about student during assessments
  4. Your perceptions of the accuracy of the data collected
  5. A rationale for the IEP goals and objectives you wrote (see assignment #3). Include the IEP goals & objectives with your report as well.

III.Using the data collected complete assessment forms for progress monitoring your IEP goals & objectives included in your assessment report –Due Dec 8 –

20 points

IV.SelfReflections/Homework on Assessment–Due as assigned –30-60 Points

EDT 443

I.IEP Mastery (Credit only; no grade) Final Draft Due Oct. 15

This is an activity done in pairs/small groups. Complete an IEP based on case study provided by the instructors using Ohio forms.

Include 2 goals with at least 3 objectives

Include progress monitoring forms for each objective

IV.Multi-Day Sp. Ed. Field Report - Due Dec. 8 – 50 Points

  1. Summary report about your field placement (approximately 3-5 pages)

must include:

  1. Demographics of site (grade/age range of students/types of disabilities served/service delivery model)
  2. Include a description of the intervention specialist
  3. Provide a description of the classroom organization and its effect on student socialization and learning.
  4. Indicate the degree to which you felt the curriculum was authentic (meaningful to the student) and functional (addressed skills necessary for daily living, now or in the future).
  5. Your opinion of the philosophy of the curriculum of the program. What specifics led you to this opinion?

V.Using the data collected complete an IEP form - One goal in

each of two areas (one of which must be an academic content area) with 3 objectives for each of the 2 goals(Note this is the same IEP referred to in EDT 442 for assessment forms for progress monitoring assignment)–Due Dec 9 – 100 Points

VI.SelfReflections/Homework on Curriculum –Due as assigned – 100-150 Points

EDT 444

I.Simulation Activities– Week of Sept. 22, Report due Oct. 1for AYA (50 points) & on Dec. 10 for MCE (No report needed for MCE) – 25 points

  1. Prepare simulations, host secondary Block peers on week of Sept. 22, lead peers through simulations and provide a debriefing session.
  2. Provide secondary Block peers with simulation materials that could be used in their future teaching situations.
  3. Provide instructors with a complete set of all materials (used or distributed).
  4. Prepare an evaluation tool and gather data from secondary Block peers.
  5. A group grade will be given.

II.Lesson Plans (2 written plans) –Due Dec. 10 – 100 Points

  1. Using the UD format, the student will complete all sections (submitted in hard copy and uploaded into Taskstream –(No changes may be made to lesson plans after CT intials – see #2 below)
  2. Lesson plans must be among those used during the field placement & include initials/approval of cooperating teacher and samples of student work.

III.Lesson Plan Presentation (present 1 plan) –Due Week of Finals date to be determined– 25 Points

  1. This is an oral class presentation. Topic to be approved by instructors.
  2. Handout (for instructors and classmates) will include:
  3. Onelesson plan to teach mild/moderate students (See assignment #15)
  4. Lesson presentation should include supplementary activities/adaptations/accommodations that use technology (hard- and/or software). The purpose and usefulness of the activity to support student learning should be included.

3. Oral report (15-20 minutes) will include:

  1. A presentation of the activities used in lesson plans and your method of assessing students.
  2. Explain what you would do to adjust your lesson plans if your group is expanded to include at-risk students and non-labeled peers.

IV. Self Reflections/Homework on Instructional Strategies –Due as assigned – 20-50 Points

For Block in General:

Additional Assignments:

No credit will be given for any of the classes until the portfolio assignment has been completed to satisfaction.

I. Portfolio - Due Date of Finals at latest

This Portfolio should be based on Pathwise domains and behaviors. There should be 6 new entries identified by the student.

  1. Include a job resume.
  2. Include documentation that shows you as an intervention specialist and your growth across your university and school experiences.
  3. Include your philosophy of education.

II. Attendance is expected and will be assessed within the Benchmarks policy. Missing more than 13% of classes for any reasons is a Benchmark flag. Missing more than 13% of classes for unexcused absences is a Benchmark failure.

It is expected that students will arrive for class and from breaks on time. Repeated tardiness will be assessed as an absence.

III. All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date specified by the instructor. Penalties will be assessed for lateness:

Turned in after beginning of class but before end of class

= -5% of points available

On due date but after class ends= -10%

1 day late= - 20%

2 days late= -30%

3 days late= -40%

Later than 3 days the assignment will not be accepted.

IV.Professional behavior is expected in class and in the field. Failure to behave professionally in either setting will result in reduction of grade or failure in a course.