Professional Development Schools Site Description

I. Introduction:

Collaboration is the key underpinning of the Regional Professional

Development School Partnerships. Formed in / Fall 2004
between Salisbury University and / Fruitland Primary and Fruitland Intermediate Schools,

the partnership has been formed to provide a learning community that allows for the continuing professional development of practicing classroom teachers and SalisburyUniversity faculty, working together to improve practice and enhance student achievement.

In addition to the educational institutions involved, partners include Baxter Enterprises.

II. Description of Partners:

Mission, Background and History

A. Mission:

The mission of the Regional Professional Development School (RPDS) is to provide preparation of excellent prospective teachers enrolled in elementary, early childhood, secondary, masters of art and teaching, physical education, music and TESOL programs at Salisbury University. It is the mission of this organization to provide a learning community that allows for the continuing professional development of practicing classroom teachers and SalisburyUniversity faculty, working together to improve practice and enhance student achievement. To accomplish the mission of the RPDS, a PreK-16 partnership exists among the participating county public schools and Salisbury University. The partners are Anne Arundel County, Caroline County, Dorchester County, Seaford School District, Somerset County, Talbot County, Wicomico County, Worcester County and Salisbury University.

B. History:
Salisbury University (SU) initiated a Professional Development School (PDS) relationship with Fruitland Primary School (FPS) and Fruitland Intermediate School (FIS) in Fall 2004. Through persistent communication with the University, Bob Carlisle, former principal of Fruitland Intermediate School, pointed out several reasons for SU to partner with the Fruitland Schools: 1) the schools exist within two miles of one another and have a long standing history of being paired as “neighborhood schools,” 2) both schools host a diverse student population providing multiple experiences for candidates and interns, and 3) the capacity for internship placements is high among both schools due to the size of the schools and the number of tenured “master” mentor teachers available and willing to be part of the PDS program. Recognizing the potential of this naturally paired site, Dr. Pat Richards, agreed to become the SU Faculty Liaison and the partnership took immediate flight. In Fall, 2008, Dr. Gwen Beegle became the faculty Liaison to continue the partnership. The Fruitlands continue to be a valuable partner for SU due to the number of internship, method, and observation placements there, the skill and enthusiasm of the PDS contacts, and the growth in PDS capacity over time.

III. Partnership Development:

A.  Governance Structure of Coordinating Council:

2005 – 06 Council

Name / Position
Susie Jones / Site Coordinator - FPS
Karen Engleman / Mentor - FPS
Darrel Morris / Principal – FPS
Jannelle Cropper / Site Coordinator - FIS
Kris Gosnell / Principal - FPS
Pat Richards / SU Liaison/Supervisor

2006-2007 Council

Name / Position

2007 – 08 Council

Name / Position
Janelle Cropper / Site Co-Coordinator – FIS
Theresa Spicer / Site Co-Coordinator – FIS
Kris Gosnell / Principal – FIS
Susie Jones / Site Coordinator - FPS
Darrel Morris / Principal – FPS
Tricia Wilkins / Mentor – FIS
Beth Pistilli / Mentor – FIS
Mariannne Noelte / SU Liaison/Supervisor

2008-2009 Council

Name / Position
Janelle Cropper / Site Co-Coordinator – FIS
Theresa Spicer / Site Co-Coordinator – FIS
Kris Gosnell / Principal – FIS
Susie Jones / Site Coordinator - FPS
Sharon Taylor / Site Co-Coordinator FPS
Rich Lynerd / Site Co-Coordinator FPS
Darrel Morris-Judith Stein / Principals – FPS, fall and spring
Gwen Beegle / SU Liaison

2009-2010 Council

Name / Position
Janelle Cropper / Site Co-Coordinator – FIS
Theresa Spicer / Site Co-Coordinator – FIS
Kris Gosnell / Principal – FIS
Susie Jones / Site Coordinator - FPS
Sharon Taylor / Site Co-Coordinator FPS
Rich Lynerd / Site Co-Coordinator FPS
Ellen Harlan / Principal FPS
Gwen Beegle / SU Liaison

2010 – 11 Council

Janelle Cropper / Site Co-CoordinatorFIS
Charmaine Cowell / Site Co-Coordinator FIS
Jon Shearer / Principal FIS
Susie Jones / Site Co-Coordinator FPS
Heather Charlton / Site Co-Coordinator FPS
Ellen Harlan / Principal FPS
Marita Barnes / SU Liason

B.  Roles of the Coordinating Council:

SU Liaison: the point person for the IHE in the PDS partnership. Working collaboratively with the site coordinator, the liaison provides leadership to the PDS.


ü  maintains a visible presence in the PDS site

ü  facilitates the placement of observing students and interns

ü  when appropriate assists with professional development activities and action research

ü  with site coordinator assistance, plans, conducts and records Coordinating Council meetings at least once per semester

ü  provides input and assistance in planning and implementing site goals

ü  primary communicator between the PDS site, the central office, and the University

Site Coordinator(s): serves as the empowered representative of the school in the PDS partnership. Working collaboratively with the SU liaison, the site coordinator provides leadership to the PDS.


ü  with SU liaison assistance, plans, conducts and records Coordinating Council meetings at least once per semester

ü  provides input and assistance in planning and implementing site goals

ü  assist in arranging placements and other matters of PDS collaboration

Mentor Teacher(s): selected teacher(s) within the PDS site having three years of successful teaching experience and/or tenure, recognized professionalism a d proficiency in instruction and classroom management, the strong desire to mentor SU interns, and willingness to participate in mentor training and provide a classroom laboratory for inquiry.


ü  provides input and assistance in planning and implementing site goals

ü  assist in arranging placements and other matters of PDS collaboration

Principal/Administrator: plays an integral role in influencing the success or lack of success of the PDS and must be committed to the identity of the school as a PDS. The principal’s enthusiasm, knowledge, and coaching establish and maintain the tone of the partnership.


ü  provides input and assistance in planning and implementing site goals

ü  assist in arranging placements and other matters of PDS collaboration

2009-  PDS Site Involvement:

ü  school faculty or central office persons involvement at university serving on committees, teaching courses, etc. (adjunct instructor, guest lecture, etc.)

ü  involvement of university faculty in the PDS with presentations, workshops, projects, serving on committees, etc.

2005 – 06 Site Involvement

ü  Susie Jones, site coordinator/mentor and Karen Engleman, mentor (Fall 2005, Spring 2006)

§  Adjunct instructors for ELED 411 – Instructional Analysis in the Elementary and Middle school (seminar)

§  Course held onsite between FPS and FIS

ü  Joe Foster and Courtney Marshall (Wic. Co. teachers)

§  Adjunct instructors for onsite ELED 411 (Fall 2004)

ü  Joe Foster and Sue Cormier (Wicl Co. teachers)

§  Adjunct instructors for onsite ELED 411 (Spring 2005)

ü  Dr. Pat Richards provided staff professional development on SU’s Conceptual Framework (Fall 2005)

ü  Children’s Author Visit: Laurence Pringle (arranged by Dr. Pat Richards as liaison) FIS and FPI (April 2006)

§  SU provided 18 signed copies of Pringle’s book to both schools ($136.00)

ü  Presented “Outstanding Mentor Award” to Ross Ritter at FIS (May 22nd, 2006)

§  Pat Richards, Harold Schriver & Stacie Siers

2006-2007 Site Involvement

2007 – 08 Site Involvement

ü  Children’s Author Visit: scheduled at FPS and FIS as arranged by SU liaison (per Stacy Siers)

ü  Mentor training with both Fruitland Schools. Both PDS site coordinators lead the presentation along with Marianne Nolte from SU

ü  Dr. Bond visited Fruitland Primary and did a presentation on the Chinese New Year

ü  JoAnne Willey and Susie Jones met with Interns and Block A, B, and C students for a meet and greet session. We went over the expectations and requirements for both Fruitland Schools

2008 – 09 Site Involvement

ü  Mini-Grant provided:

o  Two 2-3 hour professional development sessions by Drs. Joyce Wiencek and Claudia Burgess related to reading and math instruction on October 20, for 18 teachers at Fruitland Intermediate School

o  Use of the techniques by teachers in classrooms

o  Coordinating material were purchased by FIS for use in the PD and following the sessions

ü  Teresa Spicer taught EDUC 411 Seminar for SU Interns on site

ü  Gwen Beegle and Teresa Spicer met with Interns for Orientation Spring 2009

ü  2 Council Meetings were held (fall and spring) and year end meetings were held for each school (June 9, 2009)

ü  Mini-grant report completed and submitted June 1

ü  Interns from the Fruitlands chose to attend the RPDS conference sessions

ü  FIS Legacy projects: PDS Board updated with SU Banner, Soccer nets for playground

ü  FPS Legacy project: File folder for mentors on what to expect from SU interns and methods candidates

ü  Participation in RPDS poster session by 5 staff members

ü  Shared action research at the RPDS Conference Gallery Walk


2009-10 Site Involvement

ü  Teresa Spicer taught EDUC 411 Seminar for SU interns on site

ü  Gwen Beegle met with each principal in August 2009 to provide results on partnership survey data collected in spring, 2009 and to offer follow up professional development for each school

ü  Scheduled professional development for May, 2010 on differentiated instruction and working well with students with disabilities

ü  Gwen Beegle and Ellen Harlan conferred about family literacy program and Gwen Beegle provided brochures to distribute and offered literacy program staff to assist in disseminating information. Gwen Beegle contacted Parent Teacher organization to ask for information to be placed in the newsletter.

ü  FPS distributed May Literacy Center Family Literacy Program brochures to FPS preschool students.

ü  Kris Gosnell, Janelle Cropper and Paul Gasior conferred and organized additional candidate placement in math classes to support student achievement

2010-2011 Site Involvement

ü  Susie Jones – site coordinator and mentor- taught ED 411 (Seminar) class on site for SU interns

ü  Fruitland interns attended the RPDS conference

ü  Fruitland interns participated in and shared action research at the Gallery Walk at the RPDS conference

ü  As a legacy project, Fruitland interns created an intern booklet that mentors can give to interns as they become candidates at the school

ü  Marita Barnes (Liason) and Ellen Harlan discussed professional development concerning assessment in the classroom

ü  October 2010 -Marita Barnes and Ann Lewis presented a professional development session on assessment in the classroom

ü  Fruitland interns participated in all aspects of the school setting including Professional Learning Community Meetings, Professional Day/Professional Development Jan, 2011, First in Math Night (Feb. 2011)FieldTrips (Dec 2010), Faculty Meetings, IEP meetings,

ü  Site Coordinators and Interns completed a PDS bulletin board (Fruitland Primary)

ü  Action research was conducted by Interns, Site Coordinators and Liason collaboratively

D. Long –Term Goals:

2005 – 06 Long – Term Goals:

ü  As enrollments dictate, host onsite seminar at FPS/FIS – set Spring 2006 (achieved Spring 2006 & ongoing)

ü  Professional Development: - set Spring 2005 (achieved Fall 2006)

ü  With SU assistance, site coordinators will develop additional perspective mentors focusing on the collaborative internship model.

ü  Susie Jones and Karen Engleman led school-based training sessions producing 4 new mentors at FPS.

ü  Focus on Fostering Action Research: - set Spring 2005 (achieved at FPS 2005-06 school year)

ü  Mentor teacher and SU liaison will work with interns and mentors providing assistance with developing action research during Block C and D of the internship.

ü  7 projects were completed at FPS.

2006 – 07 Long – Term Goals:


2007 – 08 Long – Term Goals:

ü  Professional Development –

ü  With SU assistance, site coordinators will develop additional perspective mentors focusing on the collaborative internship model

ü  Interns will assist students with meeting Accelerated Reader Goals

ü  Interns will work with identified students to provide assistance in meeting his/her Accelerated Reader goal

Interns assisted mentors with closing the achievement gap by working with at risk students.

Teachers used the results of the Reading Theme Skills, Reading Benchmarks, Math Benchmarks via error analysis form to create the groups.

Interns pulled “at-risk students” to work with them on low benchmark scores. They did round robin lessons with each classroom. Students filled out exit ticket to show their understanding.

2008 – 09 Long – Term Goals:

Teachers will develop and implement differentiated lesson plans in concert with SU interns that will address the instructional needs of diverse learners, including one or more of the following:

a.  Reading skills for working toward proficiency or with ELN

b.  Math, same group

c.  Enrichment for students who are gifted, talented, or working above level.

-addressed through mini grant and professional development (see report)

Three Council meetings will be held, Fall, Feb, end of year. Liaison, site coordinators, principals.

-Oct 22, 2:30 will be first meeting at Fruitland Intermediate School. Two were held jointly, one meeting was held with FIS only to follow up on mini-grant results and plan for the RPDS poster session. A year end meeting was held with each school separately in June, 2009.


ü  FIS - Site will continue to place interns and candidates with skilled mentors and where the interns and candidates can assist in supporting student achievement.

-Addressed through placement of candidates and interns. Targeted placement to support math achievement in 5th grade class. (

FIS & FPS - SU will offer professional development designed to meet site needs based on student achievement data.

-Addressed through scheduling May professional development session with

Gwen Beegle, subsequently cancelled due to snow day rescheduling. (not

achieved due to weather)

ü  FPS - SU will offer Professional Development Schools preferential treatment when advertising and selecting participants for special programs offered at the University.

-addressed through working with FPS principal to advertise and recruit families

for the Family Literacy Program in Spring, 2010. Provided brochures, offered

contact assistance, provided transportation to school on opening day, offered

transportation and free food/program participation including offering free books

and literacy materials to students and families. Only one family participated