Dear Potential Sponsor,

The Clyde Hill Elementary Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to enhancing the educational experience for all Clyde Hill students. We work to support ourschool by providing outstanding enrichment opportunities and building a strong school community which brings together parents, teachers, students, and local businesses such as yours.

Why We Need Your Support

At the state and district level, K-12 education continues to be underfunded. As one of the largest elementary schools in the Bellevue School District, Clyde Hill has a large student population to support – over 650 kids! Our PTA works to close the gap and raise funds needed to help ensure critical resources and programs continue.

Our annual Walk-A-Thon is an important fundraising, and community-building, event where students run or walk laps to raise money for the school. This year’s event will be held on Friday, April 28th. Funds raised from this event help us to provide things such as:

  • Classroom aids/reading specialiststo helpreduce child/teacher ratios and provide personalizedattention.
  • Curriculum Enhancements including academic challenges, field trips, on-site school experiences and more.
  • Community Events such as Back-to-School BBQ, School Play, Talent Show, Father/Daughter Dance and more.

To ensure that these critical programs continue, we are asking for your help by becoming a sponsor.

Clyde Hill Walk-A-Thon Sponsorships
Sponsor Benefit / Gold Sponsor $1,000 / Silver Sponsor $500
Company logo on event t-shirt (est. 700) / /
Live recognition at kick-off, day of event, and rewards event / /
Company logo/link on Walk-a-Thon website (on PTAwebsite) / /
Company logo on event information packet (700) / /
Top placement of logo on event information packet (700) /
Company logo/link on student donation sites (est. 670) /

4/28/17Clyde Hill Walk-A-Thon Sponsor Form

Sponsor Name (First/Last Name or Business):
Contact Person (If other than listed above):
Sponsor Address:
Phone Number:
e-Mail Address:

Please circle the desired level of sponsorship:

Gold Sponsorship
$1,000 / Silver Sponsorship

Payment Information:

Checks may be sent to:

Clyde Hill Elementary School

Attn: PTA/Walk-A-Thon

9601 NE 24th Street

Clyde Hill, WA 98004

Payable to: Clyde Hill PTA, Memo: Walk-A-Thon 2016

Signature / Date

Questions? Please contact Kim Millen at 858-888-3528.

Logos and any marketing information can be sent .

Donations are tax-deductible (Tax ID#91-6060401).

Clyde Hill Elementary School PTA • 9601 NE 24th Street, Clyde Hill, WA 98004