Grant Wood Area Education Agency
Professional Development Course Proposal
offered at the Mississippi Bend AEA
Course Title: Yoga for Teachers: How to use yoga and meditation in the classroom
Number of credit hours: 1
Credit Type: x License Renewal Substitute Authorization Renewal
x Graduate Paraeducator Certification Renewal
This course addresses the following Iowa Teacher Standards:
Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals
x Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position
x Demonstrates competence in planning and preparation for instruction
x Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students
Uses of variety of methods to monitor student learning
x Demonstrates competence in classroom management
x Engages in professional growth
Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district
This course addresses the following Iowa Standards for School Administrators
Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community
Advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture, and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional development
Ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for safe, efficient and effective learning environments
Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests, and needs and mobilizing community resources
Acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner
Understanding, responding to and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context
Name Molly Schreiber
Work Address 3337 Hillcrest Rd, Dubuque, IA 52001
Work Phone
E-mail address
9/16/17,10/21/17,8-4:30with 1/2 hr for lunch.
Assignments due by10/23/17.
Location: Bettendorf AEA, 729 – 21st Street
Course Description: This course is designed to help educators create a classroom atmosphere that fosters peace, inner growth and physical movement through the practice of yoga and meditation. Educators will understand how to use meditation and yoga in the classroom through a series of games, stories and breathing exercises. The teachers will explore the manual “Yoga for Teachers: How to use yoga and meditation in the classroom” and put to practice lessons and activities from the manual. Some of the manual will give detailed lesson plans and other short ideas on how to incorporate yoga and meditation into the regular classroom day.
Target Audience: Teachers (PreK-12), consultants, psychologists, social workers, OT, PT, SLPs
Indicators of Quality (Ch. 17 IA Admin. Code, Renewal of Licenses)
1. The course addresses specific student, teacher, and school needs evidenced in local school improvement plans.
2. The course assists teachers in improving student learning performance.
Students who are more focused and exhibit more self-control perform better academically and socially.
3. The course assists teachers in improving teaching evidenced through the adoption or application of practices, strategies, and information.
Rationale/Research: Using yoga and meditation in the classroom setting is an important tool for educators in this day and age of busy after school schedules and changing home lives. Giving children the gift of yoga and meditation enables them to have resources of movement and breath to connect themselves inward to their own bodies. So often children are living “out of their bodies” and at a higher level of energy than is sustainable to their beings. With yoga and meditation as a muse, children will be able to bring themselves back to the center of their being and maintain a sustainable level of energy. “The children who went deeply into meditation, and stayed, happened to be better students. The ones who fidgeted were children whose attention span was limited and who had difficulty concentrating in the normal course of learning. Moonbeam, a book of meditations for children by Maureen Garth. Findings from the Kripalu Yoga in the Schools (KYIS) initiative show that students who have been exposed to these techniques are less reactive, more optimistic, and better able to focus, concentrate, and interact with their peers
Implementation was feasible and students generally found it beneficial. Although not causal due to small, uneven sample size, this preliminary study suggests preventive benefits in psychosocial well-being from Kripalu yoga during high school PE. These results are consistent with previously published studies of yoga in school settings.Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP 33:3 2012 Apr pg 193-201
Outline of Course Content:
Objectives/Outcomes, Course Design, Evaluation
Each participant will be able to…identify the importance of teaching yoga and meditation in the classroom.
The course design and the instructor methods to accomplish this objective are…
Theory, demonstration and practice.
Participants will demonstrate they know and understand this objective by…
Participation, reflection and implementation planning.
Each participant will be able to…identify the important aspects of what yoga and meditation are and why they are important to use in children’s learning.
The course design and the instructor methods to accomplish this objective are…
Theory, demonstration and practice.
Participants will demonstrate they know and understand this objective by…
Participation, reflection and implementation planning.
Each participant will be able to…learn methods of inspiring peace and calm in their students and themselves through the practice of yoga and meditation.
The course design and the instructor methods to accomplish this objective are…
Theory, demonstration and practice.
Participants will demonstrate they know and understand this objective by…
Participation, reflection and implementation planning.
Course Requirements, Assignments and Performance Criteria:
Time estimates are required for graduate credit courses equal to a minimum of 15 instructor-led hours plus course-related activities to equal 45 total hours.
Participation/completion of all in course and outside of course activities including but not limited to:
Meditation and yoga activities, discussions, reading.
Assignments: Group participation, Lesson Plan, and Reflection
Out of class activities: Text: 10 hours, Meditation practice: twice daily for one week + reflections: 20 hours
Course Materials:
“Sadie Loves Yoga” by Molly Schreiber
Yoga Deck cards by Challenge to Change, Inc.
Mudra Deck of Cards by Challenge to Change, Inc.
Childs’ Mind: Mindfulness Practices to Help Our Children be More Focused, Calm and Relaxed by Christopher Willard
Presenter packet
CD: Mindful Mediations for Children by Molly Schreiber
Application /Implementation:
Participants will develop their own practice and a lesson plan to use in their classrooms.
Instructor is available via email for further questions or through her website:
Attendance/Make-Up Policy:
Participants must attend all sessions – no make up time is available.
Participant Evaluation/Grading Rubric:
Graduate credit requires grades: A, B, C, D, F
License renewal grades: Satisfactory (A/B)/Unsatisfactory (C/D/F)
Participation / All classes / Objectives 1- 3 / 25 pointsGroup Activities / All Classes / Objectives 1 – 3 / 25 points
Lesson Plans / Due one week after last class date / Objective 3 / 10 points
Reflections on class learning and meditation practice for one week. / Due one week after last class date / Objective 3 / 40 points
S/A = 90 – 100%
S/B = 80 – 89%
U/C = 70 – 79%
U/D = 60 – 69%
U/F = less than 59%
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