The Great Gatsby Research Project
CC Standards:
-Conducts short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question.
-Use technology, including the internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback.
-Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively.
Assignment: to research the time period of the 1920s to better understand the climate and characters of The Great Gatsby.
- Students will find three credible sources from the library databases, the internet, or books on their topic and take detailed notes.
- Students will write a coherent three paragraph essay (introduction, body, and conclusion) using all three sources in their writing. The essay will also have a works cited page and everything will be in MLA format.
- Students will create a PowerPoint slideshow. Slideshow must have at least four images. Students must describe the images and how they relate to their topic.
Due Dates and points:
-Final draft: 30 points due:
-PowerPoint/Presentation: 20 points due:
Topics: Choose one.
-Women’s rights
-Movements in art: surrealism, abstract expressionism
-Race relations: crimes, famous trials, Jim Crow Laws
-Stock Market Crash
-Red Scare
-Immigration Restrictions
-Labor Unions
-Harlem Renaissance
-People: Gertrude Stein, Josephine Baker, Zelda Fitzgerald, Howard Hughes, Charles Lindbergh, Charlie Chaplin, Mae West, Amelia Earhart
-Automotive industry/Henry Ford
-Inventions/technological advancements
Rubric for Essay:
Distinguished (4.0) 30-27 points / Proficient (3.0) 26-24 points / Partially-Proficient (2.0) 23-20 points / Not-Proficient (1.0) 19-16 points / No Credit (0) 15-12 pointsBody Paragraph Construction / Each body paragraph includes a topic sentence that summarizes how body paragraph will address topic, as well as at least three pertinent, detailed, explanatory sentences, and a concluding sentence. / Body paragraphs include a topic sentence that addresses the topic, some pertinent detailed explanatory sentences and a concluding sentence that somewhat sums up paragraph. / Body paragraphs include a topic sentence that fails to address the topic appropriately, the explanatory sentences are not extremely detailed, and the concluding sentence somewhat sums up paragraph. / Fails to include one of the assigned body paragraphs. / Fails to include multiple paragraphs.
Organization / Information is very organized in a logical (chronological) order. / Information is fairly well organized in a fairly logical (chronological) order. / Information is somewhat organized; order of information does not make complete sense. / The information appears to be disorganized. / There is no organization present.
Mechanics and Sentence Structure / Sentences are well constructed and essay contains only incidental grammatical errors. / Most sentences are well constructed and essay contains very few grammatical errors. / Sentences are sometimes well constructed and some grammatical errors exist. / Sentences are generally not well constructed and many grammatical errors exist. / Essay is unreadable due to poor mechanics and sentence structure.
MLA Format / Paper is formatted according to MLA specifications. All quotes and research material is cited accurately. There is a proper Works cited page. / Paper is formatted according to MLA specifications. All quotes and material is cited, but there may be punctuation errors. There is a proper Works cited page. / Paper is formatted according to MLA specifications, but may be slightly flawed. Most quotes and research is quoted, but may be slightly flawed. Works cited format may contain errors. / Paper is not formatted correctly. Citations are attempted, but not according to MLA format. Works cited is incorrect. / No evidence of research is found in the paper, or paper is missing a Works cited page.
Use of Research Material / All research material is properly introduced, with appositives when necessary. Material is well developed and explained by the author after it is properly incorporated in the text. / Student has attempted to introduce material, but it is awkward within the paragraph. Material is developed thoroughly and properly. / Student uses research material and attempts to explain but does so in an incongruent fashion. Quotes lack explanation and/or introduction. / Student uses research material, but does not incorporate it into the paragraph properly. Quotes are back to back, often without introduction or explanation. / There is little attempt to incorporate the research into the paper.
Contractions/First Person: -1
“Got”, “things”, “stuff”, “people”: -1
Score: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Enthusiasm / Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. / Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. / Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat faked. / Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented.
Posture and Eye Contact / Stands up straight, looks relaxed and confident. Establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation. / Stands up straight and establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation. / Sometimes stands up straight and establishes eye contact. / Slouches and/or does not look at people during the presentation.
Content / Shows a full understanding of the topic. / Shows a good understanding of the topic. / Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. / Does not seem to understand the topic very well.
Power Point/Visual / Student uses several slides that show considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better. / Student uses slides that show a brief overview of the topic. / Student\'s slides seem hastily made, and contain little research. / The student\'s slides do not show research.
Speaks Clearly / Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words. / Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces one word. / Speaks clearly and distinctly most ( 94-85%) of the time. Mispronounces no more than one word. / Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces more than one word.