Course Title: JROTC
Course No: CTE521/JROTC
Credits: 1
Location: Room 901 (Portable)
Name: Lieutenant Colonel (R) Jason K. Shrader
Work Phone: 253-804-4539 x7502
Best contact time: 1200-1245(lunch/planning time)
Preferred contact is email
Assistant: Staff Sergeant (R) Derrick Lewis
A fun and energetic environment of learning that will challenge you and prepare you for future employability and life. The primary mission of JROTC is “to motivate young people to be better citizens”. You will understand and practice leadership including chain of command, leadership principles, planning and decision making. You will be challenged to become more physically fit and be more informed about fitness, health, nutrition, first aid and drug awareness. The course provides a broad approach to becoming a better citizen through experiential learning in civics, economics, psychology, health and wellness, communication skills, geography, financial management and career planning. In the end, you will be a better person and much more prepared for the future.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
· Be a more productive and capable citizen
· Develop leadership & critical/creative thinking
· Communicate effectively
· Improve physical fitness
· Instill incentives to live drug-free
· Strengthen positive self-motivation
· Provide global awareness to include a historical perspective of national service
· Train to work as a team member and to lead
· Inspire to graduate from High School, attend institutions of higher learning, and pursue meaningful careers
Classes will vary to keep you excited and interested in the course. Few will be in lecture format while most will be in small group discussion with practical exercises. As you progress through the ranks and years, you will be the mentor and facilitator. Fitness and Health will be hands on practical application that includes military style exercising and sports related activities each week. Leadership labs are run by the student leadership through inspection of uniforms, recital of knowledge, Drill and Ceremony, promotion boards as well as recognizing students with awards and promotions ceremonies.
Off site training events: We participate in numerous training and instructional activities away from AMHS. These may be voluntary or based on selection but are highly encouraged to maximize personal development. Some of these are during the school week, while others are on the weekends. Some events are as follows:
(a) Field Trips (Water Survival training, JBLM tours, submarine tours, etc.)
(b) Obstacle/confidence course.
(c) Rappel training
(d) Land Navigation/map and compass reading
(e) Spring Camp, leadership and adventure training (up to 5 days, 4 nights)
(f) Visits to college campuses and other high schools for JROTC competitions
(g) Support of local communities (Color Guard, Community Service, Fund Raising)
Monday/Thursdays: Part lecture with group discussion and practical exercises on core JROTC topics.
Wednesday: Leadership Lab. Formation, inspections, knowledge drills, Drill and Ceremony.
Tuesday/Friday: Physical Training (PT), health, nutrition and team sports.
· Army uniform and JROTC books are provided by the army.
· Class Fee: $65 class fee for a JROTC Polo shirt, Physical Training (PT) shirt, and Awards Ceremony/Ball banquet dinner. $35 Fee for returning cadets. If family funds are absolutely not available, you can volunteer for fundraisers to offset the cost or request a scholarship through your counselor but this must be coordinated through the teacher. Don’t let this be a deterrent in taking the class.
· All other materials provided by the army or school.
See course calendar. This includes reading and studying materials for Monday/Thursday Classes; leadership and staff responsibilities; Physical Training planning and setup on Tuesday/Friday; community service planning and coordination, and fund raising planning and coordination.
Grading will consist of points earned for participation, performance and leadership. Performance will include written work, tests, demonstrations, and presentations. Physical fitness tests will be conducted and evaluated but demonstrated improvement will also be a major part of the grade. Similarly, participation in class is part of the grade. Participation is considered to be just that-taking part in whatever we are doing that obviously includes being present unless excused. Wearing the uniform and adhering to the required appearance standards is also a part of grading. See Cadet Handbook for complete details.
Student Responsibilities
Students are expected to attend class daily and to participate in planned activities. If you are in leadership or staff positions, you are required to fulfill the responsibilities of that role. See the handbook for more clarity. Communication is essential in this course so you are responsible for ensuring you receive the information in class as well as checking your emails/Schoolwire for updates/requirements/activities. No cell phones will be checked during class and they will be silenced.
Student Conduct
Professionalism and character will mark you as a JROTC cadet. You will be expected to live up to the high standards of conduct. If you do not, incremental discipline will be applied per cadet handbook. This includes informal/formal verbal counseling by the cadet chain of command; loss of rank; bar to promotions and awards, and end ultimately with dismissal from the JROTC program.
Performance Dishonesty
All students will follow the AMHS and ASD student policy as well as the policies outlined by the JROTC Cadet Handbook. The higher standard will prevail. As JROTC students, you are expected to set the example in word and deed and to act in a professional manner.
Grading is based on a point system with the percentage per grade outlined below.
A / 93-100 % / B+ / 87-89.9% / C+ / 77-79.9% / D+ / 67-69.9% / F / Below 60%A- / 90-92.9% / B / 83-86.9% / C / 73-76.9% / D / 63-66.9%
B- / 80-82.9% / C- / 70-72.9% / D- / 60-62.9%
Documentation of completion of course requirements includes:
Requirement / Documentation of Successful Completion / Points TotalExams / Demonstrate competency in course material / 400
Physical Fitness / Take fitness exams and demonstrate improvement at the end of each semester / 200
Leadership Labs / Demonstrate professionalism, knowledge, wear of uniform and abilities at Drill and Ceremony / 200
Leadership roles / Demonstrate leadership ability specific to rank and role / 100
Participation / Attend class and participate in classroom discussion/assignments / 100
* Grades are not averaged between quarters but are based on a 19 day cycle which coincides with CORE/Choice.
All missed assignments will receive zero points and late work will reduce your points by 25% per day. All unexcused absences will reduce your participation points by 10 points per incident up to 100 points.
If you have a documented disability that requires accommodation, please notify the instructor as soon as possible. You may not be able to take this course if you cannot overcome the mental and physical requirements of it.
The course syllabus materials are subject to change at the discretion of the teacher and any changes will be shared with students.
Student Signature: ______Date ______
Parent/guardian signature: ______Date ______Phone:______