PRIMARY NUMERACY INTERVENTIONS Second and Third Wave Interventions Information for Provision Map- NOVEMBER 2010
Title / Type / Description / Target Pupils / Who provides / How progress is assessedSpringboard 3, 4 and 5 / Wave 2 / Catch-up programmes for children in Year 3, 4 and 5. The materials focus on key areas of number. They provide additional tuition for groups of 6-8 children outside the daily maths lesson, for a period of around 10 weeks, twice a week. / Children work one or two sub-levels below age-related expectations who should be achieving L4 at end of KS2 / Each 30 minute session is designed to be led by a teacher or, with support a TA / Built in progress checks.
Springboard 6 / Wave 2 / Springboard 6 is a series of lessons designed to provide additional support in booster classes.
The materials focus on essential Level 4 teaching objectives in a range of key areas (not just number) for children in Year 6. / Children in Year 6 who, with intensive targeted support, can achieve level 4 in the Key Stage 2 national tests. / Teachers / HLTA / Built in progress checks.
Supporting children with gaps in their mathematical understanding / Wave 3 / The materials focus on the most commonly occurring mathematical difficulties with number and calculation. They are designed for use with individual children or small (max 4 pupils) groups. Should be used 3-4 times a week for short (20 minute) periods. / Key Stage 2 children with significant gaps – the materials support diagnostic assessment / Teacher / HLTA / Final Spotlight Activity.
BEAM Booster books (Mathematics Accomplished) / Wave 2 / One book per year group. Materials to provide support in areas of difficulty. Can be used in class with follow up work by TA or as additional small group lessons / Years 1-6 – all children struggling with a particular aspect of maths / Teacher / TA / Tracking chart
/ Wave 2/3 / Resource box of equipment and suggested activities / Year 2 pupils needing support to get to L2B; older pupils with significant gaps / TA / Progress chartOvercoming Barriers in Mathematics
L1/2, L2/3, L3/4 / Wave 1/2 / PNS resource designed to support QFT by providing specific resources for areas children struggle with – will be particular useful where a significant number of children are ‘below on track’ / Various / C/teacher / Pupil tracking
Ocean Maths / All / Parent & Pupil workshops based around a structured series of homework activities which support QFT and which have a strong emphasis on speaking and listening
Parents facilitated in feeling more able to support. / Selective year groups / OM Consultant will train Maths SL / Parent-pupil progress meetings
Number Challenge / Wave 2/3 / BEAM CDs that provide practice in key aspects of mental recall – can be used independently but for intervention an adult prompting & scaffolding a child is needed
Pilot project under way in 2 schools / Children struggling with mental recall and mental strategies / TA / Software generated progress scores
Talking Maths / Wave 2/3 / Activities focusing on Speaking & Listening in Maths, developed by Liverpool LA
Piloting Summer term 2009 / Years 1-3 / TA with support / Programme includes assessment activity
Catch Up Numeracy / Wave 2 / Structured 1-1 intervention based around specific weaknesses#
Currently piloting in 1 primary, 2 secondary schools
/ Below age related expectations / TA with support / Standardised assessmentEvery Child Counts / Wave 3 / 1:1 tuition along the lines of Reading Recovery.
12 LAs in PNS pilot in 2008-9. National launch March 09, Camden has 8 schools in the pilot / Year 2 / Teacher / Built in to the pilot
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