Attn: Cynthia Glasscock
1400 E. Ohio St.
Clinton, MO 64735
(660) 890-3003
2017 Student Scholarship Application
*Hawthorn Bank customer affiliation is not a requirement for scholarship application*
Completed application form must be submitted to
Hawthorn Bank and postmarked no later than March 31, 2017.
Home Address:
(Full address, City, State, Zip)
Telephone Number:
High School Name:
On one or more separate sheets of paper, please provide information to the following:
1. Is your GPA above 3.0? What is your GPA?
2. List the colleges or schools to which you have applied or the college or school you plan to attend.
3. List the major courses you have taken in high school. (Please do NOT include your transcript.)
4. List the activities in which you have participated (include both in-school and out-of-school activities)
5. List any honors or awards you have received in high school.
6. List any work experience (including full-time employment, part-time employment, or volunteer positions).
7. What do you plan to major in, and what would be your ideal job and why?
8. How do you plan to pay for college and how much will you be expected to pay for?
Compose brief essays (250 words or less) in response to each of the following:
1. What was your biggest achievement during high school and why?
2. What are your goals for the next five years and how will you attain them?
I have read and certify that I meet all of the criteria for this scholarship.
Signature ________________________________ Date _________________________
Criteria for the Hawthorn Bank
2017 Student Scholarship
1. Applicant must currently be a senior in High School.
2. Applicant must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA or above.
3. Applicant must plan to pursue a higher education degree in business or finance.
4. Applicant must have received no more than 4 disciplinary actions while in high school (e.g., detentions, ISS, OSS, etc.)
5. Applicant must submit the completed and signed scholarship application to any Hawthorn Bank location no later than March 31, 2017. Mailed applications must be postmarked on or before March 31, 2017.
6. All information must be typed (no handwritten applications will be accepted) and all additional sheets must be stapled to the application form.
7. Applicant should not put his/her name or ANY personal identifying information on the additional sheets. Each application will be assigned a number, which will be placed on the cover sheet and on each additional sheet of the application. The cover sheet will then be removed before the applications are submitted to the panel of judges, so the judges will not know the identity of any of the applicants until after the judging has been completed.
8. All statements and essays must be composed by the applicant and submitted in type-written format.
9. Hawthorn Bank customer affiliation is not a requirement for scholarship application
Information about the Hawthorn Bank
2017 Student Scholarship
1. A total of four (4) scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded by Hawthorn Bank. Applications are available at any of the 24 Hawthorn Bank branches across Missouri.
2. Applicants will be judged by a panel of Hawthorn Bank employees. Names of the applicants will not be available to the panel members until after the judging has been completed.
3. Scholarship will be paid when the recipient provides the Bank with written confirmation that the student has been accepted and enrolled at a specific college or technical school (examples of confirmation: letter from college or school confirming enrollment)
4. Scholarships are for one year only.