Board Meeting Minutes February 2017.

Meeting Minutes

February 23, 2017

Present: / Kevin Perry, Judy Wynes, Peter Muir, Geoff Bartlett, Melissa Sim, Elaine Collins, Steve Matovic, James McLeod (1950 hrs)
Next meeting: / March 4, 2017, AGM - Curling Lounge

Meeting Called to Order at 1909rs.

Minutes of Last Meeting

Peter Muir motioned to accept the minutes from the last board meeting. Geoff Bartlett 2nd. All those presents were in favor.

Review progress and outcomes of assigned tasks from the January Monthly Meeting

  1. Curl BC
  2. Task – Kevin Perry to confirm he has contacted Lynn Oldenberg to develop a process of collecting $7.5 from the City – carried over.
  3. Director’s Resolution:
  4. Task: Kevin to deliver completed resolutions to Peter Muir for filing.
  5. Task: Moving to the 2017/2018 - Peter to send email to Board Members regarding each Board Members status for next season.
  1. Club Expansion Plan 2017/2018

Task: Research be completed to define the competitive advantage. That the current membership, within the lower mainland, provide the Board with their wish list. That said, potential questions to curlers might be:

  • Preferred league structure (Women’s, Men’s, Mixed, Mixed Doubles, Skins, Diversity Group – LGTB, Cultural Group, Wheelchair, Youth etc.)
  • Preferred Day and Time to curl
  • What prevents you from joining curling now
  • Suggestions to better accommodate your needs


Outcome - Contact with CurlBC was made where it was found that only historical data has been kept. That said, the information we seek is not available via this source.

  1. Traveller’s Women’s Competition

Elaine Collins registered 2 teams for the competition and Geoff Bartlett has submitted payment. 3 Teams are registered for the playdowns in Port Moody Curling Club. Playdowns will occur on March 5, 2017.

12:30 Team 1 vs 2, sheet 2

2:30 Team 2 vs 3, sheet 3

4:30 Team 1 vs 3, sheet 4 (cancel if Team 1 or 2 have two wins)

8 end games. No spares. Go to an extra end if your game ends in a tie.

The team with 2 wins will be the winner. If we have a 3-way tie, then we'll look at highest point differential. If that's a tie, then draw to the button.

The cost is $40 per team.

Elaine Collins will be there as a judge and to accept payment. Teams are asked to please pay by cash or cheque to PMCC on that day. If the last game doesn't need to happen, then Team 1 and 3 only need pay $20 each.

  1. International Tankard

Melissia Sim registered our 2 “extraordinary volunteers” (Elaine Collins and Sheryl Fitzgerald) for this competition. Geoff Barlett has submitted the entrance fee.Closed.

  1. AGM/Club Championship

Steve Matovic to send an email to the League Presidents regarding the change. -Completed

Judy Wynes to send emails to the Membership advising them of the meeting and new date - Completed

Peter Muir to update poster, post poster in Lounge, create a hard copy sign-up sheet to be placed in Lounge - Completed.

New Business surrounding the AGM/Club Championship:

A message needs to be sent to League Presidents requesting they identify the teams to be entered as only the 1st twelve teams will be entered. Task: Steve Matovic to contact all League Presidents via email.

Steve Matovic advised that the food/coffee etc. has been ordered for the AGM/Club Championship lunch.

Steve further stated that the trophies and badges still require updating. Task: Steve Matovic to get trophy engraved at the Trophy Centre and badges made at using a Port Moody vendor.

Steve stated the draw schedule needs to be produced. Task: Steve will inform Peter the team names and Peter will create finalise the draw and produce the draw schedule and information sheets.

Peter Muir and James McLeod volunteered to be the Judges for the event.

  1. Financial Report
  • There is just under $30k in the bank.
  • $9000 in membership fees have been paid
  • $49,000 in ice fees have been paid
  1. Bar Report

See attachments.

The company taking over the bar has been identified. The bar assets have been offered to said company for $2100.00.

  1. Club Advertising:

Task: Kevin Perry to finalize the Advertising package and distribute the package to those wishing to sell advertising for the 2017/2018 season. League Presidents will be issued an electronic copy to disseminate to their membership. Additionally, the information will be posted on the PMCC website.

Task: League Presidents are asked to send Advertising package to all Members for the purpose of soliciting customers.

  1. Club Registration System

Peter Muir is in the process of developing a new registration system. In order to be better prepared at the start of next season the registration will open in the Summer of 2017 and current members will be asked to register early and prior to September 2017. Additionally, through early registration, the PMCC hopes to offer new and diverse leagues to its members.

  1. Gaming Grant:

Early this year Steve Matovic represented the PMCC at a meeting regarding changes to the Gaming Grant process. Steve put forward the following recommendations:

  • Apply early
  • Pay attention to last year’s feedback and address those recommendations and
  • Emphasize community engagement.

Peter Muir suggested that last years’ grant be modified when submitting this year’s grant. Further Peter stated that the grant could not be completed until such time this year’s financials were complete. Learning that the Board recommended this duty be held over for the 2017/2018 Board.

  1. Region 11 Requests:
  2. Volunteering for Regional/Provincial Playdowns:

Melissa Sim advised that CurlBC Region 11, is seeking clubs to volunteer their services for the Regional and Provincial Playdowns next season. The Board agreed that this request should be held over for the new Board.

  • Club Engagement Project

CurlBC is requesting that the Port Moody Curling Club respond to their Club Engagement Project. The Board agreed that Melissa Sim may respond on our behalf.

New Business

  • Black Light Curling:Melissa Sim is working with the City to ascertain the costs associated with Black Light Curling events.
  • Wednesday – Hump Day Huckers requested Ice reimbursement for their snow day. Geoff Barlett immediately provided James Macleod with a cheque.
  • James McLeod advised the Board that he is still receiving mail for the Club. It was recommended, particularly with the loss of the bar, that the new Board request a drop box at the recreation complex.
  • Reminder to all Volunteers to log your volunteer’s hours at:
Meeting was adjourned at 2105hrs.