Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies (RLS)

Recreation and Leisure Studies Alumni Association (RALSAA) Scholarship

Jack Minar Outdoor Recreation Channel Islands Scholarship

Jack Minar was a Professor in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies from 1968 until he retired in 1989. During his tenure, Jack established the “Recreation in the Ocean Environment” course, a weeklong class on Santa Barbara Island, through which he shared his special love and knowledge of the flora, fauna, geology, history and anthropology of Santa Barbara with his students. Jack was an outstanding professor, who loved to learn and share his knowledge. A nature lover and environmentalist, he was an avid outdoorsman who loved to fish, backpack, camp, cross-country ski, and hike. He was famous for his hip-pocket games, and he loved to play.

A $500 Scholarship is awarded by the Recreation & Leisure Studies Alumni Association (RALSAA) in honor of Professor Jack Minar to a student who demonstrates a love for outdoor recreation, registers for the REC 430 Recreation in the Ocean Environment course and may not have the funds to enroll in REC 430. If Rec 430 is not offered in the year of the award, an alternate outdoor recreation course may be substituted.

Criteria: The Recreation Major Student must:

a)  Have completed at least two Recreation Department courses, including one lower series and a 300 level course with at least a 2.0 GPA.

b)  Be in good academic standing with the University as verified by attached MyCSULB transcripts

c)  Anticipate attending the REC 430 Recreation in the Ocean Environment Course

d)  Show clear financial need as demonstrated by the personal statement

e)  Demonstrate interest in and involvement in outdoor recreation as demonstrated in the personal statement and the faculty references.

Application Process:

a)  THE DEADLINE TO APPLY IS MARCH 6, 2015. Applications may be obtained

on-line from the Recreation and Leisure Studies Beach Board Site and when typed and completed, returned to Joanie Conley in the Recreation Leisure Studies office ET-101 by the deadline.

b)  Each application should include the following information:

1.  The Application Form

2.  The Student’s Personal Statement

3.  Cumulative grade point average verification by attaching a MyCSULB transcript

4.  Letters of Recommendation from two faculty members (references should have knowledge of the applicant’s commitment to outdoor recreation, the university and interest in the course).

Selection Process:

1)  Complete the attached nomination form and submit all documents to the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies by MARCH 6, 2015 at 5 PM. If you have any questions contact Joanie Conley via email .

2)  The selection committee will include two RALSAA Alumni, and an RLS Faculty Member.

The Jack Minar Outdoor Recreation Channel Islands Scholarship will be announced at the David Gray Awards.

Note: This scholarship will be placed on the student's financial aid account. The student must be continuing to take classes the following semester or summer session.

Jack Minar Outdoor Recreation Channel Islands Scholarship

RALSAA Scholarship Application Form 2015

Student Applicant: Campus ID#:
Phone # : Email :
Address: Street City: Zip code:
Major: Minor:
Recreation Degree Courses GPA: Cumulative GPA:
Graduation Date (Projected):
Name of Academic Reference:
Email: Phone:
Name of Professional, Community, or Campus Reference:
Email: Phone:
Type in your Personal Statement below (form expands automatically):
1)  Why are you applying for the Jack Minar Outdoor Recreation Channel Island Scholarship?
2)  Why will taking this course (REC 430) be meaningful to you?
3)  Explain professional, community, and/or campus involvement:
4)  What are your career goals?
5)  Describe Financial need: