
Biography Project

Microsoft Word/Publisher

Directions: Using the website, research your favorite actor, actress, entertainer, or professional athlete. Answer the following questions. Then, create a flyer about that person using Microsoft Word or Publisher. If your person can’t be found at – you must get approval from your teacher to use the website where you found your information.

Item / Answer
Date of Birth
Date of Death (if applicable)
Childhood Fact 1
Childhood Fact 2
Family Fact 1
Family Fact 2
Accomplishment 1
Accomplishment 2
Movie/Song/Album or Fact
Movie/Song/Album or Fact
Why this person is my favorite player/actress/singer….
Sources / List ALL websites here or the on the back of this sheet including websites where photos were found.
No more than 2 photos / Right-click and save to your Student folder. Insert/Picture to insert into your brochure.

*This sheet must be checked off BEFORE you begin the brochure.

Famous Person Flyer


Item / Description / Point Value/Points Earned
Must use a template to create your flyer in Word or Publisher / 5 pts
Change to none (Page Layout Tab/Page Setup section in Word; Tools Menu, Language, Hyphenation – uncheck Automatically Hyphenate the story in Publisher) / 5 pts
Change to Landscape Orientation / 5 pts
Contains name of the famous person; Designed by information, and photo of famous person / 10 pts
Explanation of Why this person is your favorite (5 pts) and all sources/websites
Use to cite these! (5 pts) / 10 pts
Birth and Death information if applicable) and photo of the famous person / 10 pts
2 Childhood facts and picture / 10 pts
2 family facts and picture / 10 pts
4 accomplishments and facts
*Must place in a bulleted or numbered list / 20 pts
Fonts and font sizes/Appearance / *Should be consistent throughout; titles should be slightly larger than text; adjust font sizes to fill space neatly; No more than 2 different fonts! / 10 pts
Pick any adjective and use the Thesaurus to change the adjective to another adjective that fits. Write the adjective and new adjective below: / 5 pts
Grammar/Spelling Errors Corrected / -5 per error / Deduction points
Total Points

* Use the Format Painter to copy formatting attributes.