Basic Calculator Keystroke Guide Casio 9750GII

Words in BOLD are calculator keys

Getting Started / To return to this screen at any time press MENU
To return to a previous screen press
EXIT / To access any of the menus, use the REPLAY button (large gray button) to scroll left or right, up or down and then press EXE (works like the ENTER key).
To correct an entry after EXE has been pressed, use .
To access previous entries, press AC/on and then .
Entering a rational expression / ( numerator ) ÷ ( denominator )
Raising a value (or variable) to a power / For squaring value or variable x2
For other powers value or variable ^ power
Converting a decimal to a fraction / F D
NOTE: The decimal will be replaced by the fraction in the form # 」#.
For example, will be displayed as 3 」8. To return to a decimal press
F D again.
Entering an absolute value / OPTN F6 F4 (num) F1 (Abs) ( expression ) EXE
Storing a value for x / value EXE
Storing a value for a variable other than x / value ALPHA choose a variable from letters above keys on the right EXE
Accessing p / SHIFT EXP
Note: If p is entered first you must use the multiplication sign before a number (p x 52). If the number is entered first, you can enter the expression as written (7p).
Finding a / SHIFT x2 value
Note: Parentheses may be necessary when entering an expression
Finding a / SHIFT ( value
Note: Parentheses may be necessary when entering an expression
Finding other roots ( ) / index value SHIFT ^ value
Note: Parentheses may be necessary when entering an expression
Accessing i / SHIFT 0
Graphing an equation / Enter the equation EXE F6 (draw)
Note: Be sure to use ( ) around any fraction followed by x.
Changing the viewing window for a graph / Use REPLAY to scroll as needed OR
SHIFT F3 (V-Window) enter values and desired scale
Using "Friendly windows" / Xmin: -6.3
max: 6.3 These (or any multiple) will ensure integer values for the x variable.
scale: 1
Tracing along a graph
(an equation must be entered) / F1 use as desired
Finding a y value from a graph given a value of x
(an equation must be entered) / From the graph Value EXE
Note: Your x value must be within your viewing window. Repeat for additional values
Finding an x value from a graph given a value of y
(an equation must be entered) / From the graph F5 (G-Solv) F6 F2 value EXE If more x-values exist, use
to find them.
Note: The x value that creates the desired y-value must be within your viewing window.
Finding the intersection of 2 graphs
(2 equations must be entered) / From the graph F5 (G-Solv) F5 (ISCT) To find additional intersection points, use .
Solving an equation by graphing
(2 equations must be entered) / Enter left-hand side of the equation in Y1 and the right-hand side of the equation in Y2. Graph and locate the point(s) of intersection as described above.
Finding the x-intercept(s)
(an equation must be entered) / From the graph F5 (G-Solv) F1 (root). To find additional roots, use .
Converting a decimal value obtained in a graph to a fraction / For x, MENU EXE F D
Finding the maximum (minimum) point
(an equation must be entered.) / From graph F5 (G-Solv) F2 (max) or F3 (min)
Solving inequalities in 2 variables
(shading) / Enter function into Y1 F3 (TYPE) F5 (CONV) select F2 to F5 to determine shading (Repeat for additional equations) F6 (Draw)
Note: The calculator cannot display dashed lines when shading. You will need to indicate this on your paper.
Evaluating a function
(an equation must be entered) / See “Finding a y value from a graph given a value of x” above.
Accessing a TABLE
(one or more equations must be entered) / F6 (TABL) scroll to see values
NOTE: Only 4 values are visible initially. To see different values, see Adjusting a TABLE below.
Adjusting a TABLE
(one or more equations must be entered) / F5 (SET) Select a start value (suggest –10), EXE select an end value EXE and a step (usually 1). EXE F6 (TABL)
