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Governors met at 6.00 for an informal networking session.

The main meeting commenced at 6.30pm.

Deanne Fishbourne (DF) Interim Lead for Education Outcomes opened the meeting and welcomed all the governors.

DF informed governors that she was working hard with other LA officers trying to put together a system led school improvement approach. The team have started to pull together a group of Heads for this but it is still in the early stages.

An overview of tonight’s agenda was given.

DF thanked Thorns Primary School for providing tonight’s display and for talking to governors about how they support their governors to monitor and challenge school improvement.

DF introduced Paul Harrison (PH) Strategic Lead Primary.

PH informed the meeting than in his short time at Dudley he has realised that the dedication of governors in Dudley is second to none, he advised that tonight was a great opportunity for him to get to meet so many governors.

Collaborative working as part of our school improvement strategy

PH advised that the purpose of tonight’s meeting was to discuss:

  • Working together collaboratively in partnership
  • The School Improvement Alliance
  • The benefits of collaborative working
  • To support governors to explore collaborative working
  • Governor’s role in system led leadership.

PH encouraged governors to introduce themselves to the people sitting next to them and share where they feel their schools are at.

A summary of what good collaboration is was given by PH.

PH advised that the vision for children and learning in the borough is about a core set of values:

  • Accountability
  • Determination
  • Empowerment and respect
  • Excellence
  • Simplicity
  • Working together

The School Improvement Alliance – the changing landscape

  • System led leadership – professional driven approach
  • The remit of the school improvement alliance
  • The key priorities of the school improvement alliance:
  • Leadership and management
  • Closing the gap
  • Mathematics

PH asked governors to discuss on their tables to what extent the school improvement alliance priorities relate to their schools.

Governors shared their discussions with the meeting.

An overview of what the school improvement alliance wants to do in relation to the key priorities was given as well as an overview of what they would like to do with regards to closing the gap and mathematics in the borough.

PH introduced George Craig – NLG who gave a presentation on system led leadership. The following points were discussed:

  • The big picture – still emerging in government policy
  • System leadership – the aim is to have a 0-18 schools led self-improving system.
  • The importance of good governance
  • System leadership
  • School to school support – all schools benefit. Thebenefits that governors might be able to see were shared.
  • Productive collaboration isn’t easy but is a fantastic opportunity
  • Strength in alliance, partnership and collaboration.

Governors were asked to participate in a table top exercise.

PH advised that feedback from governors is crucial and is the start of an ongoing dialogue.

Governor’s comments were collected and can be found below:

  • Table A
  • pupil premium governors meeting/forum/email group
  • challenge time – time, change in mind set, change in the landscape

and expectations

  • Table B
  • Choice of partner
  • Similar ethos
  • Staff used across centres
  • Table C
  • There seems to be a unanimous feeling of being kept in the dark about this!
  • What can be done to:
  • Publish details of the SIA
  • Explain how it will involve all schools
  • Make it democratic
  • Communicate effectively about its development
  • Table D
  • Sharing best practice, sharing resources, better understanding of community, sharing expertise, skills and experience.
  • Competition, protectionism, personality clashes, legacy issues, ultimately will put our school/pupils/families first
  • See top bullet point
  • Identification of ‘best fit’ or possible partners
  • Brokerage service or ‘speed dating’ event for new partners

PH informed governors that it had been bought to his attention that governors were not aware of the school improvement alliance and apologised to governors if the idea had come as a bit of a shock to them. Until recently the idea had been very organic and ongoing. It was only about 6 weeks ago where priorities and plans could be drafted. PH informed governors that he was responsible for communication and advised that he had felt that tonight was a good starting point for telling governors. PH advised that every effort has been made to ensure that the body is a good representation of leaders across Dudley.

Governor Comment – I find it abhorrent that as a Chair of a foundation school I am legally responsible for what happens in my school but on the school improvement alliance board there is only one governor. Governors are strategically responsible for running schools. I do not feel that the representation on the board represents governors in Dudley.

PH advised that he agreed with the governor’s comment. He informed governors that this was a starting point. He agreed that the board was imbalanced at the moment and advised that he would take the comment made to the board. PH confirmed that the balance needed to be addressed immediately through whatever channels were available.

Governor Comment – it is ok if you have the choice of who your partner is rather than having a partner forced on you. If this was the case it would not work. PH agreed that it needed to be an informed choice.

Governor Comment –Ofsted appear to be changing the regulations with regards to removing governor categories. How will the school improvement alliance deal with the fact that the government no longer wants elected governors or LA governors? PH advised that the school improvement alliance would look at this. He informed governors that there was doubt and concern over central governmentpolicy. PH assured governors that this would be looked at and other solutions discussed.

Governor Comment – I understand Ofsted are now saying that they are looking to remove the status of governors and are looking at disqualifying elected members from holding a governor post when they come to inspect schools. PH advised that in the LA’s conversations with regional Ofsted representatives this had not been mentioned.

Governor Comment – I have been told by Ofsted that all stakeholder spaces will cease by 2017. I was also told to look at becoming part of a MAT rather than a stand alone academy.

GC informed governors that the makeup of governing bodies had gone to consultation but advised that there had been lots of resistance to this.

PH informed governors that this approach did not form part of the current Ofsted inspection framework.

DF advised that the idea to change was all to do with choosing governors based on their skills and capability not just because they were a parent or member of staff. The government still want representation from different sectors but also wants the skills to suit the needs of the school. DF confirmed that it was only a consultation at the moment and advised that no decision had been made. DF did confirm that there were suggestions of smaller GB’s.

Governor Comment – Ofsted are definitely telling this to schools. It was told to a chair and a Headteacher. If it’s under consultation why hasn’t it been fed up or why haven’t governors been consulted. This could cause a lot of governors to give up.

DF advised that there was a look towards regionalisation rather than national or local. The government would be mad to do something that would lose passionate governors. This is all about focussing on making a difference and what impact is being made. What will make leadership flourish in schools should be at the core of everyone’sthinking.

Governor Comment – I feel that it is all about making things into a corporate exercise.

Governor Comment – regional schools commissioners are taking over from the LA. DF confirmed that they were certainly increasing their role.

Governor Comment – you are speaking the same language as the DfE. You are all interim posts. You can leave and be replaced at any time.

DF confirmed that yes this was true but they still had commitment

Governor Comment – the posts were interim before you too. There has been no substantive team in place for 4/5 years.

Governor Comment – what happens if the Head goes to another school within the partnership to help them and standards start to fall in school. This would be deemed as the GB’s fault. All governors are happy to support other schools and governors when in need but they must be responsible for their own schools. If helping another school has a negative impact on my school this will impact on me and my school.

DF advised that she agreed with the comment but gave some examplesof how collaborative working had worked. DF informed governors that it was all about enhancing people’sopportunities not taking it away. It’s all about encouraging and growing leadership. DF confirmed that it was all about doing the best for all children in all of our schools in Dudley. There are lots of benefits if managed well.

Governor Comment – if at the moment we felt there was a weakness in any area on the GB we could appoint an Associate Member. There is no excuse for not having the right skills around the table now. Also if parent governors are lost there are lots of parents that would not be happy with this.

DF advised that the consultation is now closed but the outcome is not known at this stage. DF informed governors that she totally agreed that good governance was all about knowing what is best for your school and delivering it but there are some schools who are not good at this. DF suggested to governors that they start doing things together and identifying their needs rather than having it done to them.

Governor Comment – I have two parent governors who I would definitely want to keep. They have identifiable skills that the GB wants.

DF advised that these governors could be kept as they could be co-opted. DF confirmed that at the moment she didn’t know what the new arrangements would be.

Governor Comment – I feel that the discussion between governors today had been valuable and important. DF confirmed that the whole purpose of tonight was for the LA to know what governors think.

Governor Comment – who has undertaken the consultation?

DF advised that it was a national DfEconsultation but informed governors that she did not know who had been part of the consultation process.

CF advised that consultations with Governors had taken place through NGA (National Governors Association), NCOGS (National Co-ordinators of Governor Services) and AGOG (Advisory Group on Governance). The consultation was now closed and a decision is awaited. As soon as any regulations were available a briefing note will be sent out.

GC also advised that the DfE involved the NGA, the governance advisory group and the all party parliamentary group. Over 2000 governors took part.

GC advised that if this does go through GB’s will have to re-constitute so it will not happen straight away.

DF confirmed that the LA did not know anymore but promised to feedback as soon as they did.

Governor Comment – it feels to me that there are very little links with governors – very political.

DF advised that it was their job to be heard.

Governor Comment – I have enjoyed the presentation and agree with the federation idea. I am happy to help other schools but it seems unreasonable for governors to be accountable for a child in another school unless the schools are part of a MAT. Is this really what we should be talking about?

DF advised that the national policy is that all schools by the end of this parliament will be an academy. The national imperative is to consider academisation. DF informed governors that her job was not to take a political stance. She advised that everyone here had some fundamental responsibility whether they were part of a maintained school or an academy. The responsibilities may differ but the aims are all the same. Academisation is a tool. It’s all about how you do it. Examples were shared including trusts, federations, free schools etc. Whatever you do the purpose is still the same which is to improve the life chances for children and young people. It is important to ensure that outstanding teaching and learning is the common territory.

Governor Comment – we are all into the outcomes of pupils but the key is accountability. There needs to be some legislation in place regarding accountability. All the governors here are passionate about their schools and the children in it but there are other forces of play here. Governors will do what they can but we need some help to make it better for our children. It’s all about accountability at the end of the day.

DF confirmed that Ofsted would hold GB’s to account for their children.

DF introduced Duncan Gregory –adviser for assessment who gave a presentation on the Raiseonline Dashboard.

Governors were informed that there is now a brand new Raisonline inspection dashboard now available to go with Raiseonline.

DG shared the Raiseonline website with the governors and an overview of each page was given

DG advised that there was lots of information available to help governors form the challenging questions to ask the Head.

DG informed governors that support was available if required and advised that he could be contacted through the Head.

Governor Comment – will this be replacing Raiseonline? DG advised that there was no indication of what’s happening at the moment.

Governor Comment – the bar graphs on the document can be quite distorted as samples as quite small.

DG confirmed that yes he agreed with this but advised that they do take into account the size of the cohort

DF thanked governors for their contributions tonight.

Governors were advised that the slides from tonight’s presentations would be circulated and that the comments from the table top exercise would be taken back to the school improvement alliance.

The next meeting is in April. Suggestions for items to be included on the agenda to be emailed to Mrs Fletcher.