Citizen Noise Advisory Committee Advocacy for the Public - Advisory to the Port Portland International Airport (PDX)
MEETING SUMMARYMay 12, 2016 5:30 PM
Portland International Airport Terminal Building
St. Helen’s “B” Conference Room
CNAC Members in Attendance (alpha order by first name)
Bob Braze / Washington County / PresentBrad Robison / Clackamas County / Absent
Brian Freeman / City of Gresham / Present
Craig Walker / Clark County / Present
Joe Smith / Multnomah County / Present
Karen Meyer / At-Large (City of Maywood Park) / Present
Kelly Sweeney / City of Portland, CNAC Vice Chair / Present
Laura Young / City of Portland / Present
Mark Clark / Fairview/Troutdale/Wood Village, CNAC Chair / Absent
Mike Finch / At-Large (Port of Portland) / Present
Ron Schmidt / City of Portland / Present
Mike Yee / City of Vancouver / Present
Beth Duvall / City of Vancouver / Present
Andrew Loescher / At-Large (Clark County) / Present
Tina Penman / At-Large (Port of Portland) / Absent
Staff Members in Attendance
Phil Stenstrom / Port of Portland Noise Program Manager / Present
Jerry Gerspach / Port of Portland Noise Management / Present
Jason Schwartz / Port of Portland Noise Management / Present
Technical Members and Guests in Attendance
Introductions and Adopt Minutes – 5:30pm
Kelly Sweeney, CNAC Vice-Chair, called the meeting to order. Members introduced themselves. The committee welcomed Jason, a member of the public and PCC Aviation Science student.
Mr. Sweeney asked if anyone had additions or corrections to the March meeting notes. As there were none, the motion to approve the March 12th meeting notes passed unanimously.
Public Comment and Questions
There were none.
ORANG Schedule Updates
Major Paul Shamy was out of state for training and as a result no ORANG update was provided.
PDX Fly Quiet Annual Update
Jason Schwartz provided a review of the 2015 PDX Fly Quiet program results, based on 2015 flight operations.
Mr. Schwartz said that the report format was developed based on input from the CNAC at the November 2013 CNAC meeting and can be modified to meet CNAC needs.
Overall 93% of all jet operations occurred within our preferred routing boundaries in 2015. Mr. Schwartz decomposed this to specific performance within seven areas:
• Airline Departures – Noise Preferential Routing Performance (Precision)
• Airline Departures - Early Turn Performance
• Airline Arrivals - Early Turn Performance
• Preferential Runway Use [NEW]
• RNAV Departure Use (Flight Plan Data)
• RNAV Arrival Use (Flight Plan Data)
• RNP Approach Use (Flight Track Data)
Members had questions about divergent headings for turboprops, and the impact of a Q400 phase-out on divergent heading routings. Members discussed the possibility of showing altitudes for RNP procedures, which the Noise staff will prepare. Members requested that next year’s report include larger font on the graph axes for ease of reading.
Joe Smith suggested calling the PDX ATIS (503-284-1711) to hear the updated message advertising the availability of RNAV procedures, which they heard via speakerphone. Mr. Stenstrom commended Mr. Schwartz for his work to accomplish this initiative.
CAC Liaison Report
Joe Smith updated the committee on the activities of the PDX Community Advisory Committee as follows. The Port continues to focus on sustainability , defined as Operations, Environmental, and Workforce. The Terminal “revamp” to swap airlines and re-balance terminal operations is on hold while one airline adjusts their operational plans. Seismic resilience is another focus area, as PDX soils are likely to liquify in a seismic event.
The Port and employee unions continue to focus on wages for airport employees.
Four Month Complaint Report
Jerry Gerspach reviewed the noise complaint report for January-April 2016. There was no two-month report in March due to the CNAC Planning meeting taking the place of the regular CNAC meeting. Mr. Gerspach reported a total of 313 complaints in the period, of which 294 were likely related to PDX.
Community Outreach Demonstration
Kelly Sweeney presented his delivery of aviation noise information to neighborhood association groups. The most important step he has learned is to simply show up to the meeting. It is helpful to know the Chair’s name and introduce yourself, requesting a few minutes to speak.
When it’s his turn he will:
• Thank Chair, Introduce who I am
• Say where I’m from and emphasize that I do not work for the Port
• Asks: Who has airplanes flying over their home?
• CNAC is in existence to represent Citizens, Metro Wide, Vancouver
• Would they find it beneficial to have Noise staff experts present?
• Hand out Magnets with hotline number
His entire goal is to get CNAC & Noise office officially on a future Neighborhood meeting agenda, preferably with the Port Noise staff to provide flight track data specific to the area.
The Committee thanked Mr. Sweeney for his presentation and for his continued focus on outreach.
Noise Manager’s Update
Phil Stenstrom reported that the wind data for preferential runway analysis has been hard to analyze, because of the size of the dataset and the fact that the wind can be calm for some periods without triggering a runway flow change, if the air traffic controllers believe the calm wind is only temporary. The committee discussed the many elements that must be coordinated to change the flow, from ATIS updates and inbound flights to coordination with the PDX Tracon and Seattle Center. Mr. Stenstrom did not believe they will be able to make an accurate enough analysis to propose any changes prior to the next Master Plan.
Mr. Stenstrom presented the 2015 Year in Review document which summarizes Noise Program activities and accomplishments. The Year in Review is the annual report for the Port’s Aviation Noise program and is posted on the Port’s website. Mr. Stenstrom confirmed that the Concourse E expansion plans are on hold, as Mr. Smith mentioned earlier. He will update CNAC when there’s new information about the project.
Adjourn - 7:40pm
Next Meeting: / July 14, 2016 / 5.30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. International Airport Terminal Building
St. Helen’s “B” Conference Room
7100 NE Airport Way, Portland (Located at PDX)
Meeting notes by P. Stenstrom