AU Comprehensive Program Review Instructions

Per policy of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, all programs approved by the Board must undergo a periodic review for viability, productivity, and quality. Undergraduate programs must be reviewed every seven years and graduate and first professional programs must be reviewed every ten years. At Augusta University, programs may also be reviewed upon the discretion of the Provost or of the Dean for the college housing the program.

The purpose of the comprehensive program review is to provide academic officers the opportunity to review trends of select data and information to evaluate program viability, productivity, and quality. While the template provided below prescribes some specific metrics to be addressed as part of the program’s review, program officers should also discuss information as appropriate to the unique characteristics of the program’s respective discipline when it strengthens the rationale for final recommendations.

In the context of the comprehensive program review, the term “program” is defined as the degree-granting entity authorized by the Board of Regents. When degrees at varying levels are offered for related disciplines, a single program review may be produced, but it must specifically address each level. If the degree levels are administratively housed in different colleges, or if aspects of the program are offered within another college, all deans affected must be provided opportunity to provide feedback on the review process.

The CPR Packet includes:

  • The Comprehensive Program Review Template with sections for general program information and an executive summary; program statistics with data from Institutional Research; analysis of the program’s productivity, viability, and quality; and recommendations and future plans. The Template is provided as a Word document.
  • The CPR data profile that has been prepared by institutional research with data for key indicators of productivity, viability, and quality from institutional sources. Programs are encouraged to use other data sources to supplement the program profile as applicable and needed. In addition, other program data is available on the AU Institutional Research data portal at For all requests for additional data or access to the data portal, please contact Holly Goodson at .
  • The Unit Assessment Plan from Campus Labs that was submitted by your department. Programs are encouraged to include any evidence related to assessment of learning. If you have questions about this data, please contact Wade Caldwell () or Brittany Cipollone ().

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