Author Information Form
Note to Author: The information requested below is needed for our purposes in registering the copyright in your book, reporting royalties and planning an effective marketing campaign. Please fill out the form carefully, preferably electronically, and return it no later than the time you submit your manuscript for copyediting. If you need additional time to assemble materials, such as the review list, mailing labels, or e-mail lists, please note that on the form.
Title of the book
Name (as you wish it to appear on the title page–give your legal name also if it is different) and a guide on how to pronounce it.
Office Address Office phone number
Fax number
E -mail address
Home address Home phone number
Phone number we may give to anyone in the media wishing to make direct contact (write “none” if you do not want your number given out for such a purpose)
Place and date of birth (Birth date aids the Library of Congress cataloging process)
Present and past positions held (including dates) or an electronic version of your CV
Awards and honors received (with names of sponsoring institutions and dates)
Grants received for research on this book (with names of sponsoring institutions, grant numbers, and dates)
Travel (a) related to work on this book and (b) planned for the next two years
Professional societies of which you are a member (including information about any offices you have held within the past, and dates)
Academic websites and/or blogs you visit regularly, such as Leiter Reports: a Philosophy Blog and Arts & Letters Daily
Previous books (titles, publishers, dates, approximate sales) and names of journals, newspapers, or magazines to which you have contributed
Your previously published material on which this book is based. (This information is necessary to register the copyright with the Library of Congress.)
a) If based on a dissertation, please give (1) the full title of the dissertation; (2) if you registered the copyright directly with the U.S. Copyright Office or indirectly through UMI (ProQuest), the Form TX registration number the Copyright Office assigned to it; and (3) a brief summary of the revisions made and new material added to turn the dissertation into a book.
1) dissertation title:
2) copyright registered? YES_____ NO ______ (if yes, please supply registration info)
3) summary of revisions:
b) If any chapters were previously published as articles, please list each chapter as it is numbered in your book, give the title of the article on which the chapter is based and full bibliographic information about the article's publication, and indicate how much revision (light, medium, heavy) was made to the article in turning it into a chapter:
If your book has contributors, please list the name, address and institutional affiliation of each contributor.
Short description of the book (copy to be consulted for space advertising) in 50-75 words
Long description of the book (copy to be consulted for catalog and jacket flap) in 300 to 500 words covering its purpose, importance, and scope, its distinctive contribution to knowledge in its field, and any special features regarding the sources, methodology, or approach used
Additional information useful as background for promotion (such as anecdotes or unusual experiences relating to the research and writing, any features that make it “unique” or “first” in its field, comparisons with similar or competing works previously published, etc.)
Audiences (including main and secondary as well as special groups like the Sierra Club, the League of Women Voters, etc., with names and addresses for contacts for the latter where we might obtain mailing lists)
Names (with full addresses and/or email addresses) of up to five prominent individuals to whom we might send a copy of your book before publication to solicit endorsements useful in promotion
Names (if different from the above) of people whom we might suggest to major media book editors as possible reviewers for your book
Journals (with addresses if foreign) and major media outlets (if applicable) where it is most important to have review copies sent. In an effort to get the most out of our marketing investment in your research, we must be selective when deciding where to send “complimentary” copies of your book. Please help us to manage marketing costs by following the instructions below. Note that we may not be able to accommodate your every request.
Please rank journals in order of importance and relevance (up to 10), to ensure that copies reach the journals that are most important to your field and career.
Please rank major media outlets in order of importance and relevance (up to 5). Be aware that mainstream media outlets will not be suitable review venues for all projects, and that the Press will make the final decision on where copies are sent based on the kind of book published and the media outlet’s relevance and appropriateness.
Artwork (photos, drawings, etc.) relating to your book whether included in it or not that might be used in advertising or on the jacket, with information about where permission (if necessary) may be obtained
Journals (with addresses if foreign) where it is most important to advertise your book (ranked in order of importance)
Chapters or sections of your book that might lend themselves to being excerpted for publication before your book appears and names of magazines that would likely be interested in them
What books by other authors are similar to your book? How do they compare
Local or other newspapers and alumni magazines to which an announcement about your book should be sent, with names and addresses of editors to whom it should be directed.
Names, addresses, and phone numbers of local booksellers who might be interested in carrying your book
Foreign publishers who have bought rights to your previous works or who might be interested in buying rights to this book
Listservs, blogs, or other electronic media that might want to know about your book.
Key words that would aid search engines in finding and indexing your book.
If you contribute to a web site or maintain a blog or twitter feed, please provide the url so that we can link to it from our site.
Prizes and awards for which your book should be eligible, with names of the sponsoring institutions. In an effort to get the most out of our marketing investment in your research, we must be selective when deciding where to send “complimentary” copies of your book. Please help us to manage marketing costs by following the instructions below. Note that we may not be able to accommodate your every request.
Please rank awards in order of importance and relevance (up to 3), and double-check eligibility requirements to ensure that your book will be considered.
Professional association meetings where your book should be exhibited (with an asterisk to indicate those you regularly attend)
Please note that while we exhibit at many of the large academic associations' annual conferences, we are unable to attend regional meetings.
Names and email addresses of individuals (colleagues, family members, etc.) you would like us to notify, via an e-mail announcement, of your book's publication.
Names and addresses of teachers who might be interested in adopting your book (if available in paperback) for their courses.
We welcome any suggestions you may have to help our design staff prepare the jacket for your book. Please answer the questions below and return this form to your editor when you send the final manuscript ready for copyediting. The design will reflect the best professional judgment of the Press staff and may or may not incorporate your suggestions. Please note, if your book is part of a series for which a design is already established, your design suggestions may not be required.
1. If the jacket design for your book can accommodate an illustration, are there any that might serve well as an element of the jacket design? Please send us photocopies of any you want to propose for such use and indicate whether there are any restrictions (involving copyright, for example) on their use.
2. Are there any colors that are especially appropriate or inappropriate for use in connection with the specific subject matter of your book (such as the colors of a nation’s flag)? If so, please indicate the colors and their significance.
3. Titles that are very long because they include subtitles can pose difficulties for designing attractive, uncluttered jackets. If the title of your book is long, do you have any objection to omitting the subtitle on the jacket (while including it on the title page)?
4. Do you have any other ideas for the jacket not covered above? Include the URL from any website with examples of book covers you think are successful, or communicate a style you are interested in e.g.,