Year Group: Year 8 / Subject: Mathematics
Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
Topic / Ancient Mathematics / The Greeks and the Romans / Eastern Mathematics / The Renaissance and the Enlightenment / The Digital Age
Modules / Basics Week / Angle Problems / Substitution / Straight Line Graphs / Bearings / Probability
Constructions and Loci / Circles / Simplifying / Rearranging Formulae / Representing Data / Venn Diagrams / Set Theory
Area and Volume / Decimals / Percentages / Fractions / Solving Equations and Inequalities / Real Life Graphs / Calculating with Data / Financial Mathematics
Indices and HCF/LCM / Pythagoras' Theorem / Sequences / Ratio and Proportion / Scatter Graphs / Revision
Straight Line Graphs / Simultaneous Equations / Probability
Summary of Content / After some initial work on using the four operations in Mathematics without a calculator the term focusses on methods used by the most ancient Mathematicians. This will involve reviewing and extending the work covered in Yr7 as well as introducing Loci for the first term. Indices and HCF/LCM work will be covered in more detail as will Area and Volume. / Students will cover two completely new topics this term: Circles and Pythagoras’ theorem. This will involve an introduction to the first irrational number that we study: π.
Between these two topics students will develop their understanding of decimals, percentages and fractions and how these can be used to solve problems. / This term students will consolidate their algebraic skills from year 7 before extending them. More difficult equations will be solved and more time will be spent on mastering the art of drawing and understanding straight line graphs. Sequences will be studies here including those related to the famous Fibonacci Sequence. / Here students will be introduced to some of the more difficult areas of algebra. Rearranging Formulae and Simultaneous equations are high level skills so it is important to expose students to this for the first time here. Ratio and proportion play an important part in the new 2015 GCSE so it is introduced here in preparation. / Navigation using a compass was developed in the 13th century. Bearings are studied here in order to introduce them to Yr8 pupils and to review other angles work. The rest of the term is concerned with the development and extension of the data handling skills first seen in Yr7. / Probability and Venn diagrams will be studied for a substantial part of this term. Students will also do some work on Financial Mathematics - the ways in which the skills they have learned this year apply to money and business.
The rest of the term will be used for revision and assessment
Assessment / Investigation / project based assessment / Examination on material covered in terms 1 and 2 / Investigation / project based assessment / Examination on material covered in terms 3 and 4 / Examination on material covered during the whole of Year 8.