Assignments, Chapter 15, Nursing Care of a Family During Labor and Birth

Written Assignments / Learning Objective(s)
1. Make a list of nursing diagnoses and expected outcomes for the following families who are in labor:
·  A woman is in the second stage of labor and is having a difficult labor. Her birth attendant states that the fetus is in the breech presentation and prepares her for a cesarean birth.
·  An 8th-month pregnant woman who is visiting her parents in another city visits the emergency department with signs of labor. The woman is admitted to the maternity ward to be delivered by a resident of the hospital. The woman states that she is not ready to be a mother yet and does not want to go through an unplanned labor. When the nurse checks on her, she is crying uncontrollably and states that she wants to be moved back to her hometown where she has a birth plan in place. / 4, 5
2. Use the following terms in a report that describes the onset of labor and the role of the passenger, passage, powers, and psyche in the progression of labor:
·  Attitude
·  Breech presentation
·  Cardinal movements of labor
·  Cephalic presentation
·  Crowning
·  Dilation
·  Effacement
·  Engagement / 1
Group Assignments / Learning Objective(s)
1. Divide into four groups. In each group, choose a different power of labor: passenger, passage, power, and psyche. Within your group, devise a list of nursing interventions that are involved in the power of labor chosen by your group. Make sure you distinguish the six competencies of QSEN when planning your care. Share your list with the class in a class discussion. / 6, 9
2. Divide into small groups to review the 2020 National Health Goals for labor and birth. Then plan a health care event for prenatal screening of women in the community who are pregnant or who are planning on becoming pregnant to address these goals. A focal point may be women who have no health care insurance. / 2
Clinical Assignments / Learning Objective
1. During your clinical rotation, spend a day shadowing a nurse caring for laboring women in a hospital maternity ward. Pay particular attention to the assessments of the mother and fetus that are being performed throughout the process. Make a list of these assessments and share your list with the class in a class discussion. / 3
2. Interview a woman who delivered a baby in a hospital setting. Ask the woman to describe her experience and what nursing interventions the nurse employed to relieve her pain/anxiety and facilitate a smooth transition from pregnancy to motherhood. Based on your interview, evaluate the effectiveness of the outcomes of the labor process. / 8
Web Assignment / Learning Objective
1. Use the Internet to research the stages of labor. Devise a nursing care plan that reflects the appropriate care for a woman who is in each stage of labor. / 7