Assessment Committee Meeting – Minutes

December 2, 2016 | 11:00 - 12:30 pm |Library 329

Attendees: Jim Hatton, Kristin Nagy Catz, Craig Stillwell, Lee Ayers, Jamie Vener, Dorothy Ormes, Hart Wilson, Jody Waters, Rene Ordonez, John Taylor, Heather Buchanan

1. Establish teams and majors to avoid. Discuss timeline. Jim gathered the names of the teams and the majors to avoid for each team. We will shoot to be done by Feb 13.

2. Heather has made a student version. Available on moodle.

3. Jim met with Deb Brown about incorporating the writing rubric into writing tutor training which, by the way, is a two unit class. She is ready to go. Possibly a little bit of training in the winter and then infused into the next writing tutor class. This was reported.

4. The committee will undergo a norming session under the direction of Kristin. The committee had a vigorous discussion as we “normed”. Changes to the rubric where suggested. There was mostly agreement within one spacing for the rubric categories. Hart took some notes for the changes.

Nothing else was considered.

5. Senior Writing Assessment – Other items.

6. Agenda for January workshop. We are thinking about Feb 3 for our “January” meeting. We expect to cover response to the accreditation report and how we will be doing the Program reviews for this year.

Eventual To Do List – So we don’t forget.

1. We will work on improving our oral presentation assessment.

2. Closing the loop for senior writing

3. Academic Program Review

4. Spring Oral Presentation Assessment

5. January and Spring assessment workshops

6. Standardize rubric analysis

7. Response to accreditation report recommendations

8. Communicate with our students.

9. ETS pilot

10. One Year Accreditation Report