Microbiology (Bio 370)

Practice Lecture Examination 8

2/5/2014 Kimberly Name _____KEY______

I. Define: (do not use examples as definitions)

1. septicemia - an actively dividing pathogen within the blood

2. psychrophil - a bacterium that grows/lives in cold environments (0 to -20C)

3. loop dilution - a method of diluting bacteria from a concentrated source.

One loop full into a sterile broth, agitate and then take a sterile loop and transfer mixture.

4. bacteremia - bacteria in the blood without determining if they are growing or dead

5. cystitis - infection of the urinary bladder

II. Multiple Choice - Choose the most appropriate answer!

1. Kimberly suggested UTIs would be more problematic in this group: a) athletic males;

b) women; c) males under the influence of puberty; d) older males; e) both a & c; f) b & d

2. Where would I most likely see halophils growing? a) foot pad of an armadillo;

b) smegma of the groin; c) drinking fountains; d) estuaries; e) nursing homes

3. Kimberly suggested spore-formers are primarily in this group: a) Gram positives; b) Gram neg.;

c) acid fast bugs; d) strict anaerobes; e) strict aerobes

4. Kimberly suggested three streaking methods on a plate for isolating colonies. Which one was not listed? a) loop transfer; b) continuous; c) radial; d) quadrant

5. Kimberly suggested one of these is difficult to complete Koch’s postulates because of incubation problems. Which one? a) TB; b) leprosy; c) boils; d) strept throat; e) bacterial meningitis

III. True or False - Correct the false

___F__ 1. (Once again) As magnification goes up, resolution goes up. (resolution goes down)

___F__ 2. The acronym, HTST, stands for ‘high tolerance spore threshold.’ (high temp short time)

___F__ 3. Gram positives have the most ‘complex’ cell envelope. (Gram negatives)

___F__ 4. Using the spore stain we discussed (Schaeffer Fulton), the spore would be colored red. (green)

___F__ 5. Kimberly suggests the best way to avoid pathogens is to drink bottled water. (washing hands)

IV. Fill in the blanks.

1. A method of concentrating bacteria from a liquid sample would be: __membrane filtering___.

2. Which is irreversible for a spore - germination or sporulation? ___germination___.

3. Getting a sterile sample of urine is difficult. Why? _normal urethral flora mixed with sample

_____epipubic sampling into urinary bladder - too painful and invasive______

4. Kimberly suggested thermophils grow above this temperature: ___>50°C___.

5. 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit equals ___37.5 °C__ centigrade.

V. Essay - How would I get a 1:1000 diluted sample of milk?