NDATL Board Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2008
IVN Session
2-3 PM
Present: Chris Webb, Irene Mohn, Rae Ann Vandrovec, Jackie Schoemer, Brian Aufforth, Darin King, John Steiner
- President Chris Webb called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda. Brian Aufforth moved to approve the agenda and the motion carried.
- Minutes were read and approved.
- The budget was reviewed.
- The ISTE sign was sent back to national at our expense.
- Old Business
- The survey from the Spring F2F was completed by fewer participants this time. The results were positive. Many noted the importance of reimbursements, the mix of classes was good for both PC and Mac, and there was a good response to the educational gaming focus.
- New Business
- Teen Challenge has asked for assistance from NDATL, but the request was tabled until summer.
- DPI/EduTech—Jody French will visit with Anita Decker about continuing to fund the reimbursements for the Face to Face conferences.
- IVN Technology Sessions-- The board felt that the sessions should continue to be held twice per year. The NDATL Board offered to assist with the agendas. Presenters were urged to be on time during the sessions.
- Fargo F2F on April 16-17, 2009—The Doublewood Inn has been reserved. Theroom for the social will be provided at no cost.Carrie Metzger is the contact person for the Doublewood. We will work with her to order food and set up a cash bar. Fifty rooms have been reserved at state rate and will be held for up to three weeks before the event. Discovery School is now questionable for the F2F so John Steiner will work on finding a school location.
- Spring F2F Review
- The social had many positives. The board worked well as a group setting everything up and working at the registration table. The food was good, but we were over on the quantity needed.
- The check in procedure at the social was well received as it saved time in the morning. We will order neck tags for the fall so that we don’t need a second set of nametags. The neck tag will be turned in at the end of the conference, and the card inside with the name will be used for the door prizes.
- Irene Mohn was the contact person for the vendors. This worked very well as the vendors knew who to contact for additional information. The vendors’ fees did cover the expenses for the event. Irene has already had contacts for next fall such as School Center and NWEA. Thanks for all the hard work, Irene! The vice-president may be assigned this duty for future events.
- Bismarck did a great job hosting! Many thanks to Tanna Kincaid and her technology staff! The posters with agendas posted in the halls were helpful to participants.
- Summer Work Meeting for Fall F2F
- Suggested dates of July 28-29 and possible locations of Minot, Bismarck, Carrington, or Grand Forks will be sent to board members for review.
- Brian Aufforth moved to adjourn and Jackie Schoemer seconded the motion. Motion carried.