Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Audit: Data Collection Form Detailed Audit
Patient Code (patient initials and MRN): ______
Audited by: ______Date: ______Ward: ______
Section A: Patient Groups Excluded from Audit (check all that apply)
Patient population excluded from audit:
q  Palliative (followed by Palliative Care or CTC [compassionate terminal care])
q  Psychiatric Care
q  Rehab
q  No acute medical conditions and awaiting placement in long-term care
q  Age less than 18 years of age
q  Expected length of stay <48 hrs AND patient is fully mobile
If you selected any of the above options do not complete the rest of the form.
Section B: Patients on Therapeutic Anticoagulation
Patient is on therapeutic anticoagulation:
q  Unfractionated heparin (except heparin lock/flush)
q  Low molecular weight heparin
(i.e. tinzaparin, enoxaparin, dalteparin)
q  Warfarin (INR in therapeutic range) / q  Oral anticoagulants (i.e. dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixiban)
q  Other ______
If you selected any of the above options do not complete the rest of the form.
Section C: Anticoagulant Thromboprophylaxis Provided
VTE Prophylaxis: Opt-Out Protocol
□ Tinzaparin 4 500 units subcutaneously once a day
No dose adjustment of tinzaparin is needed in patients with impaired renal function1, renal failure2,3, or on hemodialysis2,3
Prophylactic dose of tinzaparin if not 4 500 IU:
□ if weight < 50 kg tinzaparin 3 500 units subcutaneously once a day
□ if weight 100-150 kg tinzaparin 10 000 units subcutaneously once a day
□ if weight 151-200 kg tinzaparin 14 000 units subcutaneously once a day
Is this dose of tinzaparin appropriate for this patient □ Yes □ No (specify)______
□ Other (specify)______
If you selected any of the above options in Section C, proceed to Section G.
Section D: High Bleeding Risk or Contraindications to Anticoagulant Thromboprophylaxis (check all that apply)
q  Heparin induced thrombocytopenia (fondaparinux not contraindicated)
q  Severe thrombocytopenia
q  Less than 12 hrs before anticipated spinal invasion, less than 2 hrs after spinal invasion or less than 18 hrs before anticipated epidural removal / q Active bleeding
q Recent intraocular or intracranial surgery
q Severe coagulopathy
q Hypersensitivity to heparins
q Recent major bleeding (specify) ______
q Other (specify)______
If you selected any of the above in Section D, proceed to Section E, otherwise proceed to Section F.
Section E: Mechanical VTE Prophylaxis for Patients at Risk of Bleeding
□  Bilateral graduated compression (antiembolic) stockings (TEDS)
□  Bilateral intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC)
Section F: VTE Risk - this section describes the risk factors in patients who are not receiving appropriate thromboprophylaxis (check all that apply)
¨  Active cancer or cancer treatment
¨  Admitted due to congestive heart failure
¨  Admitted due to severe respiratory disease
¨  Central venous catheter or PICC
¨  Collagen Vascular Disease
¨  Immobility
¨  Inflammatory bowel disease (history or current reason for admission)
¨  Inherited or acquired thrombophilic conditions
¨  Ischemic stroke / ¨  Lower extremity paralysis
¨  Major surgery
¨  Mechanical ventilation
¨  Nephrotic Syndrome
¨  Pregnancy/post-partum
¨  Previous VTE
¨  Sepsis
¨  Spinal cord injury
¨  Trauma
Section G: Appropriate Anticoagulant Thromboprophylaxis
Order for thromboprophylaxis was written ______hours after admission or after end of surgery:
□ 0-24 hrs
□ 24-48 hrs
□ >48 hrs
□ Thromboprophylaxis was continued for an appropriate duration
·  In-hospital: □ duration of stay □ for ______days
·  Orthopedic surgery: for ______days post-discharge
Section H: Patient Chart Documentation
Is there a preprinted order set that includes thromboprophylaxis in the chart?
q  Yes If yes, is the thromboprophylaxis section of the OS: q blank q complete q other (specify):______
q  No
Section I: Additional Comments (optional)
1.  Patient is at risk for VTE: □ Yes (all other patients)
□ No (as indicated in Section A or B above)
2.  Patient received appropriate VTE prophylaxis: □ Yes
□ No If No, state reason: ______

1. Mahé O, et al.Thromb Haemost. 2007;97:581-6; 2. PROTECT Investigators. N Engl J Med. 2011;364:1305-14; 3. Nutescu EA, et al. Ann Pharmacother. 2009;43:1064-83.