ACC Chapter Recognition – Word Template

Chapter Name * / Mississippi Chapter
Chapter President / Thad F. Waites, MD, FACC
Chapter Executive / Deloris Green, CMP
Name of Person Completing this Form * / Deloris Green
Title of Person * / Chapter Executive
Chapter Executive/Staff
How many full or part time employees in your organization are working for the ACC Chapter? / 1½ (equivalent to)
Please describe the staffing resources in your chapter, including names, titles and a brief description of their duties. / Deloris Green, Chapter Executive
Staci Corder, Director of Meetings
Sally Browning, Membership
Adele Reed and Darlene Clendenon, Administrative Assistants
Additional Notes / All staff members are available for the Chapter. Staff members work for the Chapter as needed.
Executive Committee and/or Council
We have a structured Executive Committee that meets regularly: / The Council meets at the annual meeting and as needed by phone and email throughout the year.
We have the following number of Council Members: / 5 plus FIT and CCA representatives
Our Council is primarily structured by: Geography, Institution, Areas of Interest, Practice Type / Geography
Please describe the structure of the executive committee/Council, including names and titles. Indicate if you have FITs or CCAs involved in your leadership, along with their names and positions held. / See attached
Please describe any committees organized under the Council (i.e. advocacy, quality, membership, etc). / Advocacy
If you have designated liaisons to outside healthcare or cardiovascular organizations, please list the liaison and organization below. / Dr. Clay Hays who is a member of the Council also serves as the Secretary-Treasurer with the Mississippi State Medical Association. He acts as our liaison with the MSMA.
Additional Notes
Leadership & Chapter Development
A Chapter leader (i.e. Chapter President, President-elect, designee of the Chapter President and/or Chapter Executive) has represented the Chapter at all three meetings of the BOG in 2008. / Chapter President and Executive attended all 3 meetings. Our FIT representative attended the Legislative Conference.
Chapter Council has developed or reviewed a Strategic Plan with clear, measurable goals for the Chapter within the past three years. / We have scheduled a Strategic Planning session for February 21, 2009 in Jackson, MS.
If Yes, When?
Chapter has submitted to the BOG Steering Committee their annual goals for 2008. / Yes
Please elaborate on what goals your Chapter was able to accomplish, and your plans for keeping your Chapter goals relevant to your membership. / 1. Organized the Council
2. Updated the Bylaws
3. Scheduled an annual meeting in conjunction with the MSMA
4. Scheduled a Strategic Planning session for February 2009 – Helen Smith will facilitate
5. Sent email broadcasts to membership frequently
6. President and Chapter Executive communicated frequently through email and phone calls
7. Continued follow-up with the D2B initiative
8. Communicated with Blue Cross Blue Shield of MS regarding ACC’s position on CT Imaging
9. Offered our assistance with the MSMA Doctor of the Day program at the Capitol
Chapter President and Chapter Executive communicate on a regular basis as mutually agreeable. / Yes
How often and by what method of communication? What advantages does this provide your Chapter? / At least twice a month by email and phone. By communicating regularly, we both stay up-to-date on current issues and planning details.
Chapter President has developed a succession plan and identified members willing to run in the next Governor election. / Yes
Please describe your process and how you are integrating these members in your Chapter. / The President has identified members from various parts of the state to become more involved in the Chapter. Several members responding to the needs assessment indicated their interest in becoming more involved. Putting them into leadership positions such as Council members and/or Committee Chairs allow the President to see who demonstrates leadership necessary to become Governor.
Chapter Management
Chapter President and Chapter Executive have reviewed the ACC Chapter Operations Manual. The Chapter is in compliance with all of the good business practices as outlined in the Chapter Operations Checklist in the Operations Manual. / Yes
Chapter has met all federal and state requirements for non-profit organizations, such as:

IRS classified tax exempt status is current and in good standing.

/ Yes

Articles of incorporation are current.

/ Yes

Employer Identification Number (EIN) is on file.

/ Yes

Annual Corporate status is on file and in good standing.

/ Yes

Chapter bylaws have been reviewed and are current and in compliance with applicable state and ACC National. (Changes must be approved by the BOG Steering Committee.)

/ Updated in 2008 and are in the process of updating by adding the Practice Administrator status to the membership categories.

Chapter bylaws are posted on website.

/ Yes

Financials have been examined by the Chapter President, Chapter Treasurer, and Chapter Executive and reviewed with the Chapter Council on a quarterly basis.

/ Yes

Chapter Executive is operating under an ACC approved management contract, and the contract is on file with ACC national.

/ Yes

Chapter Executive has been reviewed within the last twelve months and his or her goals were defined for next twelve months.

/ Yes

Chapter has clear, transparent financial reports and a defined reporting system for Chapter leaders in place.

/ Yes

Chapter Council has approved an operating budget for the next fiscal year.

/ We are in the process of drafting the budget for review by the Council.

Chapter has on file with ACC National copies of their most recent end of year financial statement and next year budget, along with their 990, Articles of Incorporation, Chapter Bylaws and management contract.

/ All but the 990 which wasn’t filed in 2007 due to the income being less than $25,000.

An independent accounting firm has audited or prepared the Chapter financials and/or tax returns.

/ Yes for 2008

Chapter carries Directors & Officers insurance to limit the personal liability of their leaders.

/ Yes

In case of an emergency, the Chapter has a disaster plan for communications in place.

Membership & Communication

Chapter produces at least one newsletter a year, either in hard print or electronic format. This newsletter is directed to the entire Chapter membership.

/ Yes

Which Format? Please Select Hard Copy OR Electronic

/ Email

How often is it distributed ?

/ As needed, at least quarterly

Chapter has increased the number of member volunteer opportunities by at least 2 positions, either permanent or temporary.

/ Yes

Name them.

/ Legislative and Quality

Chapter has conducted a survey to measure member value at least once in the past 24 months.

/ Yes

Please tell us what you learned from the survey and how you plan to implement the results to improve.

/ 1. The respondents indicated that the following should be the focus of the Chapter: advocating for the members on the state level and with third-party payers and providing networking opportunities/ information exchange among members
2. The respondents consider the following most important factors in deciding to attend a meeting: topics and location of the meeting.
3. The topics they want to hear about at meetings are political/socioeconomic issues, clinical issues, reimbursement issues and clinical technologies.
4. They ranked reimbursement, pay for performance, tort reform and imaging as the advocacy priorities for Mississippi.
5. They are most interested in the following topics/projects: quality initiatives and legislative issues.

Chapter has welcomed CCAs into their membership through special meetings or a section of a meeting targeted for CCAs, special invitations to CCAs for general meeting, including CCAs in its bylaws, including a CCA representative on its Council, and other inclusive manners.

/ Yes

Please explain how you have done this and how it has worked for your Chapter.

/ The Bylaws were revised to add CCA as a membership category and to add a CCA representative to the Council (non-voting). In 2009, we plan to begin offering dinner meetings for CCAs only and to discuss topics of interest to their group.

The first annual CCA Elections are underway fall 2008. The Chapter is in the process of incorporating and engaging its Chapter liaison.

/ We will begin this process.

Chapter has welcomed FITs into their membership through special meetings or a section of a meeting targeted for FITs, special invitations to FITs for general meeting, including FITs in its bylaws, including an FIT representative on its Council, and other inclusive manners.

/ Yes

Please explain how you have done this and how it has worked for your Chapter.

/ Josh Blair has been added to our Council as a non-voting member to represent the FITs. FITs have been added as a membership category in the Bylaws. We applied for and received a grant for our FIT representative to attend the 2008 Legislative Conference and continue to encourage him to be involved more in the legislative process. In 2009, we plan to begin offering dinner meetings for FITs to discuss topics such as business planning, investment planning, buying a house, obtaining a mortage, etc.

Chapter has welcomed Practice Administrators into their membership through inclusive manners.

/ We are in the process of adding the membership category to the Bylaws.

Please explain how you have done this and how it has worked for your Chapter.

/ We plan to offer a meeting in 2009 for practice administrators to introduce the Chapter and its leadership, to discuss their issues and what the Chapter can offer as member benefits.

Chapter has an up-to-date website with valuable information.

/ Yes

Chapter holds at least one annual meeting for its general membership or at least two meetings a year for targeted members. Targeted membership could be by region, specialty, membership type, institution or other demographics.

/ Yes

How many hours were offered, and was the CME/CE accredited?

/ 1 hour focused on advocacy following a luncheon. No CME/CE offered.

Chapter’s annual meeting attendance is increased over last year’s attendance by 10%.

/ Yes

Was the target audience FACC, CCA or other?


Evaluations from the annual Chapter meeting are overall above average or outstanding.

/ No evaluations were distributed

Chapter offers CME/CE for its Chapter meeting and is in good standing with ACGME regulations regarding CME/CE.

/ We haven’t as yet. For scientific meetings, we will pursue CME/CE accreditation and will follow the requirement of the ACCME.

Chapter participated in joint-sponsored ACC CME and/or CE.

/ No

Please describe your program briefly (title, location, target audience, and attendance.)

Please explain from where your Chapter obtains its CME/CE and the process, cost, and effort that your Chapter Executive puts into making certain it is handled according to ACGME regulations.

/ We have discussed the process with the MSMA and we are also interested in working with ACC.

Chapter is participating in at least one ACC quality improvement initiative.

/ Yes

Describe the initiative

/ D2B, IC3

Chapter has recruited more than one “Quality Champion” in their Chapter to facilitate identified quality projects.

Name them:

Chapter has established a partnership with the State Medical Society.

/ Yes

Describe any projects you have worked on with the State Medical Society.

/ We have combined our annual meeting with the MSMA meeting, offered our participation in the MSMA Doctor of the Day program.

Chapter has held a summit, conference or meeting highlighting quality issues.

/ Not yet

Chapter has held at least one meeting or meeting section dedicated to educating hospital administrators about the NCDRTM CathPCI, ACTION, ICD or CARE Registries, or educate practice administrators about the NCDRTM IC3 Registry.

/ Not yet

Chapter President or other Chapter leader on behalf of ACC has hosted or attended any political event within the last year and reported the event to ACC National Advocacy staff.

Additional Notes:

Chapter President or other Chapter leader has maintained contact with legislator(s) for future ACC advocacy efforts.

/ The Chapter is building a grassroots network where we will be able to identify members who have a relationship with a legislator.

Describe in what way.

Chapter President or Chapter President-elect have attended an ACC Legislative Conference within the past two years.

/ Chapter President has attended the past 2 years. The Chapter FIT representative received a grant to attend the Conference as well.

Chapter has organized a state lobbying effort with the help of ACC National.

/ This is an area that we expect to grow.

Chapter has organized a “Cardiologist for the Day” event in their state.

Describe this event

Additional notes.

Chapter Recognition Status
Please demonstrate why your chapter should be recognized as a recipient of this year's Chapter Recognition Award. Email to additional information as necessary, such as newsletters, bylaws, meeting agendas, annual meeting brochures or other pertinent materials highlighting the success of your Chapter. / The Mississippi Chapter, after several years of inactivity, is beginning again. The President has identified members throughout the state who are leaders in cardiology and are willing to become active with the Chapter as Councilors and Committee Chairs. 2008 has been a building year. In 2009, the strategic planning session will identify the goals for the Chapter and will set the Chapter on a course of action to benefit all its members and their patients. The leadership reached out to the membership through a needs assessment and listened to their comments. This valuable information will be considered as the goals are planned for the Chapter.
Our Chapter application has no confidential material contained in it and is willing to have it posted on Chapter Affairs Extranet so that other Chapters may learn from our successes. / Yes
Additional comments, if necessary: