8thGrade GlimpseNovember 7 – 11

Resource/Reading Intervention-2 7/8 – Mrs. Lettau – We will continue our study in Unit 10 – focusing on R-controlled multi-syllable words and adding suffixes to multi-syllable words. If you have questions, you may call me at 660-584-7161 and leave a message or you may e-mail me at If you need to talk to me immediately, I am available on Gold days from 11:30-1:30 and on Blue days from 8:00-9:30.

Computer Literacy 7/8 – Mrs. Lettau – We will continue to work on our keyboarding skills. From now until Thanksgiving, we will be working in Desktop Publishing, exploring the different templates. If you have questions, you may call me at 660-584-7161 and leave a message or you may e-mail me at If you need to talk to me immediately, I am available on Gold days from 11:30-1:30 and on Blue days from 8:00-9:30.

8th Grade Science: (11/7-11/11)

We will be finishing our unit over Motion and Forces. We will continue working with speed and velocity and distance-time graphs while also discussing and calculating acceleration and working with speed-time graphs. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Mr. Sears (Conf time: G2 9:28-10:52 & B2 9:28-10:52)

Congratulations to all vocal music students on a successful fall concert. I am proud of your hard work and effort! This week classes will begin music for our winter concert. This concert will held on Tuesday, December 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the East

8th Grade Social Studies (Mr. Gifford)This week we will be continuing our work on the lead up to and the Revolutionary War. We have completed the French and Indian War and will be moving onto Pre-Revolutionary material. Questions? Feel free to email me at with any questions or concerns.

Band: Reminder, our winter band concert will be on Tuesday, December 13th. Students will each need black dress shoes, black dress pants, and their blue music t-shirt. If your student needs a new music t-shirt, please have them let me know so that I can reserve one for your student. If you need help obtaining any of these items, please let me know.

8th Grade-Exploring Agriculture-Mr. Brock: This week we will begin Unit 4: Agricultural Mechanics. Students will develop basic shop skills ranging from reading a measuring tape to safely operating various tools. We will spend several class periods discussing safety prior to beginning project construction. The project associated with this unit is a basic tool box. Information concerning the lab fee associated with this project will be provided soon. My plan times are Gold 2 and Blue 1. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by email, .

8th Grade RISE- Students will begin Case One: Rookie training with CSI: Web Adventures. We will also be reading Adventure X in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, “The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor”. If your child has not returned their permission slip for our field trip please have them do so ASAP.

Mrs. Bell ,

………………cut here ………………. cut here …………………… cut here ………………cut here ……………

** Return signed slips to Ms. Nikkel by November 8

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Student signatureneeds to be included, first and last name, for extra credit

8THGrade Math: We will continue the unit on ratios and proportions next week. There will be a quiz on Monday (B1 and B5) and Tuesday (G1 and G2) over unit rates and proportions. Students will be able to identify similar figures and identify and create dilations.B1 and B5 will have a quiz on Friday over similar figures and dilations. Please check out our class website at There is a lot of helpful information and resources there including a class calendar and notes from class. My digital library contains many resources that students can use at home to practice the skills we are learning in class.

Ms. Nikkel 660-584-7161 (Conference time Gold 1:30-3:00, Blue 8:00-9:15)

Power and Construction: This week the 8th graders have completed a short drafting exercise. Next they will be drawing a plan/design for their wood shop project. If you need more information or just have a question, feel free to contact me. conference time G4 11:40 – 1:32 PM or B1 8:00 – 9:24 AM

6th/7th/8th Physical Education & Health: Next week students in Mrs. Briney's class will finish their frisbee unit and Mr. Hawthorne's class will finish their flag football unit. If the weather allows we will be going outside some, so if needed, pack some sweats. Please help remind students to pack clothes to change into for class, as well as tennis shoes that tie. Any students that need to make up their fitness tests will be able to do so the next couple weeks. Health notes are to be kept organized in a folder or binder to help them study for quizzes and for folder checks at the end of each quarter. For our health lessons, we are covering, Your Character and Relationships. The students will be having their third health quiz on Monday & Tuesday over chapter 5, lessons 1,2,&3. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Hawthorne or Mrs. Briney. Coach Hawthornes's plan is Gold 1 or Blue 5 and Mrs. Briney's plan is Gold 1 and Blue 4

8th Communication Arts – Mrs. Figg

This week we will begin Unit 2 in our literature textbook. In this unit, students will analyze short stories. As we read, we will discuss the elements of a short story, point of view, and analyze plot and character development. Reading logs will be due on Monday (Nov. 7 – Blue) and Tuesday (Nov. 8 – Gold). If you have any questions, please email me at . My conference times are: Gold days 8:00-9:24 and Blue Days 9:28–10:52.

8th Grade ArtStudents will continue exploring the Die Brucke art movement and the creation of Linoleum Printing derived from Wood block printing. This project is coinciding with literature and illustration. This project will be due Thursday 11/10/16 at the end of class.

Graphics 1

Students will continue exploring the various possibilities of GIMP manipulation on the computer. We will do a variety of small projects to get prepared for our endangered species project which will be due before thanksgiving break.

Terra nference: Gold 5/Blue 5 1:36pm-3:00pm