Cell Phone Safety (1)

  • Use of cellular technology by growing children in a widespread fashion is a relatively new phenomenon, and as more children become users of cell phone technology the issue of safety has been raised. Physicians and scientists have put forth theories about possible serious health concerns (brain tumors and cancer), but there are no study results which prove definitively that cell phones cause health problems. However there are none that prove without a doubt that they don't cause problems either.
    According to new calculations published in the July 2008 issue of "Physics in Medicine and Biology" by Joe Wiart's research group at France Telecom, "The brains of young children absorb twice as much as radio frequency energy from a cell phone as those of adults. The skin and skulls of children eight and under are thinner than those of adults, and their ears are smaller too."

Cell Phone Cons (2)

  • Cell phones are a huge distraction. Kids spend an extraordinary amount of time focused on the screen of their phone reading or sending text messages. While texting they are not aware of what is going on around them. Cell phones have been used to cheat by transmitting answers by text. Children experience a lot of peer pressure to have the latest and greatest phone with all the latest bells and whistles, which promotes a materialistic attitude. Phones with cameras and picture messaging allow for the sending and receipt of pornography from other children as well as predatory adults. Young children go where their parents take them and parents are usually right there.

Cell Phone Pros (3)

  • By the time a child is in high school, his life changes considerably. After-school clubs, lessons and sports activities, jobs, and group or individual dates and detention become a part of your child's existence. Fearful of abduction or other criminal activity involving their child, many parents provide cell phones for immediate access to their child and peace of mind. Selecting a cell service that provides GPS locators enables parents to log onto a website and know where their child is at all times. Parents and children can contact each other should the parent be stuck in traffic or the child's practice run late, or in case of a serious emergency.


Final Essay Assignment

For your final essay you are asked to read three nonfiction paragraphs, form an opinion regarding the information they contain, write a thesis, and organize your support from the paragraphs in outline form.

You do not need to write the essay itself. You are being evaluated on your ability to make sense of the material and do the prewriting for what would be three body paragraphs.

However, you may earn up to 5 points extra credit on the test if you choose to write the essay in addition to the outline!! If you run out of time before finishing, you will not be penalized as longs as the outline portion is complete.

Read, write a thesis, and select quotes from the paragraphs to support your three points. Follow these directions:

1.Read the three paragraphs about Kids and Cell Phone Use.

2.Form an opinion based on the information in the paragraphs.

3.Complete your brainstorming and thesis statement. Show all your work!

4.Select direct quotes to support your ideas. Use the numbers in parentheses for your MLA citation.

Your outline should follow this form on the paper provided below.

Thesis Statement:

  1. First supporting argument
  1. Support/elaboration
  2. Support/elaboration
  3. Second supporting argument
  4. Support/elaboration
  5. Support/elaboration
  6. Third supporting argument
  7. Support/elaboration
  8. Support/elaboration