7th Grade Life Science Syllabus

Brandi Mather

Union Grove Middle School

Text: Glencoe Science: Georgia Science Grade 7 and online resources (via Edmodo)

Supplementary Materials: Spiral notebook (college rule, 100 pages preferable), composition notebook, 1 1/2 or 2 inch binder, 5 tab dividers, pencils (extra lead if you are using mechanical), blue or black ink pens, colored pencils (Twistables are preferred as they do not require sharpening), notecards, earbuds, flash-drive (the same one can be used for all academic classes)

Student Notebook:

Student binders will be a portfolio of their progression through the Performance Indicators. They will be organized as follows:

*Spiral Notebook


*Scope and Sequence


*5 Tab Dividers

*Student Progress Monitoring Graphs/Assignments behind correlating graduation standards tab

Course Description: This course will be focused on the 7th grade Georgia Department of Education Life Science Performance Standards. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of Life Science concepts in order to bridge middle school Life Science with 9th grade Biology.

Students will be given a list of Performance Indicators (PI) for each graduation standard. These Performance Indicators are divided into four levels that include explicit, measurable, transferable learning objectives that empower students and allow them to work toward a goal. Students will receive timely differentiated support based on their learning needs. Assignments will be graded using the rubric. Students will advance to higher level work upon demonstration of mastery at each level. Learning outcomes emphasize competencies that include application and creation of knowledge, along with other important skills.

The school will be hosting a Science Fair the first week of December. Procedures for entering the Science Fair will be forth coming.

Topics of Study:

·  Classification and Diversity of Organisms

·  Structure, Function and Information Processing

·  Growth Development and reproduction of Organisms, Natural Selection, and Adaptations

·  Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems

In addition, we will be focusing on graphing, measurement, outlining, and 7h grade reading and writing standards.


Each Performance Indicator includes 5 levels: Pre-Emerging (50-59), Beginning (69), Developing (79), Competent (80-92), Exemplary (93-100). Highest score obtained for each Performance Indicator will be used for grade calculation purposes. Rubrics will be used to determine the numerical grade on Performance Indicators.

Make-up Work: It is the student’s responsibility to get missed assignments from any absence. Number of additional days to turn in the assignment will equal the number of consecutive days absent. This year we will be using Edmodo as a learning management system. Students can refer to Edmodo for assignments when they are absent.

No Name Papers: Only papers with a name will be graded. All other papers will be placed in a designated area and will be thrown away at the end of each unit.

Infinite Campus: Infinite Campus will be updated at least once every two weeks. All students and parents have access to grades through the Infinite Campus Portal on the school’s website. If a student does not have access to the internet at home, the computers in the school library may be used to view Infinite Campus. Class time will not be used to provide students with their grades. Because this is a competency based classroom, Edmodo and student binders are great resources for looking at your child’s progress. Only highest score obtained on a PI is documented in IC so grades entered in IC are often two weeks apart.

Classroom Expectations:

Be Prepared/ Be Polite/ Be Prompt/ Be Proactive/ Be Positive

Behavior Goals:

As part of our School Improvement Plan, we will be focusing on the following goals for each student: (Details will be provided on PPT via Edmodo.)

·  Be an Independent Learner

·  Be a Self-Directed Learner

·  Be a Self-Regulated Learner

Classroom Discipline: We will follow the discipline plan as outlined in the UGMS handbook when violations of classroom rules occur. All students are expected to be on task at all times. Any behavior that jeopardizes the success/safety of any student in the classroom will be reason for a citation.

1st citation: citation issued which serves as a written warning

2nd citation: citation issued – parent contact

3rd citation: citation issued – team discipline

4th citation: citation issued – parent contact and an office referral

I have read the syllabus and understand the classroom policies, procedures and expectations.


Student Signature Parent Signature