Vascular Plant List

Driveway Butte

Driveway Butte. Okanogan County, WA. List covers plants found along the Driveway Butte Trail from Klipchuck Campground (about 12 miles east of Washington Pass on SR 20) to the top of the ridge, about two miles. List by Jim Duemmel, summer 2005. 135 spp.

These lists represent the work of different WNPS members over the years. Their accuracy has not been verified by the Washington Native Plant Society. We offer these lists to individuals as a tool to enhance the enjoyment and study of native plants.

* - Introduced
Scientific Name / Common Name / Family Name
Abies amabilis / Pacific silver fir / Pinaceae
Acer glabrum / Douglas maple / Aceraceae
Achillea millefolium / Yarrow / Asteraceae
Adenocaulon bicolor / Pathfinder / Asteraceae
Agoseris retrorsa / Spear-leaf agoseris / Asteraceae
Agropyron spicatum / Blue-bunch wheatgrass / Poaceae
Alnus sinuata / Sitka alder / Betulaceae
Amelanchier alnifolia / Serviceberry / Rosaceae
Anaphalis margaritacea / Pearly everlasting / Asteraceae
Angelica arguta / Sharp-tooth angelica / Apiaceae
Antennaria microphylla / Rosy pussy-toes / Asteraceae
Apocynum androsaemifolium / Spreading dogbane / Apocynaceae
Arabis sparsiflora / Sicklepod rockcress / Brassicaceae
Arctostaphylos nevadensis / Kinnikinnik / Ericaceae
Arenaria capillaris / Thread-leaved sandwort / Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria macrophylla / Big-leaf sandwort / Caryophyllaceae
Arnica cordifolia / Heart-leaf arnica / Asteraceae
Artemisia michauxiana / Michaux mugwort / Asteraceae
Aster conspicuus / Showy aster / Asteraceae
Aster ledophyllus / Cascade aster / Asteraceae
Balsamorhiza sagittata / Arrow-leaf balsamroot / Asteraceae
Berberis aquifolium / Tall Oregongrape / Berberidaceae
Carex amplifolia / Big-leaf sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex mertensii / Merten's sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex rossii / Ross' sedge / Cyperaceae
Castilleja hispida / Harsh paintbrush / Scrophulariaceae
Ceanothus velutinus / Snowbrush / Rhamnaceae
Centaurea diffusa* / Diffuse knapweed / Asteraceae
Chaenactis douglasii / Dusty maidens / Asteraceae
Chenopodium album* / Pigweed / Chenopodiaceae
Chenopodium fremontii / Fremont's goosefoot / Chenopodiaceae
Chimaphila umbellata / Pipsissewa / Ericaceae
Circaea alpina / Enchanter's nightshade / Onagraceae
Cirsium vulgare* / Bull thistle / Asteraceae
Clarkia rhomboidea / Common clarkia / Onagraceae
Claytonia lanceolata / Western springbeauty / Portulacaceae
Collinsia parviflora / Small-flowered blue-eyed Mary / Scrophulariaceae
Collomia grandiflora / Large-flowered collomia / Polemoniaceae
Collomia tenella / Diffuse collomia / Polemoniaceae
Corallorhiza maculata / Spotted coral-root / Orchidaceae
Cornus stolonifera / Red-osier dogwood / Cornaceae
Crepis atrabarba / Slender hawksbeard / Asteraceae
Cryptantha torreyana / Torrey's cryptantha / Boraginaceae
Dactylis glomerata* / Orchard grass / Poaceae
Delphinium nuttallianum / Upland larkspur / Ranunculaceae
Disporum hookeri / Hooker fairy-bell / Liliaceae
Epilobium angustifolium / Fireweed / Onagraceae
Epilobium glandulosum / Common willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epilobium paniculatum / Tall annual willow-herb / Onagraceae
Erigeron subtrinervis / Three-veined fleabane / Asteraceae
Eriogonum umbellatum / Sulfur buckwheat / Polygonaceae
Erythronium grandiflorum / Glacier lily / Liliaceae
Festuca ovina / Sheep fescue / Poaceae
Fragaria virginiana / Woods strawberry / Rosaceae
Fritillaria lanceolata / Chocolate lily / Liliaceae
Fritillaria pudica / Yellow bell / Liliaceae
Galium aparine / Cleavers / Rubiaceae
Gayophytum diffusum / Spreading groundsmoke / Onagraceae
Gnaphalium microcephalum / Slender cudweed / Asteraceae
Habenaria unalascensis / Alaska rein-orchid / Orchidaceae
Hackelia micrantha / Blue stickseed / Boraginaceae
Haplopappus greenei / Greene's goldenweed / Asteraceae
Helianthella uniflora / Little-sunflower / Asteraceae
Hieracium albiflorum / White-flowered hawkweed / Asteraceae
Hieracium cynoglossoides / Hounds-tongue hawkweed / Asteraceae
Hieracium scouleri / Scouler's hawkweed / Asteraceae
Holodiscus discolor / Ocean spray / Rosaceae
Hydrophyllum capitatum / Woolly breeches / Hydrophyllaceae
Juniperus communis / Mountain juniper / Cupressaceae
Lactuca serriola* / Prickly lettuce / Asteraceae
Linanthus septentrionalis / Northern linanthus / Polemoniaceae
Lithophragma bulbiferum / Bulbiferous prairie-star / Saxifragaceae
Lithophragma parviflorum / Small-flowered prairie-star / Saxifragaceae
Lolium perenne* / English ryegrass / Poaceae
Lomatium ambiguum / Swale desert-parsley / Apiaceae
Lomatium brandegeei / Brandegee's lomatium / Apiaceae
Lomatium macrocarpum / Large-fruited lomatium / Apiaceae
Lomatium nudicaule / Pestle parsnip / Apiaceae
Luina nardosmia / Silvercrown luina / Asteraceae
Lupinus latifolius / Broad-leaf lupine / Fabaceae
Lupinus sericeus / Silky lupine / Fabaceae
Madia gracilis / Common tarweed / Asteraceae
Malva neglecta* / Dwarf mallow / Malvaceae
Mentzelia albicaulis / White-stemmed mentzelia / Loasaceae
Microseris nutans / Nodding microseris / Asteraceae
Microsteris gracilis / Pink microsteris / Polemoniaceae
Mimulus breweri / Brewer's monkey-flower / Scrophulariaceae
Mitella trifida / Three-tooth mitrewort / Saxifragaceae
Montia parvifolia / Streambank spring beauty / Portulacaceae
Montia perfoliata / Miner's lettuce / Portulacaceae
Orobanche fasciculata / Clustered broomrape / Orobanchaceae
Osmorhiza chilensis / Mountain sweet-cicely / Apiaceae
Osmorhiza occidentalis / Western sweet-cicely / Apiaceae
Pachistima myrsinites / Mountain box / Celastraceae
Penstemon pruinosus / Chelan penstemon / Scrophulariaceae
Phacelia hastata / White-leaf phacelia / Hydrophyllaceae
Pinus contorta / Lodgepole pine / Pinaceae
Pinus ponderosa / Ponderosa pine / Pinaceae
Plantago major* / Common plantain / Plantaginaceae
Poa bulbosa* / Bulbous bluegrass / Poaceae
Polygonum aviculare* / Doorweed / Polygonaceae
Polygonum sawatchense / Sawatch knotweed / Polygonaceae
Populus tremuloides / Quaking aspen / Salicaceae
Potentilla glandulosa / Sticky cinquefoil / Rosaceae
Prunus emarginata / Bitter cherry / Rosaceae
Prunus virginiana / Chokecherry / Rosaceae
Pseudotsuga menziesii / Douglas fir / Pinaceae
Purshia tridentata / Bitterbrush / Rosaceae
Ranunculus acris* / Meadow buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Ranunculus uncinatus / Little buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Ribes cereum / Wax currant / Grossulariaceae
Ribes howellii / Maple-leaf currant / Grossulariaceae
Ribes lacustre / Prickly currant / Grossulariaceae
Rosa gymnocarpa / Baldhip rose / Rosaceae
Rosa nutkana / Nootka rose / Rosaceae
Rumex obtusifolius* / Broad-leaved dock / Polygonaceae
Salix scouleriana / Scouler willow / Salicaceae
Sanicula graveolens / Sierra sanicle / Apiaceae
Saxifraga sp. / Saxifrage / Saxifragaceae
Senecio integerrimus / Western groundsel / Asteraceae
Smilacina racemosa / False Solomon's seal / Liliaceae
Spiraea betulifolia / Birch-leafed spirea / Rosaceae
Stephanomeria tenuifolia / Bush wirelettuce / Asteraceae
Sullivantia oregana / Sullivantia / Saxifragaceae
Symphoricarpos albus / Common snowberry / Caprifoliaceae
Taraxacum laevigatum* / Red-seeded dandelion / Asteraceae
Taraxacum officinale* / Common dandelion / Asteraceae
Thalictrum occidentale / Western meadowrue / Ranunculaceae
Tragopogon dubius* / Oysterplant / Asteraceae
Trifolium hybridum* / Alsike clover / Fabaceae
Trifolium repens* / White clover / Fabaceae
Verbascum thapsus* / Common mullein / Scrophulariaceae
Veronica americana / American brooklime / Scrophulariaceae
Viola glabella / Stream violet / Violaceae
Viola purpurea / Goosefoot violet / Violaceae

WNPS Native Plant List

Driveway Butte, Okanogan County. 4/20/06

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